Differences between revisions 5 and 19 (spanning 14 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2004-10-22 16:46:54
Size: 3661
Editor: IanBicking
Comment: noted ZCML
Revision 19 as of 2004-11-30 17:36:43
Size: 11941
Editor: VinaySajip
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 8: Line 8:
 1. Allow inclusion of sub-configurations held in external files, at any point in the hierarchy
 1. Allow the defining of sequences of items as well as items accessed by key
 1. Allow late-bound references to any point in the hierarchy
 1. Allow '''simple''' expression evaluation.
 1. Allow inclusion of sub-configurations held in external files, at any point in the hierarchy.
 1. Allow the defining of sequences of items as well as items accessed by key.
 1. Allow attribute style access (cfg.item) as well as dict-style access (cfg['item']).

 1. Allow late-bound references to any point in the hierarchy.
 1. Allow '''simple''' expression evaluation, but not unrestrained eval()-type functionality.
Line 57: Line 58:
The $-notation resolves entries when they are required. The use of specific characters such as '@' and '$' is preliminary and can be easily changed. You can lay out the file with as much whitespace as you like - indent according to taste.

I'm currently working on a module to parse this format, though I've nothing which is yet in a fit state to show :-(
The $-notation resolves entries when they are required. You can think of it like substitution, which is why the $ character was selected. The use of specific characters such as '@' and '$' is, however, preliminary and can be easily changed if feedback warrants it. You can lay out the file with as much whitespace as you like - indent according to taste.

An implementation module using this format has been released: see the [http://www.red-dove.com/python_config.html tutorial] and [http://www.red-dove.com/config/index.html full API documentation]. The tutorial covers changing and saving configurations, cascading and merging configurations, and integration with optparse for access to command-line options in the configuration.

You can download the latest implementation from [http://www.python.org/pypi?:action=display&name=config PyPI] or via the download link on the tutorial page.
Line 64: Line 67:
I (PeterOtten) have tried to translate the above sample configuration into a much simpler format that was recently suggested by SkipMontanaro.

I think that calculations like building an email address should not be performed in a configfile but are rather the task of the application that uses it. The example has therefore significantly been dumbed down.


# -*- coding: ascii -*-
# allows the usual comment style
        subject=Take cover


I (VinaySajip) like this syntax, except for:
 * I don't see why we need to (in the above example, under loggers/root) say "handler=XXX" three times, rather than using a notation like "handlers = [console, file, email]".
 * It may be restrictive to only allow identifiers as keys.
 * It's a bit more limiting/verbose, if you only have one or two keys for an entry, to use the indentation approach,as opposed to e.g. { host: localhost, port: 80 } on a single line.

As far as use of expressions in the config file, I am ambivalent, and curious to hear more opinions; sometimes a declarative approach is good. But more than the syntax, I'm interested in what people think about the semantics: for example, allowing cross-references between config elements (perhaps across multiple files), and the ability to perform restricted "special" evaluation of some elements (e.g. `sys.stderr`)

I (StephenHansen) have been evaluating this module and went so far as to plug it into our system to see how it works, and I like it a great deal.

In particular, I prefer the "python like list" format for specifying multiple values to using the same name multiple times, or having something like 'handler0=...' 'handler1=...'. It actually makes the config file less readable by users, I think.

The references are very useful as well, allowing a seperate 'database.cfg' to be imported and easy that looks like...

Server: ourServer
Database: Devel
Username: Joe
Password: ''

In a very "user-friendly" format, which is then turned into a proper DSN in our main config file..


       'Driver={SQL Server};Server=' + $DB.Server + 'Database=' + $DB.Database,
       {'server': $DB.server, 'database': $DB.database' }

... etc. Especially in our case where we actually check to see if the "primary config file" is digitally signed, references and such are great. We get one unified config object in the application code and organize our configuration in whatever user-friendly way we need.
Line 66: Line 156:

 Is there a better link for ZCML than the one above? There appears to be nothing in the form of overview documentation on the Zope site, including dev.zope.org - I did site searches for "ZCML" and "configuration" and nothing came up which looked immediately useful. I don't have a particular problem with ZCML, other than the fact that by dint of being XML, it is fairly verbose; and I would guess (please correct me if I'm wrong) that it is Zope-centric rather than general-purpose. -- VinaySajip
Maybe I'm confusing ZCML and [http://www.zope.org/Members/fdrake/zconfig/ ZConfig]; there's a ZConfig presentation at http://zope.org/Members/mcdonc/Presentations/ZConfigPaper -- ZCML is much more XML-based, where ZConfig is like an Apache file. ZCML is used for a lot of configuration inside Zope 3, which has a very different idea of what configuration is. (Intended for "system integrators" as opposed to "system administrators".) I believe both were intended to be usable outside of Zope, but haven't been packaged as such (yet).

Another way to deal with nested configurations would be to parse the names. I think one package I've seen does this. So sections are just a sort of "with" statement. I.e.:

loggers.input = nt_eventlog
input.nt_eventlog.filename = /some/path

Well, not a very good example. Anyway, this creates the keys "loggers.input" and "loggers.input.nt_eventlog". This works for keys that are nicely named; it might be harder for a virtual host, which I'd be apt to do like:

[vhost my.vhost.domain]
document_root = /some/path

Or something like that. Anyway, you want to create something like vhost['my.vhost.domain'].document_root, not vhost.my.vhost.domain.document_root. Maybe it could be like:

vhost[my.vhost.domain].document_root = /some/path
# or....
document_root = /some/path

Anyway, there's still some other possibilities when using the ini syntax.

 I agree, but the approach is still more verbose than it need be. Java properties work like this; although they don't have sections, they give each property a hierarchical dotted name, and that can be used to create a hierarchy. For example:

user.firstName.description=first name
user.lastName.description=last name
user.emailAddress.description=email address
group.description=respondent group

 You could use the above to indicate that a user entity is described by a class called User, and that a user instance has firstName, lastName and emailAddress properties ... and so on. It's workable, but hardly optimal.

Using my scheme, you could express the virtual hosts either like this:

virtual_hosts :
  host1 : { domain: 'host1.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host1.my-company.com/docs' }
  'host two' : { domain: 'host2.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host2.my-company.com/docs' }

or like this:

virtual_hosts :
  { domain: 'host1.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host1.my-company.com/docs' }
  { domain: 'host2.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host2.my-company.com/docs' }

The first form would be more useful for being able to refer to individual hosts by name (using $virtual_hosts.host1 or $virtual_hosts['host two']. You can also have your cake and eat it, by specifying both forms and having one refer to the other:

virtual_host_definitions :
  host1 : { domain: 'host1.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host1.my-company.com/docs' }
  'host two' : { domain: 'host2.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host2.my-company.com/docs' }

virtual_hosts :
  $virtual_host_definitions['host two']

You might use the dict to access a specific host, and the sequence for iterating over the hosts in a pre-determined order. -- VinaySajip

Many programs are built these days by assembling components together, and Python programs are no exception. In general, the designer may choose to expose multiple configuration points, and will benefit if there is one standard way of doing so. From the perspective which views programs as hierarchical constructions of configurable components, it would seem to follow logically that configuration of the components should also be hierarchical in nature. The two-level (section, key) model as exemplified by the present ConfigParser does not offer sufficient power. If it did, why does Windows need a registry? ;-)

I've been thinking about how to improve the configuration of the logging package (which currently uses ConfigParser) and playing with some ideas which may have more general applicability. I'm posting them here and seeking feedback.

I think a good configuration system should provide the following (in addition to being textual, easy to read and edit):

  1. Allow a hierarchy of configuration information, with no specific limit on the depth of the hierarchy.
  2. Allow inclusion of sub-configurations held in external files, at any point in the hierarchy.
  3. Allow the defining of sequences of items as well as items accessed by key.
  4. Allow attribute style access (cfg.item) as well as dict-style access (cfg['item']).
  5. Allow late-bound references to any point in the hierarchy.
  6. Allow simple expression evaluation, but not unrestrained eval()-type functionality.

  7. The ability to specify standard library entities (e.g. sys.stderr or os.sep)

To illustrate these points, two example configuration files are given below. Please forgive the bias towards logging-related configuration. (My excuse is that I'm thinking about how to make logging configuration easier.)

The first is the application configuration file. It includes the logging configuration file using the notation @"logging.cfg".

  name : MyApplication
  base: '/path/to/app/logs/'
  support_team: myappsupport
  mail_domain: '@my-company.com'
logging: @"logging.cfg"

The second file contains the logging configuration. It refers to the application configuration through $app

  level     : DEBUG
  handlers  : [$handlers.console, $handlers.file, $handlers.email]
  console:  [ StreamHandler, { level : WARNING, stream  : `sys.stderr` } ]
  file:     [ FileHandler, { filename: $app.base + $app.name + '.log', mode : 'a' } ]
  socket:   [ `handlers.SocketHandler`, { host: localhost, port: `handlers.DEFAULT_TCP_LOGGING_PORT`} ]
  nt_eventlog: [`handlers.NTEventLogHandler`, { appname: $app.name, logtype : Application } ]
  email:    [ `handlers.SMTPHandler`,
              { level: CRITICAL,
                host: localhost,
                port: 25,
                from: $app.name + $app.mail_domain,
                to: [$app.support_team + $app.mail_domain, 'QA' + $app.mail_domain, 'product_manager' + $app.mail_domain],
                subject: 'Take cover' } ]
  "input"     : { handlers: [$handlers.socket] }
  "input.xls" : { handlers: [$handlers.nt_eventlog] }

The $-notation resolves entries when they are required. You can think of it like substitution, which is why the $ character was selected. The use of specific characters such as '@' and '$' is, however, preliminary and can be easily changed if feedback warrants it. You can lay out the file with as much whitespace as you like - indent according to taste.

An implementation module using this format has been released: see the [http://www.red-dove.com/python_config.html tutorial] and [http://www.red-dove.com/config/index.html full API documentation]. The tutorial covers changing and saving configurations, cascading and merging configurations, and integration with optparse for access to command-line options in the configuration.

You can download the latest implementation from [http://www.python.org/pypi?:action=display&name=config PyPI] or via the download link on the tutorial page.

-- VinaySajip

I (PeterOtten) have tried to translate the above sample configuration into a much simpler format that was recently suggested by SkipMontanaro.

I think that calculations like building an email address should not be performed in a configfile but are rather the task of the application that uses it. The example has therefore significantly been dumbed down.

# -*- coding: ascii -*-
# allows the usual comment style
        subject=Take cover

I (VinaySajip) like this syntax, except for:

  • I don't see why we need to (in the above example, under loggers/root) say "handler=XXX" three times, rather than using a notation like "handlers = [console, file, email]".
  • It may be restrictive to only allow identifiers as keys.
  • It's a bit more limiting/verbose, if you only have one or two keys for an entry, to use the indentation approach,as opposed to e.g. { host: localhost, port: 80 } on a single line.

As far as use of expressions in the config file, I am ambivalent, and curious to hear more opinions; sometimes a declarative approach is good. But more than the syntax, I'm interested in what people think about the semantics: for example, allowing cross-references between config elements (perhaps across multiple files), and the ability to perform restricted "special" evaluation of some elements (e.g. sys.stderr)

I (StephenHansen) have been evaluating this module and went so far as to plug it into our system to see how it works, and I like it a great deal.

In particular, I prefer the "python like list" format for specifying multiple values to using the same name multiple times, or having something like 'handler0=...' 'handler1=...'. It actually makes the config file less readable by users, I think.

The references are very useful as well, allowing a seperate 'database.cfg' to be imported and easy that looks like...

Server: ourServer
Database: Devel
Username: Joe
Password: ''

In a very "user-friendly" format, which is then turned into a proper DSN in our main config file..


       'Driver={SQL Server};Server=' + $DB.Server + 'Database=' + $DB.Database,
       {'server': $DB.server, 'database': $DB.database' }

... etc. Especially in our case where we actually check to see if the "primary config file" is digitally signed, references and such are great. We get one unified config object in the application code and organize our configuration in whatever user-friendly way we need.

[http://cvs.zope.org/Zope3/doc/zcml/ ZCML] (unlike .ini files) handles nested input fairly well. The syntax looks a little like an Apache config; though from much of what I've seen, it's straight XML. -- IanBicking

  • Is there a better link for ZCML than the one above? There appears to be nothing in the form of overview documentation on the Zope site, including dev.zope.org - I did site searches for "ZCML" and "configuration" and nothing came up which looked immediately useful. I don't have a particular problem with ZCML, other than the fact that by dint of being XML, it is fairly verbose; and I would guess (please correct me if I'm wrong) that it is Zope-centric rather than general-purpose. -- VinaySajip

Maybe I'm confusing ZCML and [http://www.zope.org/Members/fdrake/zconfig/ ZConfig]; there's a ZConfig presentation at http://zope.org/Members/mcdonc/Presentations/ZConfigPaper -- ZCML is much more XML-based, where ZConfig is like an Apache file. ZCML is used for a lot of configuration inside Zope 3, which has a very different idea of what configuration is. (Intended for "system integrators" as opposed to "system administrators".) I believe both were intended to be usable outside of Zope, but haven't been packaged as such (yet).

Another way to deal with nested configurations would be to parse the names. I think one package I've seen does this. So sections are just a sort of "with" statement. I.e.:

loggers.input = nt_eventlog
input.nt_eventlog.filename = /some/path

Well, not a very good example. Anyway, this creates the keys "loggers.input" and "loggers.input.nt_eventlog". This works for keys that are nicely named; it might be harder for a virtual host, which I'd be apt to do like:

[vhost my.vhost.domain]
document_root = /some/path

Or something like that. Anyway, you want to create something like vhost['my.vhost.domain'].document_root, not vhost.my.vhost.domain.document_root. Maybe it could be like:

vhost[my.vhost.domain].document_root = /some/path
# or....
document_root = /some/path

Anyway, there's still some other possibilities when using the ini syntax.

  • I agree, but the approach is still more verbose than it need be. Java properties work like this; although they don't have sections, they give each property a hierarchical dotted name, and that can be used to create a hierarchy. For example:

user.firstName.description=first name
user.lastName.description=last name
user.emailAddress.description=email address
group.description=respondent group
  • You could use the above to indicate that a user entity is described by a class called User, and that a user instance has firstName, lastName and emailAddress properties ... and so on. It's workable, but hardly optimal.

Using my scheme, you could express the virtual hosts either like this:

virtual_hosts :
  host1 : { domain: 'host1.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host1.my-company.com/docs' }
  'host two' : { domain: 'host2.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host2.my-company.com/docs' }

or like this:

virtual_hosts : 
  { domain: 'host1.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host1.my-company.com/docs' }
  { domain: 'host2.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host2.my-company.com/docs' }

The first form would be more useful for being able to refer to individual hosts by name (using $virtual_hosts.host1 or $virtual_hosts['host two']. You can also have your cake and eat it, by specifying both forms and having one refer to the other:

virtual_host_definitions :
  host1 : { domain: 'host1.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host1.my-company.com/docs' }
  'host two' : { domain: 'host2.my-company.com', root : '/var/www/domains/host2.my-company.com/docs' }

virtual_hosts : 
  $virtual_host_definitions['host two']

You might use the dict to access a specific host, and the sequence for iterating over the hosts in a pre-determined order. -- VinaySajip

HierConfig (last edited 2008-11-15 14:01:27 by localhost)

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