Revision 8 as of 2009-07-31 16:31:47

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This page should cover pros and cons of current stdlib logging package.


* Almost every feature you could want from logging package is there


* Docs are not complete

* Config files are a little bit hard to comprehend

* API uses camelCase (goes against PEP8 recommendation and most of the stdlib)

* Rather slow considering the large number of function calls performed internally to check which handler to use

* Doesn't have runtime scoping (i.e., log messages handled based on the call stack)

* Difficult to extend log records

* Difficult to add general context to log messages (e.g., add the request URL to all logging messages during the request)

* By default it does nothing; basicConfig makes it do something but makes it hard to tweak logging.

* filters are an abstract class instead of callables

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