Revision 1 as of 2007-07-26 14:10:34

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for the documentation team

Coding tasks

for those who want to develop the toolset

Get into the code

Improvement suggestions

The TODO file

The doctools/TODO file lists some things that should be done. At the moment, these are:


When we find the toolset reasonably complete, we'll convert both the Python 2.6 and Python 3.0 SVN documentation branches to the new system. The conversion itself is (should be, you'll see yourself) painless, but it can't do everything right. For example, as the toplevel documents were completely separate until now, you couldn't directly link from, e.g. the library reference to a specific section of the language reference. These links will have to be corrected.

All these tasks to do after conversion are listed in the doctools/converter/newfiles/TODO file, which is copied to the reST source tree on conversion.

All other tasks that are independent of the converter are collected in doctools/TODO.

Content tasks

Of course, before the conversion changes to existing documents have to be made in LaTeX to the original sources. However, you can already start extending and editing the "new" sources in converter/newfiles which don't have a LaTeX counterpart.

SF bugs

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