EuroPython 2007: Call for Sponsors

Note: if you change this, bear in mind that a working copy on the EuroPython site will also need updating.

See the EuroPython/2007/CallForSponsorsMessage for a text suitable for sending out to different channels.

This year, EuroPython will take place from Monday 9th July to Wednesday 11th July in Vilnius, Lithuania. As the premier pan-European Python event, this is a great opportunity to reach dedicated users of Python in business and academia, as well as influential members of the Python community. Last year's conference was a great success, and we would like to offer you the chance to participate in this year's event as a sponsor or an exhibitor. With your support, your organisation can share in the success of EuroPython 2007: the sixth annual conference in the well established and highly regarded conference series for the European Python and Zope communities.


As an exhibitor the following terms and conditions apply:

You can become a sponsor of the conference. The following options are available:

Gold sponsor - EUR 2000

This gives you:

This gives you:

Advertiser - EUR 100

This gives you:

Organising Sponsor - At least 5 man days of work effort

Special Sponsor - Negotiable

If you have an offer which is of mutual benefit, we are ready to hear it. Please contact the EuroPython organisers.

Other Arrangements

If you want to put on a special event, please contact the EuroPython organisers.


For planning purposes in connection with the programme, we need your decision to participate no later than the end of the working day on Friday 8th June (18:00 Central European Time). Participation after this date is still possible, but with reduced benefits for sponsors.


The EuroPython organisers can be contacted via a general sponsorship mailing list at the following address: europython-sponsorship at

For confidential enquiries, the organisers can also be contacted at the following address: sponsorship at

EuroPython/2007/CallForSponsors (last edited 2008-11-15 14:00:46 by localhost)