Revision 3 as of 2006-08-30 19:55:53

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Introduction to distutils

I have recently used distutils for the first time and thought I would share what I have learned.

Please note: I am not a pro. All this is based on my own hacking and struggling to get things to work. I am sure there will be alternative ways to do things and that I will make mistakes. Caveat Emptor.

(Based on Gnu/Linux)

The layout of folders

A proper layout of your files and folders can really save you trouble later on. I use this layout:

|-- package
|   |--
|   |--
|   `-- things
|       |-- cross.png
|       |-- fplogo.png
|       `-- tick.png
|-- runner

The files

I assume that there will be a single script file that you will use to start your Python app. I call it 'runner' (without the .py) in this example. It will import the actual package. Here is the code:


##This will work in development on a relative folder basis
##It will then work when installed in site-packages on a target system
##where the runner script is in /usr/bin (or wherever)
##So, you don't need anything special - no fancy path tricks.

import package.module

package.module.start ()

Next is the package. In this case there is only one module in the package (import package.module), so here is the module: {{{#!/usr/bin/env python2.4

import os, sys

def determine_path ():

def start ():

if name == "main":

}}} This uses the magic variable __file__ that will return the path and name of the module. Without it you would have to jump through some hoops to locate the module on any given distro or O/S.

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