Revision 43 as of 2006-06-24 08:10:59

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2.3 (Date(2006-06-24T15:00:00Z))

BSD revised
any platform that supports Python 2.3
Python versions
2.3 and above

Deployment Platforms

No requirement besides Python : Karrigell is provided with a web server and a Python database engine (buzhug). It can also run behind Apache, LighTPD and Xitami


Web programming

Demos included in the distribution include a Wiki server, Kwiki (a sort of Wiki, but with the wysiwyg editor FCKEditor), a forum, a calendar, an interface for script internationalization, and a portal with user login/logout, personalization and news editing

Development Interfaces

Servlet-style : the scripts, either pure Python or mixing HTML and Python, are executed in a namespace which provides all useful information, including HTTP headers, authentication data, etc. For instance, form fields are available as the QUERY dictionary, or with a variable with a leading underscore (the field myField is available as _myField, either a string or a list depending on the field type)

The namespace also provides custom exceptions to stop its execution, such as HTTP_REDIRECTION (see the on-line documentation)

A function Include(script_or_file, **args) allows the inclusion of an html file or of a file inside a script. If script B is included inside script A, it is executed in script A's namespace ; additional **args can be added to this namespace

Environment Access

Standard Python mechanisms : environment data is available in the namespace where scripts are executed

Session, Identification and Authentication

Provided through functions available in scripts

Session() returns a session object, to which attributes can be set (arbitrary Python objects : user login, database connexion and cursor, etc.)

Basic HTTP authentication is available with Authentication(testFunction[,realm,errorMessage]) where testFunction is a user-defined function taking no argument, which returns true if the authentication test succeeds (depending on the values of AUTH_USER and AUTH_PASSWORD) and false otherwise

Persistence Support

Karrigell is provided with the pure-Python buzhug database engine

It can be linked to all databases for which there is a Python API (mySql, PostGres, etc)

Presentation Support


Karrigell aims at simplicity for web developers :

The inspirations were EasyPHP, a package which provides Apache, PHP, mySql and PHPmyAdmin all in one, and saves the pain of installing each of them and make them all work together ; the wittily named Poor Man's Zope (PMZ) which showed how easy it was to make Python servlets (unfortunately unmaintained) ; and the pleasure I have programming things in Python

Performance and stability have been very much improved since the first versions. Karrigell can now be safely used in production environments



[ Python-hosting ] supports Karrigell

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