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This page lists Python books written in German. Some are translations of English books, and some are completely new works.

Python 2

382731691X, Addison-Wesley-Longman (November 2000)

The second edition of Das Python-Buch, this German book covers Python 2.0. It emphasizes language concepts, but also covers GTk+/GNOME, CORBA, and XML programming, and is intended for both beginners and advanced programmers.

Mit Python programmieren

3920993853, dpunkt.verlag, 1999, 271 pages

Mit Python programmieren (Programming with Python) puts its emphasis on language concepts (100 pages), programming of graphical user interfaces with TkInter (40 pages), internet programming (20 pages), extension and embedding with C (20 pages) and JPython (15 pages). It also includes a CD with all examples of the book and with python 1.5.1 for Linux, MacOS and Win32 (it also includes the source of python1.5.2b2). It is addressed to beginners and advanced programmers.

Einfuhrung in Python

3897211297, O'Reilly & Associates (2000)

A German translation of Learning Python.

Python kurz und gut

3897212161, O'Reilly & Associates (1999)

A German translation of the Python Pocket Reference.

Jetzt lerne ich Python

382725843X, Markt und Technik, 544 pages (2000)

A German translation of Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours.

Python Referenz

3827259592, Markt und Technik, 411 pages (2000)

German translation of the Python Essential Reference. The included CD contains a PDF version of the book.

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