Revision 17 as of 2006-02-26 13:32:41

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Sunday announcements

The "Beyond Scripting" at 1:20PM has been cancelled, replaced by a 45-minute session of lightning talks.

Feedback forms are now available online. You can fill in the conference feedback form, identical to the one in your registration packet. You can also provide feedback on individual talks and on the tutorials. For links, go to, to the page titled "Kiosk".

The SciPy 2006 Conference is now being organized for late summer. Anyone with feedback about dates or format for the conference, please join the scipy-user discussion found at, or talk to Travis Vaught from Enthought.

<open space talks for today>

Today's keynote is something new and different. It will be in interview format, a discussion between Steve Holden and Bram Cohen, CEO and co-founder of BitTorrent. He is also the co-founder of CodeCon and the author of Codeville, a version control system.

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