Differences between revisions 3 and 4
Revision 3 as of 2005-03-02 18:52:50
Size: 732
Editor: vpn-02-a
Comment: cryptlib also offers opengpg access
Revision 4 as of 2005-03-02 19:28:44
Size: 918
Editor: vpn-02-a
Comment: another option
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 * A worthy successor might be the [http://aonalu.makahavalley.org/openpgp/python Python opengpg] which also uses the [http://www.amk.ca/python/code/crypto.html Python Crypto Toolkit].

[http://www.gnupg.org GNU Privacy Guard] is a GPLed implementation of the PGP encryption protocols. Also known as "GnuPG" or "GPG".

Python/GnuPG interface

A [http://www.amk.ca/python/code/gpg Python/GnuPG interface] exists, but is no longer actively maintained. Please record comments, recipes, and patches on this Wiki page. If anyone wants to maintain the module and needs a CVS repository to store the code, just ask for write permission to the [http://www.sf.net/projects/pycrypto/ pycrypto project on SourceForge].


[http://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/~pgut001/cryptlib/ cryptlib] also offers access to [http://www.openpgp.org/ OpenPGP] methods. It has a python-interface, but it's not naturall at all.

GnuPrivacyGuard (last edited 2019-07-20 01:38:31 by 80)

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