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        str(ms) uni(ms) %       comment
        1699.32 2321.11 73.2    TOTAL 2.4.3
        1208.67 2322.07 52.1    TOTAL 2.5a2
         303.15  384.46  78.9    TOTAL trunk (revision 46448)

        length speedup
        ------ -------
         1       12.4%
         2       15.7%
         3       20.6%
         4       28.1%
         5       33.2%
         6       37.5%
         7       41.9%
         8       46.3%
         9       51.2%
        10       19.5%
        11       19.9%
        12       23.9%
        13       23.7%
        14       23.3%
        15       24.9%
        16       25.3%
        17       28.3%
        18       27.9%
        19       35.7%

Speedups at various lengths for decimal inputs, comparing 2.4.3 with current trunk:

  len  speedup
 ----  -------
   1     -4.5%
   2      4.6%
   3      8.3%
   4     12.7%
   5     16.9%
   6     28.6%
   7     35.5%
   8     44.3%
   9     46.6%
  10     55.3%
  11     65.7%
  12     77.7%
  13     73.4%
  14     75.3%
  15     85.2%
  16    103.0%
  17     95.1%
  18    112.8%
  19    117.9%
  20    128.3%
  30    174.5%
  40    209.3%
  50    236.3%
  60    254.3%
  70    262.9%
  80    295.8%
  90    297.3%
 100    324.5%
 200    374.6%
 300    403.1%
 400    391.1%
 500    388.7%
 600    440.6%
 700    468.7%
 800    498.0%
 900    507.2%
1000    501.2%
2000    450.2%
3000    463.2%
4000    452.5%
5000    440.6%
6000    439.6%
7000    424.8%
8000    418.1%
9000    417.7%

   Time for 1000 interpreter startups
   Python 2.4 trunk  16.470 secs
   Python 2.5.2a2    17.328 secs
   Python 2.5 trunk  15.873 secs

    Operation             CPython 2.4.3    Psyco 1.5.1   Psyco-NFS
    ------------------    -------------    -----------   -----------
    sum(range(100))       9.856            8.709         0.016
    min(1, max(2, 3))     1.131            0.504         0.017
    pow(3, 2, 2)          0.602            0.140         0.016

    Operation             CPython 2.4.3    Psyco 1.5.1   Psyco-NFS
    ------------------    -------------    -----------   -----------
    int(round(5.375))     0.975            0.461         0.015

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