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WARNING: First draft, not all yet verified.

A "New Class" is the recommended way to create a class in modern Python.

A "Classic Class" or "old-style class" is a class as it existed in Python 2.1 and before. They have been retained for backwards compatibility. This page attempts to list the differences.

The syntax for the two types looks the same; "new-style", "old style", "classic", and variants are just descriptions that various people have used; Python hasn't yet settled on a specific official choice for the terminology.

The minor syntactic difference is that New Style Classes happen to inherit from object.

class Old1:

class Old2(Old1, UserDict): # Assuming UserDict is still old-style


class New1(object):
class New2(New1):
class New3(Old1, New2):
class New4(dict, Old1):  # dict is a newstyle class

* New Style classes can use descriptors (including slots), and Old Style classes cannot. Normally, this is just an advantage for New Classes, but it can affect lookup. An old-style class will always find an attribute on an instance before it looks in the hierarchy. (So you can hide a method.) A new-style class will let the class definition win if it is a writeable descriptor, so you may not be able to (effectively) store data on an instance. [ More information on slots and descriptors.]

* Magic names have changed a little. Old classes don't have an mro, new classes are generally don't have members or methods. New classes generally won't let you change the class's bases or name (though you can still call it whatever you want in your namespace) and are pickier about changing an object's class. See for a list of expected converting-an-old-class-to-a-new-class problems.

* When numeric operations (including "*", or "%") are applied to objects of different types, there is a fairly complex chain of logic to decide what should eventually happen. For old-style classes, there is often an attempt to Coerce the objects to the same type; for new style classes, there is no automatic call to coerce. (Really just an important example of the magic names change.)

* An Exception cannot be an Old-Style class. This is a wart that may change in the future; for the moment it is required because of some complex backward compatibility dances involving (deprecated) string exceptions and whether a raised object should be treated as a Class or as an Instance of a Class. Note that you can inherit from both Exception and object; you just can't raise the result.

>>> class NewException(Exception, object):

>>> raise NewException

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#22>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    raise NewException
TypeError: exceptions must be classes, instances, or strings (deprecated), not type

>>> raise NewException()

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#23>", line 1, in -toplevel-
    raise NewException()
TypeError: exceptions must be classes, instances, or strings (deprecated), not NewException

* MRO; [ Method Resolution Order] Old Style classes search each base class, including the bases of the bases, Left To Right. New Style classes search each base class only once.

>>> class Old: pass
>>> class O1(Old): pass
>>> class O2(Old): pass
>>> class OD(O1, O2): pass

>>> OD.__mro__
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#24>", line 1, in -toplevel-
AttributeError: class O has no attribute '__mro__'

OK, but write some methods to figure it out... and the effective MRO is

OD, O1, Old, O2, Old

So that Old is searched before its own derived class O2, then (uselessly) searched again at the end.

>>> class New(object): pass
>>> class N1(New): pass
>>> class N2(New): pass
>>> class ND(N1, N2): pass
>>> ND.__mro__
(<class '__main__.ND'>, <class '__main__.N1'>, <class '__main__.N2'>, <class '__main__.New'>, <type 'object'>)

So New (and it's own base, object) is only searched once -- after *all* of its own subclasses have already been searched.

Generally, the New MRO is better, but they aren't the same, and it can be painful to inherit from both types of class in the same derived class.

One time when the older method did work better was mixin classes -- if you assume that methods will always be completely overridden (not just extended), then the old conventions are simpler and cleaner. If you need to combine methods, the old conventions (to explicitly call Base.method(self, args)) required a fragile knowledge of the inheritance hierarchy.


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