Differences between revisions 3 and 10 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2009-09-15 04:14:05
Size: 4267
Editor: CarlTrachte
Comment: added Cavassin e-mail address
Revision 10 as of 2009-12-30 05:10:39
Size: 4785
Editor: CarlTrachte
Comment: added blog link
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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ISO 639-1 Code: pt
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translation) made by Marcelo Pereira Nunes
to his local Special Interest Group on Programming Languages (GRULING).
translation) made by <<MailTo(mpn NO SPAM AT acm DOT org, Marcelo Pereira Nunes)>> to his local Special Interest Group on Programing Languages (GRULING).
/* XXX check Nunes e-mail */

=== Blogs ===

  * [[http://www.programei.org/index.php/26/09/2009/bem-vindo-a-python/|intro blog - Bem Vindo a Python]]
  * [[http://www.programei.org/index.php/category/phython/|Dang's blog - how-to's, tutorials]]
  * [[http://luishenrique.org/blog/posts/python-api-migre-me|blog - migreme.py URL-shortener]]
  * [[http://programacaocompython.blogspot.com/2009/12/errar-e-humano.html|programacaocompython]] - code
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NewLanguagePage CategoryLanguage

Links to Python information in Portuguese

ISO 639-1 Code: pt


There are some groundrules, some laid down by the site admins, some my suggestions:

1) Pages must be named in ASCII and English (PolishLanguage)

2) Pages must have an explanation in English at the top (Links to Python information in <language X>)

3) (my suggestion) We probably want to limit invites to edit the pages to people we know well, or Pythonistas with a track record. Hopefully this is inclusive enough without opening the site up to a spam flood and vandalismfest.

Where these pages really need help:

1) check links, remove broken ones.

2) add new links that are quality Python information and active.

3) some care for languages that have next to nothing, but do have people in the Python community - even a link to the Wikipedia page for Python, in that language, is a start (Some are pretty complete and of high quality - the Russian language Wikipedia page for Python, for instance, packs a lot in).

Maior Portal Wiki Brasileiro de Python com ótimas referências. (Python Brasil is a wiki that provides various Python resources in Portuguese.)

Python-Brasil is a mailing list for Python users who speak Brazilian Portuguese. (This list replaces the old Python-BR list.)

Luciano Ramalho has made available his Aprenda a Programar (Learn to Program) primer, written especially for non-programmers.

There is a four-part tutorial and a few other resources in Brazilan Portuguese at this site.

Python na prática ("Python in Practice"), by Christian Reis, is an introduction to Python in Brazilian Portuguese. (Also in PDF and PostScript).

Introdução à Python - Módulo A is a Python tutorial written by José Labaki.

Translation of Python 2.1 tutorial into Brazilian Portuguese by RodrigoSenra.

O ABC do IDLE - a gentle introduction to IDLE (Danny Yoo's One Day of IDLE Toying, translated by Fernando Manaas Ferreira).

HOWTO Programando com Socket is Maxweel S. Carmo's translation of Gordon McMillan's Socket Programming HOWTO.

Interpretador/Compilador Python (PDF), by Eduardo Bastos and Juliano Freitas. Published in II Congresso Simulado de Compiladores (CONSICO)/UCPel.

Implementando Grafos em Python, translated into Brazillian Portuguese by Flávio Codeo Coelho.

Aprendendo a Programar is a partial translation of Alan Gauld's Learning to Program.

A Portuguese translation of the Instant Python, a 6-page minimal crash course by Magnus Lie Hetland. (Provided by Wanderlei Antonio Cavassin <cavassin NO SPAM AT conectiva DOT com DOT br>.)

A presentation based on the Python Reference Manual (but not a translation) made by Marcelo Pereira Nunes <mpn NO SPAM AT acm DOT org> to his local Special Interest Group on Programing Languages (GRULING).


http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python (Wikipedia)


PortugueseLanguage (last edited 2018-05-12 05:40:17 by berkerpeksag)

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