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'''Lecture 1: Why is python so cool???'''[[BR]]
In this lecture I will convince you that python will eventually take over the world :). Actually we will discuss how the class will be conducted and how much fun we are going to have. This will be the last lecture I write.

'''Lecture 2: How to download python'''[[BR]]
I will show you where you download python. If you found this page, chances are that you already know how. I will also talk about different resources to help you program python.

'''Lecture 3: Your first python program'''(10min)[[BR]]
Like all programming books, we kick off with a quick and simple non-hello world application. [[BR]]
You will learn: ''importing Tkinter library, create a simple list, create a window, create a listbox, fill a listbox''

''That's incredible! I don't have any video equipment at home, but I should have some within 2 years.'' -- LionKimbro [[DateTime(2005-04-15T20:16:00Z)]]
  • The purpose of this project is to provide an user interactive environment for anyone interested in learning python. So far most of the tutorials are in text format. However, when I was learning python, I always wished somebody had taught an online video course. Thanks to ourmedia.org for storing my videos it is now possible to provide this service.
  • So far, I only have 5 lectures posted. More will come as soon as I finish my final exames. The first and second lecture is not recorded yet. They are about the history of python as well as where you can download them. The beginner's series will be about 50 lectures covering the most basic programming ideas. (loops, if/else, functions, files) as well as some fun Tkinter widget manipulation.

    I am currently looking for volunteers that are willing to teach more advance python lectures. The more advance topics will inclue swig, jython, XML manipulation, etc. If you are interested in volunteering, you can reach me at my ourmedia.org site. http://ourmedia.org/user/4887

Lecture 1: Why is python so cool???BR In this lecture I will convince you that python will eventually take over the world :). Actually we will discuss how the class will be conducted and how much fun we are going to have. This will be the last lecture I write.

Lecture 2: How to download pythonBR I will show you where you download python. If you found this page, chances are that you already know how. I will also talk about different resources to help you program python.

Lecture 3: Your first python program(10min)BR http://ourmedia.org/node/2128[[BR]] Like all programming books, we kick off with a quick and simple non-hello world application. BR You will learn: importing Tkinter library, create a simple list, create a window, create a listbox, fill a listbox

That's incredible! I don't have any video equipment at home, but I should have some within 2 years. -- LionKimbro DateTime(2005-04-15T20:16:00Z)

Intro to programming with Python and Tkinter (last edited 2014-04-14 04:42:58 by DaleAthanasias)

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