Differences between revisions 1 and 7 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2010-10-30 21:14:01
Size: 1180
Editor: 96-26-104-115
Revision 7 as of 2010-11-02 08:21:28
Size: 1710
Editor: 96-26-104-115
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Tasks need to be organized into eight categories:
 1. Code: Tasks related to writing or refactoring code
 2. Documentation: Tasks related to creating/editing documents
 3. Outreach: Tasks related to community management and outreach/marketing
 4. Quality Assurance: Tasks related to testing and ensuring code is of high quality
 5. Research: Tasks related to studying a problem and recommending solutions
 6. Training: Tasks related to helping others learn more
 7. Translation: Tasks related to localization
 8. User Interface: Tasks related to user experience research or user interface design and interaction
This list is by no means complete, we're still getting our mentors lined up for this program and are waiting for confirmation to be a mentoring org before setting up all the 3rd party projects that have been a bulk of our students in past years GSoC/GHOP.

= Code =

= Documentation =
 * Complete documentation for the wsgiref module [median] (stdlib, wsgi)
 * Write docs for undocumented urllib functions (http://bugs.python.org/issue1722) [median] (stdlib)

= Outreach =
 * Write an article about the advantages of Python 3 over 2.x [novice]

= Quality Assurance =
 * Clean up Distutils2 code using "pep8" and "pyflake" (or "flake8") [novice] (packaging)

= Research =
 * Find all Django dependencies that still need to be ported to Python 3 [expert] (wsgi)
 * Find all Turbogears dependencies that still need to be ported to Python 3 [median] (wsgi)

= Training =

= Translation =

= User Interface =
 * Enhance the Distutils2 mkcfg wizard (script to create a Distutils2 package) [median] (packaging)

= Adding new tasks =

Add new tasks only in the above 8 categories.
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For example:
 * Complete documentation for the wsgiref module [median] (stdlib)
 * packaging - The distutils (stdlib) or distutils2 projects
 * wsgi - Web Service Gateway Interface and related packages

This list is by no means complete, we're still getting our mentors lined up for this program and are waiting for confirmation to be a mentoring org before setting up all the 3rd party projects that have been a bulk of our students in past years GSoC/GHOP.



  • Complete documentation for the wsgiref module [median] (stdlib, wsgi)
  • Write docs for undocumented urllib functions (http://bugs.python.org/issue1722) [median] (stdlib)


  • Write an article about the advantages of Python 3 over 2.x [novice]

Quality Assurance

  • Clean up Distutils2 code using "pep8" and "pyflake" (or "flake8") [novice] (packaging)


  • Find all Django dependencies that still need to be ported to Python 3 [expert] (wsgi)
  • Find all Turbogears dependencies that still need to be ported to Python 3 [median] (wsgi)



User Interface

  • Enhance the Distutils2 mkcfg wizard (script to create a Distutils2 package) [median] (packaging)

Adding new tasks

Add new tasks only in the above 8 categories.

Within each category tasks should sorted by difficulty level:

  1. Novice - these tasks can be done by someone with no experience working with the project
  2. Median - these tasks are suitable for someone with some experience in a project
  3. Expert - these tasks require knowledge in a specific field or extreme familiarity with a project

Task ideas should be tagged with the subproject they should be mentored for, currently:

  • stdlib - Python's Standard Library
  • packaging - The distutils (stdlib) or distutils2 projects
  • wsgi - Web Service Gateway Interface and related packages

GoogleCodeIn (last edited 2010-11-04 03:37:23 by BenjaminPeterson)

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