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Links to Python information in French.


AFPY - Association Francophone PYthon, a French-speaking Python users' group.

There is a wiki for French-speaking Python users.

Cours de programmation Python, by Grard Swinnen. This document is partly an adaptation and translation of Downey & Elkner's How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, and partly original material.

Une journee avec IDLE is a French translation of Danny Yoo's One Day of IDLE Toying, translated by Yannick Gobin.

Python & Compagnie, a French-language forum for beginners, is available.

A team of French-speaking translators of the python official documentation is very active, and has set up a project on SourceForge: Contributors are of course allways welcome.

Python Blanc Bleu Belge is a page of Python news and information maintained by the Belgian Free Software Programmers Club.

'Tutoriel Python', a tutorial written by Jerome Tschanz.

Slides of Stefane Fermigier's talk (HTML, in French).

Stefane Fermigier had an article, Presentation du langage Python, in the French computer magazine, Programmez!. (10-Dec-1998)

Quoi de neuf dans Python 2.5, traduction partielle de "What's new in Python 2.5"

Partie Python de Open Your Code

Plongez au coeur de Python


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