PSF Python Job Board

Team members

These are team members who review job postings and help giving usability feedback to the developers:

Current team members:

Co-chair: Jon Clements Co-chair: David Hitt Admin: Betsy Waliszewski

Past members:

Job Board Work Group Charter

Volunteering as Reviewer

If you'd like to help out as a reviewer, please read through this page to understand the review process, sign up to the jobs mailing list and introduce yourself. Please also disclose your affiliation with the introduction.

We can then follow through this process to get you signed up:

Reviewer Policy

The policy is very simple and straightforward:

Review Criteria

Reviewers should review job postings based on these criteria. Postings which do not meet these criteria should be **rejected**, explaining what to correct as comment (prior to rejecting it). The submitters will receive the comment by email and can resubmit the posting with the corrections applied,

Review Process

The jobs app provide a page which lists all jobs in the approval queue:

New jobs will automatically be listed on this page. Jobs can be approved, rejected, archived or removed. The processes to be used for each of these steps are described below.

If you make a mistake, e.g. hit the wrong button, you can fix this by going to the jobs table admin interface and manually adjust the status of the job posting again:

(if you need help with this, please ask on the jobs mailing list)

Approval Process

Before hitting the approval button, please review the posting by clicking on the Review button of the posting. This will open the job details page, which allows you to check the job description.

Further down on the page you will find review controls. There is a comment section and a section to approve/reject/edit the posting.

Posting not compliant

If you find that the job description does not comply to the review criteria listed above, please:

The system will post the comment to the submitter, so no additional email is necessary.

Once you've added the comment, use the browser "Back" button to return to the review page and then:

to have the posting rejected. The job submitter can then file a new updated posting.

The system will automatically send a rejection notice to the submitter, so no additional email is necessary.

Posting compliant

If a job posting complies to the above review criteria, please make sure that:

If any of the above is not correct, please click on the "Edit" button to edit the job posting and then resubmit it by hitting the "Submit for approval" button to have the system store the updated version.

You can then either go back to the review page (hit the browser back button twice) and reload the page (to be able to see the edited version) or go back to the review panel to reopen the posting.

If everything looks fine, please:

to have the posting approved and listed.

The system will automatically post a comment to the submitters, informing them of the approval, so no additional email is necessary.

Not sure whether compliant or not

If you are not sure whether a posting is compliant or not, you can either:

PSF Python Job Board/Reviewers (last edited 2020-11-04 16:07:49 by BetsyWaliszewski)