Differences between revisions 6 and 22 (spanning 16 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2008-10-15 21:09:27
Size: 125
Editor: 200
Comment: Thanks funny site <a href=" http://www.blackplanet.com/CaravoL/ ">adult website
Revision 22 as of 2008-10-16 10:53:04
Size: 17144
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Thanks funny site <a href=" http://www.blackplanet.com/CaravoL/ ">adult website like xtube</a> ldwl
#acl All:read
#format PYTHON

# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
""" path.py - An object representing a path to a file or directory.


from path import path
d = path('/home/guido/bin')
for f in d.files('*.py'):

This module requires Python 2.2 or later.

URL: http://www.jorendorff.com/articles/python/path
Author: Jason Orendorff <jason@jorendorff.com> (and others - see the url!)
Date: 7 Mar 2004

Adapted for stdlib by: Reinhold Birkenfeld, July 2005
Modified by Björn Lindqvist <bjourne@gmail.com>, January 2006

# - Better error message in listdir() when self isn't a
# directory. (On Windows, the error message really sucks.)
# - Make sure everything has a good docstring.
# - Add methods for regex find and replace.
# - Perhaps support arguments to touch().
# - Could add split() and join() methods that generate warnings.
# - Note: __add__() technically has a bug, I think, where
# it doesn't play nice with other types that implement
# __radd__(). Test this.

import fnmatch
import glob
import os
import shutil
import sys

__all__ = ['path']
__version__ = '2.0.4'

# Universal newline support
_textmode = 'r'
if hasattr(file, 'newlines'):
    _textmode = 'U'

# Use unicode strings if possible
_base = str
if os.path.supports_unicode_filenames:
    _base = unicode

class path(_base):
    """ Represents a filesystem path.

    For documentation on individual methods, consult their
    counterparts in os.path.

    # --- Special Python methods.
    def __new__(typ, *args):
        Creates a new path object concatenating the *args. *args
        may only contain Path objects or strings. If *args is
        empty, Path(os.curdir) is created.
        if not args:
            return typ(os.curdir)
        for arg in args:
            if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
                raise ValueError("%s() arguments must be Path, str or "
                                 "unicode" % typ.__name__)
        if len(args) == 1:
            return _base.__new__(typ, *args)
        return typ(os.path.join(*args))
    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, _base(self))

    # Adding a path and a string yields a path.
    def __add__(self, more):
        return self.__class__(_base(self) + more)

    def __radd__(self, other):
        return self.__class__(other + _base(self))

    def cwd(cls):
        """ Return the current working directory as a path object. """
        return path(os.getcwd())

    # --- Operations on path strings.

    def abspath(self):
        return self.__class__(os.path.abspath(self))
    def normcase(self):
        return self.__class__(os.path.normcase(self))
    def normpath(self):
        return self.__class__(os.path.normpath(self))
    def realpath(self):
        return self.__class__(os.path.realpath(self))
    def expanduser(self):
        return self.__class__(os.path.expanduser(self))
    def expandvars(self):
        return self.__class__(os.path.expandvars(self))
    def expand(self):
        """ Clean up a filename by calling expandvars(),
        expanduser(), and normpath() on it.

        This is commonly everything needed to clean up a filename
        read from a configuration file, for example.
        return self.expandvars().expanduser().normpath()

    def _get_namebase(self):
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(self.name)
        return base

    def _get_ext(self):
        f, ext = os.path.splitext(_base(self))
        return ext

    def _get_drive(self):
        drive, r = os.path.splitdrive(self)
        return self.__class__(drive)

    def _get_dirname(self):
        return self.__class__(os.path.dirname(self))
    parent = property(
        _get_dirname, None, None,
        """ This path's parent directory, as a new path object.

        For example, path('/usr/local/lib/libpython.so').parent == path('/usr/local/lib')

    name = property(
        os.path.basename, None, None,
        """ The name of this file or directory without the full path.

        For example, path('/usr/local/lib/libpython.so').name == 'libpython.so'

    namebase = property(
        _get_namebase, None, None,
        """ The same as path.name, but with one file extension stripped off.

        For example, path('/home/guido/python.tar.gz').name == 'python.tar.gz',
        but path('/home/guido/python.tar.gz').namebase == 'python.tar'

    ext = property(
        _get_ext, None, None,
        """ The file extension, for example '.py'. """)

    drive = property(
        _get_drive, None, None,
        """ The drive specifier, for example 'C:'.
        This is always empty on systems that don't use drive specifiers.

    def splitpath(self):
        """ p.splitpath() -> Return (p.parent, p.name). """
        parent, child = os.path.split(self)
        return self.__class__(parent), child

    def stripext(self):
        """ p.stripext() -> Remove one file extension from the path.

        For example, path('/home/guido/python.tar.gz').stripext()
        returns path('/home/guido/python.tar').
        return path(os.path.splitext(self)[0])

    if hasattr(os.path, 'splitunc'):
        def splitunc(self):
            unc, rest = os.path.splitunc(self)
            return self.__class__(unc), rest

        def _get_uncshare(self):
            unc, r = os.path.splitunc(self)
            return self.__class__(unc)

        uncshare = property(
            _get_uncshare, None, None,
            """ The UNC mount point for this path.
            This is empty for paths on local drives. """)

    def splitall(self):
        """ Return a list of the path components in this path.

        The first item in the list will be a path. Its value will be
        either os.curdir, os.pardir, empty, or the root directory of
        this path (for example, '/' or 'C:\\'). The other items in
        the list will be strings.

        path.path(*result) will yield the original path.
        parts = []
        loc = self
        while loc != os.curdir and loc != os.pardir:
            prev = loc
            loc, child = prev.splitpath()
            loc = self.__class__(loc)
            if loc == prev:
        return parts

    def relpath(self):
        """ Return this path as a relative path,
        based from the current working directory.
        return self.__class__.cwd().relpathto(self)

    def relpathto(self, dest):
        """ Return a relative path from self to dest.

        If there is no relative path from self to dest, for example if
        they reside on different drives in Windows, then this returns
        origin = self.abspath()
        dest = self.__class__(dest).abspath()

        orig_list = origin.normcase().splitall()
        # Don't normcase dest! We want to preserve the case.
        dest_list = dest.splitall()

        if orig_list[0] != os.path.normcase(dest_list[0]):
            # Can't get here from there.
            return dest

        # Find the location where the two paths start to differ.
        i = 0
        for start_seg, dest_seg in zip(orig_list, dest_list):
            if start_seg != os.path.normcase(dest_seg):
            i += 1

        # Now i is the point where the two paths diverge.
        # Need a certain number of "os.pardir"s to work up
        # from the origin to the point of divergence.
        segments = [os.pardir] * (len(orig_list) - i)
        # Need to add the diverging part of dest_list.
        segments += dest_list[i:]
        if len(segments) == 0:
            # If they happen to be identical, use os.curdir.
            return self.__class__(os.curdir)
            return self.__class__(os.path.join(*segments))

    # --- Listing, searching, walking, and matching

    def listdir(self, pattern=None):
        """ D.listdir() -> List of items in this directory.

        Use D.files() or D.dirs() instead if you want a listing
        of just files or just subdirectories.

        The elements of the list are path objects.

        With the optional 'pattern' argument, this only lists
        items whose names match the given pattern.
        names = os.listdir(self)
        if pattern is not None:
            names = fnmatch.filter(names, pattern)
        return [path(self, child) for child in names]

    def dirs(self, pattern=None):
        """ D.dirs() -> List of this directory's subdirectories.

        The elements of the list are path objects.
        This does not walk recursively into subdirectories
        (but see path.walkdirs).

        With the optional 'pattern' argument, this only lists
        directories whose names match the given pattern. For
        example, d.dirs('build-*').
        return [p for p in self.listdir(pattern) if p.isdir()]

    def files(self, pattern=None):
        """ D.files() -> List of the files in this directory.

        The elements of the list are path objects.
        This does not walk into subdirectories (see path.walkfiles).

        With the optional 'pattern' argument, this only lists files
        whose names match the given pattern. For example,
        return [p for p in self.listdir(pattern) if p.isfile()]

    def walk(self, pattern=None):
        """ D.walk() -> iterator over files and subdirs, recursively.

        The iterator yields path objects naming each child item of
        this directory and its descendants. This requires that

        This performs a depth-first traversal of the directory tree.
        Each directory is returned just before all its children.
        for child in self.listdir():
            if pattern is None or child.match(pattern):
                yield child
            if child.isdir():
                for item in child.walk(pattern):
                    yield item

    def walkdirs(self, pattern=None):
        """ D.walkdirs() -> iterator over subdirs, recursively.

        With the optional 'pattern' argument, this yields only
        directories whose names match the given pattern. For
        example, mydir.walkdirs('*test') yields only directories
        with names ending in 'test'.
        for child in self.dirs():
            if pattern is None or child.match(pattern):
                yield child
            for subsubdir in child.walkdirs(pattern):
                yield subsubdir

    def walkfiles(self, pattern=None):
        """ D.walkfiles() -> iterator over files in D, recursively.

        The optional argument, pattern, limits the results to files
        with names that match the pattern. For example,
        mydir.walkfiles('*.tmp') yields only files with the .tmp
        for child in self.listdir():
            if child.isfile():
                if pattern is None or child.match(pattern):
                    yield child
            elif child.isdir():
                for f in child.walkfiles(pattern):
                    yield f

    def match(self, pattern):
        """ Return True if self.name matches the given pattern.

        pattern - A filename pattern with wildcards,
            for example '*.py'.
        return fnmatch.fnmatch(self.name, pattern)

    def matchcase(self, pattern):
        """ Test whether the path matches pattern, returning true or
        false; the comparison is always case-sensitive.
        return fnmatch.fnmatchcase(self.name, pattern)

    def glob(self, pattern):
        """ Return a list of path objects that match the pattern.

        pattern - a path relative to this directory, with wildcards.

        For example, path('/users').glob('*/bin/*') returns a list
        of all the files users have in their bin directories.
        return map(path, glob.glob(_base(path(self, pattern))))

    # --- Methods for querying the filesystem.

    exists = os.path.exists
    isabs = os.path.isabs
    isdir = os.path.isdir
    isfile = os.path.isfile
    islink = os.path.islink
    ismount = os.path.ismount

    if hasattr(os.path, 'samefile'):
        samefile = os.path.samefile

    def atime(self):
        """Last access time of the file."""
        return os.path.getatime(self)

    def mtime(self):
        """Last-modified time of the file."""
        return os.path.getmtime(self)

    def ctime(self):
        Return the system's ctime which, on some systems (like Unix)
        is the time of the last change, and, on others (like Windows),
        is the creation time for path.

        The return value is a number giving the number of seconds
        since the epoch (see the time module). Raise os.error if the
        file does not exist or is inaccessible.
        return os.path.getctime(self)

    def size(self):
        """Size of the file, in bytes."""
        return os.path.getsize(self)

    if hasattr(os, 'access'):
        def access(self, mode):
            """ Return true if current user has access to this path.

            mode - One of the constants os.F_OK, os.R_OK, os.W_OK, os.X_OK
            return os.access(self, mode)

    def stat(self):
        """ Perform a stat() system call on this path. """
        return os.stat(self)

    def lstat(self):
        """ Like path.stat(), but do not follow symbolic links. """
        return os.lstat(self)

    if hasattr(os, 'statvfs'):
        def statvfs(self):
            """ Perform a statvfs() system call on this path. """
            return os.statvfs(self)

    if hasattr(os, 'pathconf'):
        def pathconf(self, name):
            return os.pathconf(self, name)

    # --- Modifying operations on files and directories

    def utime(self, times):
        """ Set the access and modified times of this file. """
        os.utime(self, times)

    def chmod(self, mode):
        os.chmod(self, mode)

    if hasattr(os, 'chown'):
        def chown(self, uid, gid):
            os.chown(self, uid, gid)

    def rename(self, new):
        os.rename(self, new)

    def renames(self, new):
        os.renames(self, new)

    # --- Create/delete operations on directories

    def mkdir(self, mode=0777):
        os.mkdir(self, mode)

    def makedirs(self, mode=0777):
        os.makedirs(self, mode)

    def rmdir(self):

    def removedirs(self):

    # --- Modifying operations on files

    def touch(self):
        """ Set the access/modified times of this file to the current time.
        Create the file if it does not exist.
        fd = os.open(self, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0666)
        os.utime(self, None)

    def remove(self):

    def unlink(self):

    # --- Links

    if hasattr(os, 'link'):
        def link(self, newpath):
            """ Create a hard link at 'newpath', pointing to this file. """
            os.link(self, newpath)

    if hasattr(os, 'symlink'):
        def symlink(self, newlink):
            """ Create a symbolic link at 'newlink', pointing here. """
            os.symlink(self, newlink)

    if hasattr(os, 'readlink'):
        def readlink(self):
            """ Return the path to which this symbolic link points.

            The result may be an absolute or a relative path.
            return self.__class__(os.readlink(self))

        def readlinkabs(self):
            """ Return the path to which this symbolic link points.

            The result is always an absolute path.
            p = self.readlink()
            if p.isabs():
                return p
                return self.__class__(self.parent, p).abspath()

    # --- High-level functions from shutil

    copyfile = shutil.copyfile
    copymode = shutil.copymode
    copystat = shutil.copystat
    copy = shutil.copy
    copy2 = shutil.copy2
    copytree = shutil.copytree
    if hasattr(shutil, 'move'):
        move = shutil.move
    rmtree = shutil.rmtree

    # --- Special stuff from os

    if hasattr(os, 'chroot'):
        def chroot(self):
   1 # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
   2 """ path.py - An object representing a path to a file or directory.
   4 Example:
   6 from path import path
   7 d = path('/home/guido/bin')
   8 for f in d.files('*.py'):
   9     f.chmod(0755)
  11 This module requires Python 2.2 or later.
  14 URL:     http://www.jorendorff.com/articles/python/path
  15 Author:  Jason Orendorff <jason@jorendorff.com> (and others - see the url!)
  16 Date:    7 Mar 2004
  18 Adapted for stdlib by: Reinhold Birkenfeld, July 2005
  19 Modified by Björn Lindqvist <bjourne@gmail.com>, January 2006
  20 """
  22 # TODO
  23 #   - Better error message in listdir() when self isn't a
  24 #     directory. (On Windows, the error message really sucks.)
  25 #   - Make sure everything has a good docstring.
  26 #   - Add methods for regex find and replace.
  27 #   - Perhaps support arguments to touch().
  28 #   - Could add split() and join() methods that generate warnings.
  29 #   - Note:  __add__() technically has a bug, I think, where
  30 #     it doesn't play nice with other types that implement
  31 #     __radd__().  Test this.
  33 import fnmatch
  34 import glob
  35 import os
  36 import shutil
  37 import sys
  39 __all__ = ['path']
  40 __version__ = '2.0.4'
  42 # Universal newline support
  43 _textmode = 'r'
  44 if hasattr(file, 'newlines'):
  45     _textmode = 'U'
  47 # Use unicode strings if possible
  48 _base = str
  49 if os.path.supports_unicode_filenames:
  50     _base = unicode
  53 class path(_base):
  54     """ Represents a filesystem path.
  56     For documentation on individual methods, consult their
  57     counterparts in os.path.
  58     """
  60     # --- Special Python methods.
  61     def __new__(typ, *args):
  62         """
  63         Creates a new path object concatenating the *args.  *args
  64         may only contain Path objects or strings.  If *args is
  65         empty, Path(os.curdir) is created.
  66         """
  67         if not args:
  68             return typ(os.curdir)
  69         for arg in args:
  70             if not isinstance(arg, basestring):
  71                 raise ValueError("%s() arguments must be Path, str or "
  72                                  "unicode" % typ.__name__)
  73         if len(args) == 1:
  74             return _base.__new__(typ, *args)
  75         return typ(os.path.join(*args))
  77     def __repr__(self):
  78         return '%s(%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, _base(self))
  80     # Adding a path and a string yields a path.
  81     def __add__(self, more):
  82         return self.__class__(_base(self) + more)
  84     def __radd__(self, other):
  85         return self.__class__(other + _base(self))
  87     @classmethod
  88     def cwd(cls):
  89         """ Return the current working directory as a path object. """
  90         return path(os.getcwd())
  92     # --- Operations on path strings.
  94     def abspath(self):
  95         return self.__class__(os.path.abspath(self))
  97     def normcase(self):
  98         return self.__class__(os.path.normcase(self))
 100     def normpath(self):
 101         return self.__class__(os.path.normpath(self))
 103     def realpath(self):
 104         return self.__class__(os.path.realpath(self))
 106     def expanduser(self):
 107         return self.__class__(os.path.expanduser(self))
 109     def expandvars(self):
 110         return self.__class__(os.path.expandvars(self))
 112     def expand(self):
 113         """ Clean up a filename by calling expandvars(),
 114         expanduser(), and normpath() on it.
 116         This is commonly everything needed to clean up a filename
 117         read from a configuration file, for example.
 118         """
 119         return self.expandvars().expanduser().normpath()
 121     def _get_namebase(self):
 122         base, ext = os.path.splitext(self.name)
 123         return base
 125     def _get_ext(self):
 126         f, ext = os.path.splitext(_base(self))
 127         return ext
 129     def _get_drive(self):
 130         drive, r = os.path.splitdrive(self)
 131         return self.__class__(drive)
 133     def _get_dirname(self):
 134         return self.__class__(os.path.dirname(self))
 136     parent = property(
 137         _get_dirname, None, None,
 138         """ This path's parent directory, as a new path object.
 140         For example, path('/usr/local/lib/libpython.so').parent == path('/usr/local/lib')
 141         """)
 143     name = property(
 144         os.path.basename, None, None,
 145         """ The name of this file or directory without the full path.
 147         For example, path('/usr/local/lib/libpython.so').name == 'libpython.so'
 148         """)
 150     namebase = property(
 151         _get_namebase, None, None,
 152         """ The same as path.name, but with one file extension stripped off.
 154         For example, path('/home/guido/python.tar.gz').name     == 'python.tar.gz',
 155         but          path('/home/guido/python.tar.gz').namebase == 'python.tar'
 156         """)
 158     ext = property(
 159         _get_ext, None, None,
 160         """ The file extension, for example '.py'. """)
 162     drive = property(
 163         _get_drive, None, None,
 164         """ The drive specifier, for example 'C:'.
 165         This is always empty on systems that don't use drive specifiers.
 166         """)
 168     def splitpath(self):
 169         """ p.splitpath() -> Return (p.parent, p.name). """
 170         parent, child = os.path.split(self)
 171         return self.__class__(parent), child
 173     def stripext(self):
 174         """ p.stripext() -> Remove one file extension from the path.
 176         For example, path('/home/guido/python.tar.gz').stripext()
 177         returns path('/home/guido/python.tar').
 178         """
 179         return path(os.path.splitext(self)[0])
 181     if hasattr(os.path, 'splitunc'):
 182         def splitunc(self):
 183             unc, rest = os.path.splitunc(self)
 184             return self.__class__(unc), rest
 186         def _get_uncshare(self):
 187             unc, r = os.path.splitunc(self)
 188             return self.__class__(unc)
 190         uncshare = property(
 191             _get_uncshare, None, None,
 192             """ The UNC mount point for this path.
 193             This is empty for paths on local drives. """)
 195     def splitall(self):
 196         """ Return a list of the path components in this path.
 198         The first item in the list will be a path.  Its value will be
 199         either os.curdir, os.pardir, empty, or the root directory of
 200         this path (for example, '/' or 'C:\\').  The other items in
 201         the list will be strings.
 203         path.path(*result) will yield the original path.
 204         """
 205         parts = []
 206         loc = self
 207         while loc != os.curdir and loc != os.pardir:
 208             prev = loc
 209             loc, child = prev.splitpath()
 210             loc = self.__class__(loc)
 211             if loc == prev:
 212                 break
 213             parts.append(child)
 214         parts.append(loc)
 215         parts.reverse()
 216         return parts
 218     def relpath(self):
 219         """ Return this path as a relative path,
 220         based from the current working directory.
 221         """
 222         return self.__class__.cwd().relpathto(self)
 224     def relpathto(self, dest):
 225         """ Return a relative path from self to dest.
 227         If there is no relative path from self to dest, for example if
 228         they reside on different drives in Windows, then this returns
 229         dest.abspath().
 230         """
 231         origin = self.abspath()
 232         dest = self.__class__(dest).abspath()
 234         orig_list = origin.normcase().splitall()
 235         # Don't normcase dest!  We want to preserve the case.
 236         dest_list = dest.splitall()
 238         if orig_list[0] != os.path.normcase(dest_list[0]):
 239             # Can't get here from there.
 240             return dest
 242         # Find the location where the two paths start to differ.
 243         i = 0
 244         for start_seg, dest_seg in zip(orig_list, dest_list):
 245             if start_seg != os.path.normcase(dest_seg):
 246                 break
 247             i += 1
 249         # Now i is the point where the two paths diverge.
 250         # Need a certain number of "os.pardir"s to work up
 251         # from the origin to the point of divergence.
 252         segments = [os.pardir] * (len(orig_list) - i)
 253         # Need to add the diverging part of dest_list.
 254         segments += dest_list[i:]
 255         if len(segments) == 0:
 256             # If they happen to be identical, use os.curdir.
 257             return self.__class__(os.curdir)
 258         else:
 259             return self.__class__(os.path.join(*segments))
 262     # --- Listing, searching, walking, and matching
 264     def listdir(self, pattern=None):
 265         """ D.listdir() -> List of items in this directory.
 267         Use D.files() or D.dirs() instead if you want a listing
 268         of just files or just subdirectories.
 270         The elements of the list are path objects.
 272         With the optional 'pattern' argument, this only lists
 273         items whose names match the given pattern.
 274         """
 275         names = os.listdir(self)
 276         if pattern is not None:
 277             names = fnmatch.filter(names, pattern)
 278         return [path(self, child) for child in names]
 280     def dirs(self, pattern=None):
 281         """ D.dirs() -> List of this directory's subdirectories.
 283         The elements of the list are path objects.
 284         This does not walk recursively into subdirectories
 285         (but see path.walkdirs).
 287         With the optional 'pattern' argument, this only lists
 288         directories whose names match the given pattern.  For
 289         example, d.dirs('build-*').
 290         """
 291         return [p for p in self.listdir(pattern) if p.isdir()]
 293     def files(self, pattern=None):
 294         """ D.files() -> List of the files in this directory.
 296         The elements of the list are path objects.
 297         This does not walk into subdirectories (see path.walkfiles).
 299         With the optional 'pattern' argument, this only lists files
 300         whose names match the given pattern.  For example,
 301         d.files('*.pyc').
 302         """
 304         return [p for p in self.listdir(pattern) if p.isfile()]
 306     def walk(self, pattern=None):
 307         """ D.walk() -> iterator over files and subdirs, recursively.
 309         The iterator yields path objects naming each child item of
 310         this directory and its descendants.  This requires that
 311         D.isdir().
 313         This performs a depth-first traversal of the directory tree.
 314         Each directory is returned just before all its children.
 315         """
 316         for child in self.listdir():
 317             if pattern is None or child.match(pattern):
 318                 yield child
 319             if child.isdir():
 320                 for item in child.walk(pattern):
 321                     yield item
 323     def walkdirs(self, pattern=None):
 324         """ D.walkdirs() -> iterator over subdirs, recursively.
 326         With the optional 'pattern' argument, this yields only
 327         directories whose names match the given pattern.  For
 328         example, mydir.walkdirs('*test') yields only directories
 329         with names ending in 'test'.
 330         """
 331         for child in self.dirs():
 332             if pattern is None or child.match(pattern):
 333                 yield child
 334             for subsubdir in child.walkdirs(pattern):
 335                 yield subsubdir
 337     def walkfiles(self, pattern=None):
 338         """ D.walkfiles() -> iterator over files in D, recursively.
 340         The optional argument, pattern, limits the results to files
 341         with names that match the pattern.  For example,
 342         mydir.walkfiles('*.tmp') yields only files with the .tmp
 343         extension.
 344         """
 345         for child in self.listdir():
 346             if child.isfile():
 347                 if pattern is None or child.match(pattern):
 348                     yield child
 349             elif child.isdir():
 350                 for f in child.walkfiles(pattern):
 351                     yield f
 353     def match(self, pattern):
 354         """ Return True if self.name matches the given pattern.
 356         pattern - A filename pattern with wildcards,
 357             for example '*.py'.
 358         """
 359         return fnmatch.fnmatch(self.name, pattern)
 361     def matchcase(self, pattern):
 362         """ Test whether the path matches pattern, returning true or
 363         false; the comparison is always case-sensitive.
 364         """
 365         return fnmatch.fnmatchcase(self.name, pattern)
 367     def glob(self, pattern):
 368         """ Return a list of path objects that match the pattern.
 370         pattern - a path relative to this directory, with wildcards.
 372         For example, path('/users').glob('*/bin/*') returns a list
 373         of all the files users have in their bin directories.
 374         """
 375         return map(path, glob.glob(_base(path(self, pattern))))
 377     # --- Methods for querying the filesystem.
 379     exists = os.path.exists
 380     isabs = os.path.isabs
 381     isdir = os.path.isdir
 382     isfile = os.path.isfile
 383     islink = os.path.islink
 384     ismount = os.path.ismount
 386     if hasattr(os.path, 'samefile'):
 387         samefile = os.path.samefile
 389     def atime(self):
 390         """Last access time of the file."""
 391         return os.path.getatime(self)
 393     def mtime(self):
 394         """Last-modified time of the file."""
 395         return os.path.getmtime(self)
 397     def ctime(self):
 398         """
 399         Return the system's ctime which, on some systems (like Unix)
 400         is the time of the last change, and, on others (like Windows),
 401         is the creation time for path.
 403         The return value is a number giving the number of seconds
 404         since the epoch (see the time module). Raise os.error if the
 405         file does not exist or is inaccessible.
 406         """
 407         return os.path.getctime(self)
 409     def size(self):
 410         """Size of the file, in bytes."""
 411         return os.path.getsize(self)
 413     if hasattr(os, 'access'):
 414         def access(self, mode):
 415             """ Return true if current user has access to this path.
 417             mode - One of the constants os.F_OK, os.R_OK, os.W_OK, os.X_OK
 418             """
 419             return os.access(self, mode)
 421     def stat(self):
 422         """ Perform a stat() system call on this path. """
 423         return os.stat(self)
 425     def lstat(self):
 426         """ Like path.stat(), but do not follow symbolic links. """
 427         return os.lstat(self)
 429     if hasattr(os, 'statvfs'):
 430         def statvfs(self):
 431             """ Perform a statvfs() system call on this path. """
 432             return os.statvfs(self)
 434     if hasattr(os, 'pathconf'):
 435         def pathconf(self, name):
 436             return os.pathconf(self, name)
 439     # --- Modifying operations on files and directories
 441     def utime(self, times):
 442         """ Set the access and modified times of this file. """
 443         os.utime(self, times)
 445     def chmod(self, mode):
 446         os.chmod(self, mode)
 448     if hasattr(os, 'chown'):
 449         def chown(self, uid, gid):
 450             os.chown(self, uid, gid)
 452     def rename(self, new):
 453         os.rename(self, new)
 455     def renames(self, new):
 456         os.renames(self, new)
 459     # --- Create/delete operations on directories
 461     def mkdir(self, mode=0777):
 462         os.mkdir(self, mode)
 464     def makedirs(self, mode=0777):
 465         os.makedirs(self, mode)
 467     def rmdir(self):
 468         os.rmdir(self)
 470     def removedirs(self):
 471         os.removedirs(self)
 474     # --- Modifying operations on files
 476     def touch(self):
 477         """ Set the access/modified times of this file to the current time.
 478         Create the file if it does not exist.
 479         """
 480         fd = os.open(self, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0666)
 481         os.close(fd)
 482         os.utime(self, None)
 484     def remove(self):
 485         os.remove(self)
 487     def unlink(self):
 488         os.unlink(self)
 491     # --- Links
 493     if hasattr(os, 'link'):
 494         def link(self, newpath):
 495             """ Create a hard link at 'newpath', pointing to this file. """
 496             os.link(self, newpath)
 498     if hasattr(os, 'symlink'):
 499         def symlink(self, newlink):
 500             """ Create a symbolic link at 'newlink', pointing here. """
 501             os.symlink(self, newlink)
 503     if hasattr(os, 'readlink'):
 504         def readlink(self):
 505             """ Return the path to which this symbolic link points.
 507             The result may be an absolute or a relative path.
 508             """
 509             return self.__class__(os.readlink(self))
 511         def readlinkabs(self):
 512             """ Return the path to which this symbolic link points.
 514             The result is always an absolute path.
 515             """
 516             p = self.readlink()
 517             if p.isabs():
 518                 return p
 519             else:
 520                 return self.__class__(self.parent, p).abspath()
 523     # --- High-level functions from shutil
 525     copyfile = shutil.copyfile
 526     copymode = shutil.copymode
 527     copystat = shutil.copystat
 528     copy = shutil.copy
 529     copy2 = shutil.copy2
 530     copytree = shutil.copytree
 531     if hasattr(shutil, 'move'):
 532         move = shutil.move
 533     rmtree = shutil.rmtree
 536     # --- Special stuff from os
 538     if hasattr(os, 'chroot'):
 539         def chroot(self):
 540             os.chroot(self)

PathModule (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:10 by localhost)

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