Differences between revisions 117 and 122 (spanning 5 versions)
Revision 117 as of 2011-01-17 11:53:54
Size: 14237
Editor: 109-224-139-46
Comment: Fixed the links to go to iamar.net instead of iamaracademy.com
Revision 122 as of 2014-04-14 04:08:54
Size: 14811
Comment: https://web.archive.org/web/20130724053700/http://iamar.net/subpages/pythonLect4.html
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Hi Chieh,
The website http://iamar.net/ only shows

 The website you were trying to reach is temporarily unavailable.
 Please check back soon.

 If you are the owner of this website, please contact Technical Support as soon as possible.

Anyone have a copy any of the videos and code?

hello ....

  • The purpose of this project is to provide user an interactive environment for anyone interested in learning python. So far most of the tutorials are in text format. However, when I was learning python, I always wished somebody had taught an online video course. Thanks to ourmedia.org for storing my videos it is now possible to provide this service.
    • This effort is also a part of a much larger effort I am starting, The opensource University effort. Actually, I am building a free 3D University where everybody can get together learn take free classes. If you have played 3d world computer games, you would know what type of 3d world i'm talking about. Its kinda like that except its a school. You would run around and click on teachers instead of monster. And a video would pop out, and "hopefully" teach you something useful.
  • The Education Philosophy
    • The problem with education is the lack of effort to make the contents inspiring and fun. For thousands of years, the education system has maintained an image that people can only learn new information through arduous work. When in reality this is not true. We all know that there are people that can recite the name of every star football and basketball player. There are people that memorized the energy damage of every sword in their computer and video game. And these knowledge were not obtained through painful work but for fun. There are probably less names to remember for all the presidents of United State than all the major star sports players. Yet people are able to achieve amazing learning never even considered it painful. That is possible for a very simple fact. People will learn what they "want" to learn. Learning itself only becomes painful when it is forced upon a person. Our education system pays very little attention to the psychology of the audience. In this respect, they have much to learn from the entertainment industry. Of course, the entertainment industry makes its money by inspiring people to get engaged, and they have done an amazing job. The point here is that if the entertainment industry has engaged the population to learn an enormous amount of useless information, so can the education system engage the learners to learn useful information. By combining entertainment philosophies, education can turn arduous work into fun exercises. This is possible. The Iamar Experiment is but only the beginning of this philosophy.

  • Due to the construction of the school, I have been rather late in replying, I have also changed my email address to iamar.chieh@gmail.com

Chieh Wu

  • A lot of people have been asking for the first 2 lectures, well, I never recorded them. The first lecture was suppose to explain how python is and its general information, and the second lecture is for the installation of python. I never had the chance to record them, and most people learning seems to already know how to install them.

Intro to programming with Python in Tkinter
Have you ever wanted to know how your application is programmed on the computer. This lecture will show you how easy it is to program.

Aimed at beginner programmers or people that has no programming experience. For you to watch this class, you must have python installed from python.org . Lecture 2 will show you how to install and run python. This lecture assumes that you already have python.

The python course series is designed to be short, fun, and concise. They are 10 minutes each with fun examples and easy instruction. If you want to learn programming this is the way to go.

Lecture 1: Why is python so cool???
In this lecture I will convince you that python will eventually take over the world :). Actually we will discuss how the class will be conducted and how much fun we are going to have. This will be the last lecture I write.

Lecture 2: How to download python
I will show you where you download python. If you found this page, chances are that you already know how. I will also talk about different resources to help you program python.

Lecture 3: Your first python program(10min)
Like all programming books, we kick off with a quick and simple non-hello world application.
You will learn: importing Tkinter library, create a simple list, create a window, create a listbox, fill a listbox, parents of widgets
Example Code lecture3 example 1, lecture3 example 2

Lecture 4: Button are meant to be pushed(10min)
When you press a button, your program will say "hi"
You will learn: create a button, create a label, link up a button with specific functions, the concept of functions, indentation of functions, changing the foreground and background of widgets
Example Code lecture4 example 1, lecture4 example 2, lecture4 example 3, lecture4 example 5

Lecture 5: Stealing is good in programming(10min)
We will program something using other people's code :)
Your will learn:How to program large programs, how to borrow other people's code(modules), basic concepts to functions
Example Code lecture5 stacy.py 1, lecture5 chieh.py

Lecture 6: How to create anything in Tkinter(10min)
The needed text is at http://ourmedia.org/node/6635
We will learn how to create everything in the Tkinter library, windows, buttons, listbox, entrybox, menus, etc.
You will learn:How to create any Tkinter widget, how to make stand alone modules.
Example Code lecture6_chieh.py lecture6_stacy.py

Lecture 7: Now let's make them do something (10min)
Now that we have learned how to create widgets, we need to tell them to do something. In this lecture we will mainly focus on Entry boxes. We will create an entry box, a button, and a listbox. When we press the button the program will take the name in the entry and put them into the list.

You will learn: insert text into a listbox, get text from Entry box, changing the size of the window, controlling where the window pop up, delete what's inside the entry box, controlling the padding between widgets
Example Code lecture7_homework.py lecture7_text.py

Lecture 8: Let's make some decisions (7min)
http://iamar.net/subpages/pythonLect8.html<<BR>>https://archive.org/details/ChiehWuIntrotoprogramminginPythonandTkinterlecture8<<BR>> Learn how to use the if statements. Having a program that makes decisions for us will make our life much easier and our programs more powerful. In this program you will decide which girl we should go out with on a friday night and which car we should buy. :)
You will learn: How to use if statements, examples are provided
Example Code lecture8_ifexample.py

Lecture 9: Let's create a password system(11min)
Learn how we can use the if statement to create a password system.
You will learn: how to focus on a widget, delete and insert text in an entry box, more examples of if else statement
Example Code lecture9_password.py

Lecture 10: Photo display Part A(15min)
Learn how to create a photo display. The concentration of this lecture is about variables. Talk about the basic types of variables such as integer, float, string, and Booleans. Talk about local and global variables.
You will learn: The 4 basic different types of variables.(integer, float, string, boolean), learn the concept of global and local variables. How do you find out what type a variable is, when do you use single or double quotes for strings
Example Code lecture10_pictures.py

Lecture 11: Photo display Part B(9min)
Actually creating the image viewer. We are going to create what I promised last lecture.
You will learn: How to use canvas widget to include a gif image, how to delete an image. A real example of the need for global variables.

Lecture 12: Photo display Part C(9min)
Improving the image viewer we had from the last class. This lecture will start talking about the os library. The 4 types of OS that most people have.
You will learn: The 4 types of OS most people use (windows, unix, apple, linux) , How do you find out your OS, How do you list all the files in a specific directory.

Lecture 13: Photo display Part d(9min)
We start learning about the string library. With these many libraries, you will also learn how to find all the tools inside the library using the IDLE interpreter. In this lecture, I am showing you how to fish.

Lecture 14: Photo display Part e(9min)
You will learn: We learn about for loops and the concept of range function in this lecture

Lecture 15: Photo display Part f(9min)
We finish up the project by learning about how to position the widgets inside the window and well as how we can create callback functions
You will learn: pack functions, position functions, grid functions, and callback functions

Lecture 16: Photo display Part g(9min)
We are now finally getting into more advanced topics such as reading text files. You can find the source code for this lecture at http://ourmedia.org/node/29741

Lecture 17: File reading and writing(9min)
Here we are going to have a little practice with reading and writing files source code for this lecture at http://www.ourmedia.org/node/32502

3D Python Computer graphics http://vpython.erikthompson.com/

Chieh's Blog and suggestion

That's incredible! I don't have any video equipment at home, but I should have some within 2 years. -- LionKimbro 2005-04-15 20:16:00

Instead of making wiki pages named lecture3 example 1 and what not, which is begging for a name clash, how about instead posting the files as attachments?

You can type attachment:foo.txt, and that becomes a text file attachment.

An example: lecture3example1.txt

:) -- LionKimbro 2005-04-27 19:29:44

really good!

Thanks for putting this information on the web. I wish that there were more poeple doing this type of thing.

:) Robert C

Thank you very, very much. Your tutorial is OUTSTANDING! Thank you for the keeping things very simple. Keith Sweat

I'm just wondering how much time did it take to make these videos. Anyway I like it. And I like your other stuff at ourmedia too.

Levente Zsíros

Good question: Here are the stats

  • each video takes about 10 hours of "actual" work, (not counting me day dreaming and thinking about some girl)

writing script (3 hours) try to make it coherent ( 1 hour) try to make it fun ( 2 hours) reherse script (1 hour) recording video ( 1 hour) recording audio ( 1 hour) sync up video and audio (30 min) re - edit video (30 min)

watch video

  • if i didn't like the video repeat above lecture 4 and 5 repeated 3 times lecture 8 repeated 2 times
  • yes, imagine i actually enjoy doing this : )

Question: Chieh would you have a website or email address that people can contact you on? I have a talented friend on dreamweaver8 who really enjoys learning python and watching your videos. If you are interested he may be able to put togehter a website for you on a domain, and upload all your videos to the website.

  • Reply: Thank you so much for the offer :) I think that is a great idea. The currently effort I am working on (the next series of lectures) will try to merge with it when it is done. One thing to note is that uploading videos are heavy on bandwidth, I hope your friend has enough bandwidth for it.

:) Martin

This tutorials are amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing you knowledge and making this tutorials so easy, even for a newbie at programming like myself. It shows all the hard work put in each of the lectures, it shows so much that i'm getting addicted :). I'm watching one lecture after the other(on lecture 8 right now) and I've been able to make all the exercises and homework. I've seen lots of video tutorials and this are by far the best. Thanks again, Martin.

Hmm. I can only watch the Flash format, and there it is too small to really follow anything... -- ImperfectlyInformed.

  • REPLY: it goes to full screen for me, i use linux and windows, i'm not sure about other operating systems. You can also check out iamar.net , it has the same video posted on other sites which might work better for you.

Hi Chieh,

  • These video's are great thanks for you time and effort. Zaheer

Hi Chieh,

Your videos are just E X C E L E N T !. Thank you very much for them. I'm new to programing, and I can tell you that this is the greatest way to learn and enjoy!!!!! Santi

Hi Chieh,

Can you fix "lecture10_pictures.py?" It is messed up. Thxks.

--- Hi Chieh, The website http://iamar.net/ only shows

  • The website you were trying to reach is temporarily unavailable. Please check back soon. If you are the owner of this website, please contact Technical Support as soon as possible.

Anyone have a copy any of the videos and code?

Intro to programming with Python and Tkinter (last edited 2014-04-14 04:42:58 by DaleAthanasias)

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