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Google Python Sprint 2007

Tasks spreadsheet: http://tinyurl.com/ywbwse (to edit, first use the invitation once, with your Google Account: http://tinyurl.com/ytxxqu)

If you plan or hope to attend, please sign up below so we can have your badge ready at the lobby. (Googlers: please sign up so we can plan the space accordingly.)

For more information on the Chicago sprint, see http://mail.python.org/pipermail/chicago/2007-August/002401.html

Goals and Suggested Sprint Areas

The primary focus will be on getting new features into 3.0 before the first alpha. We hope to have a solid, stable and reasonably complete 3.0a1. You can make this happen and have fun doing it! Come join us.

Tasks are now written up in an online spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pBLWM8elhFAmKbrhhh0ApQA

Attendees Sign Up Here


We'll be providing lunch and dinner to our attendees and breakfast will be available from the micro-kitchens. Our guests will dine with us in our cafes for their meals.

Housing - MTV

You can book a room at The Residence Inn Palo Alto/Mountain View; ask for Google's corporate rate. If you're looking to save funds, you might consider booking a penthouse room at the property and doubling up with another attendee. http://marriott.com/property/propertypage.mi?marshaCode=SFOMV

Security - MTV

Badges will be provided to all attendees. Please wear them at all times.

More on Location

Mountain View

1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, CA 94043; University Theatre - 2nd Flr, Building 40

Directions: [WWW] http://www.google.com/corporate/address.html#directions Guests are welcome to arrive any time after 9:30 AM.

(Non-Googlers: please go to the Building 40 reception and let the receptionist know you are here for the Python Sprint and you will receive a badge.)


Chicago Sales & Engineering Office, 20 West Kinzie St., Chicago, IL 60610

More info: http://www.google.com/corporate/address.html

Come Prepared!

Please come prepared so we won't have to waste time helping everybody with their setup. Bring a laptop (preferably running Linux or OSX; we have limited svn setup experience for other systems, esp. Windows). Make sure svn is installed: http://subversion.tigris.org/ -- Check Hasans Blog Entry on subversion for help with other systems.

For Python 2.6, check out the head branch; see http://www.python.org/dev/faq/#subversion-svn (use the instructions for anonymous checkout unless you already have developer privileges).

For py3k, check out the "py3k" branch. Also read PEPs 3000-3999.

In either case, make sure you have at least built and tested it once so you are familiar with the process. It's something like "./configure; make; make test" in the appropriate directory. (For Py3k, half a dozen tests typically fail -- a goal of the sprint will be to fix these.)


Are you guys on IRC, Google Talk, or something like that? Answer: no IRC AFAIK; some individuals can be IM'ed in gmail chat, e.g. gvanrossum@gmail.com, nnorwitz@gmail.com.

Various Freenode IRC channels appear to be unused: #py3k, #pysprint, #sprynt, etc.. I could register one if there was interest, but it's not strictly required. --pfein on irc://irc.freenode.net

I suspect #python-dev would be sufficient. -- SkipMontanaro

Chicago folks can check out #py3kchicago on Freenode. -- Paul Smith

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