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Revision 5 as of 2006-12-08 11:13:56
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Looking for examples of accessing Tomcat applications from Python. Describe How to.../AccessTomcatFromPython here.
How to store the variables, "HSstatsValue[i]" below?? The syntax is wrong, what is the actual syntax to store the variable or value???
            for i in range(countTill):
                #print "cntTrack=", cntTrack
                s1 = re.compile(r"\d+").findall(lines[cntTrack+i+1])
                #print "s1=", s1
                #print "lines[cntTrack+i+1]=", cntTrack+i+1
                #print stats[i],
                if len(s1) == 1:
                    #print s1[0]+ '\n'
                    #print "HSstatsValue[i]=", HSstatsValue[i]
                elif len(s1) > 1:
                    for x in range(len(s1)):
                        zum = zum + int(s1[x])
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I will be looking myself, and will post what I learn here, but so far Tomcat applications that require authentication are giving my python applications a 401 no matter what I try.

'''The Following Does Not Work'''

import urllib2, base64

myUrl = 'http://localhost:8080/manager/html'
username = 'root'
password = 'r00t4me'

req = urllib2.Request(myUrl)

base64string = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (username, password))[:-1]
authheader = "Basic %s" % base64string
req.add_header("Authorization", authheader)

    f = urllib2.urlopen( myUrl )
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
    if e.code == 401:
        print 'not authorized'
    elif e.code == 404:
        print 'not found'
    elif e.code == 503:
        print 'service unavailable'
        print 'unknown error: '
    print 'success'
    for line in f:
        print line,

This yields a 401 'not authorized' when it should not, i.e. the username and password are correct. This is to connect to the page for the Tomcat manager application as a test, not to do any real work.
                    #print zum
                zum = 0

Describe How to.../AccessTomcatFromPython here. How to store the variables, "HSstatsValue[i]" below?? The syntax is wrong, what is the actual syntax to store the variable or value???

  • for i in range(countTill):
    • #print "cntTrack=", cntTrack s1 = re.compile(r"\d+").findall(lines[cntTrack+i+1]) #print "s1=", s1 #print "lines[cntTrack+i+1]=", cntTrack+i+1 #oPutFile.write(stats[i]) #print stats[i], #oPutFile.write('\t') if len(s1) == 1:
      • #print s1[0]+ '\n' HSstatsValue[i]=s1[0] #print "HSstatsValue[i]=", HSstatsValue[i] oPutFile.write(s1[0]) oPutFile.write('\t')

      elif len(s1) > 1:

      • for x in range(len(s1)):
        • zum = zum + int(s1[x]) HSstatsValue[i]=s1[0]
        oPutFile.write(str(zum)) #print zum #oPutFile.write('\t') oPutFile.write('\t')
      zum = 0

How to.../AccessTomcatFromPython (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:38 by localhost)

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