Links to Python information in Lao
ISO 639-1 Code: lo
Phrases taken from laoconnection
Getting Lao words for identifiers (variables) and text:
1 >>> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 >>> # python 3.0/3.1
3 >>> # having some problems with combination characters rendering correctly
4 >>> # Courier 10 point font at size 14 in idle seems to work best
5 >>>
6 >>> # get 'my name is' phrase from Unicode
7 >>> '\u0E8A\u0EB7\u0EC8\u0E82\u0EAD\u0EC9\u0EA2\u0EC1\u0EA1\u0EC8\u0E99'
8 'ຊື່ຂອ້ຢແມ່ນ'
9 >>> # get 'I am from' phrase from Unicode
10 >>> '\u0E82\u0EC9\u0EAD\u0EA2\u0EA1\u0EB2\u0E88\u0EB2\u0E81'
11 'ຂ້ອຢມາຈາກ'
12 >>> # get 'Laos' from Unicode
13 >>> '\u0EA5\u0EB2\u0EA7'
14 'ລາວ'
15 >>> # get 'Canada' from Unicode
16 >>> '\u0E84\u0EB2\u0E99\u0EB2\u0E94\u0EB2'
17 'ຄານາດາ'
18 >>> # get 'America' from Unicode
19 >>> '\u0EAD\u0EB2\u0EC0\u0EA1\u0EA3\u0EB4\u0E81\u0EB2'
20 'ອາເມຣິກາ'
21 >>> # get 'France' from Unicode
22 >>> '\u0E9D\u0EA3\u0EC9\u0EC8\u0E87'
23 'ຝຣ້່ງ'
Using UTF-8 encoded identifiers:
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 # python 3.0/3.1
4 # using Lao name Dao (ດາວ) from Wikipedia = star
5 # using ຊ່ືອ (name) from Wikipedia as my variable
6 ຊ່ືອ = ['ດາວ', 'Bob', 'Mary', 'Monique']
8 countries = ['ລາວ', 'ຄານາດາ', 'ອາເມຣິກາ', 'ຝຣ້່ງ']
10 for ຊ່ືອx, countryx in zip(ຊ່ືອ, countries):
11 print('\nຊື່ຂອ້ຢແມ່ນ ' + ຊ່ືອx)
12 print('ຂ້ອຢມາຈາກ ' + countryx + '\n')