Differences between revisions 4 and 17 (spanning 13 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2006-09-07 19:55:44
Size: 3679
Revision 17 as of 2024-02-19 18:33:59
Size: 12321
Editor: Igo95862
Comment: Add python-sdbus example. Python-sdbus is a modern D-Bus library supporting both asyncio and blocking calls, unified client-server classes and type hints.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
The [http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software_2fdbus D-Bus library] is a messaging library used by the GNOME desktop for interprocess communication.

There's a Python binding for it, but documentation is non-existent so I've collected these examples in hopes that they'll be useful and that people will update them as needed.

''Warning'': the D-Bus APIs change a lot, breaking code. These examples were run with version 0.60 of the Python interface (0.60-6ubuntu8, on Ubuntu Dapper); they probably won't run on other versions.

This [http://thaiopensource.org/development/suriyan/wiki/DbusNotes draft tutorial] is the clearest introduction to D-Bus that I've seen.

= Introspection =

# You must initialize the gobject/dbus support for threading
# before doing anything.
import gobject

from dbus import glib

# Create a session bus.
import dbus
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
The [[http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus|D-Bus library]] is a messaging library used by various desktop environments (GNOME, KDE, etc) for interprocess communication.

There are multiple Python bindings for DBus:

 * GDbus and QtDbus are wrappers over the C/C++ APIs of GLib and Qt
 * [[https://github.com/LEW21/pydbus|pydbus]] is a modern, pythonic API with the goal of being as invisible a layer between the exported API and its user as possible
 * [[https://github.com/rhinstaller/dasbus|dasbus]] is a Python3-only alternative to pydbus with additional features and better flexibility
 * [[https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-python/|dbus-python]] is a legacy API, built with a deprecated dbus-glib library, and involving a lot of type-guessing (despite "explicit is better than implicit" and "resist the temptation to guess").
 * [[https://pypi.python.org/pypi/txdbus|txdbus]] is a native Python implementation of the D-Bus protocol for the Twisted networking framework.
 * [[https://pypi.org/project/dbus-next/|dbus-next]] is a native Python library for D-Bus with support for multiple IO backends suitable for GUI develeopment and cross platform projects.
 * [[https://github.com/python-sdbus/python-sdbus|python-sdbus]] modern D-Bus library supporting both asyncio and blocking calls, unified client-server classes and type hints.

See also: [[https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/DBusBindings/#python|DBusBindings]] on Freedesktop wiki.

The `dbus-viewer` and `qdbusviewer` programs let you browse through the services and interfaces available on your system.

= pydbus =
For more information see [[https://github.com/LEW21/pydbus/blob/master/README.rst|pydbus's Readme]].

== Introspection ==
from pydbus import SessionBus
bus = SessionBus()
Line 25: Line 26:
remote_object = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.DBus", # Connection name
                            "/org/freedesktop/DBus" # Object's path
remote_object = bus.get(
"org.freedesktop.DBus", # Bus name
    "/org/freedesktop/DBus" # Object path
Line 31: Line 33:
print ("Introspection data:\n")
print remote_object.Introspect()
print("Introspection data:\n")
Line 36: Line 37:
{{{Introspection data:
Introspection data:
Line 55: Line 58:
If you get any of the connection or object names wrong, the exceptions you get are very obscure. For example, when I add an incorrect trailing slash to the object in the example above (making "/org/freedesktop/DBus/"), the exceptions are:
{{{8223: arguments to dbus_message_new_method_call() were incorrect, assertion "_dbus_check_is_valid_path (path)" failed in file dbus-message.c line 797.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-BUS library.
8223: arguments to dbus_message_set_destination() were incorrect, assertion "message != NULL" failed in file dbus-message.c line 2728.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-BUS library.
8223: arguments to dbus_connection_send_with_reply() were incorrect, assertion "message != NULL" failed in file dbus-connection.c line 2430.
This is normally a bug in some application using the D-BUS library.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/amk/db.py", line 19, in ?
    data = remote_object.Introspect()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/dbus/proxies.py", line 201, in __getattr__
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'block'

Notice that the exception is triggered in the `.Introspect()` call, not in the erroneous `bus.get_object()` call.

= Calling an interface method =
== Calling an interface method ==
Line 76: Line 60:
# Get a particular interface
iface = dbus.Interface(remote_object, 'org.freedesktop.DBus')
print iface.ListNames()

Line 83: Line 65:
{{{[u'org.freedesktop.DBus', u':1.3', u'org.freedesktop.Notifications', u'org.gnome.PowerManager', u':1.24', u':1.4', u':1.0', u'org.gnome.ScreenSaver', u':1.5', u':1.1', u':1.48', u':1.2']


['org.freedesktop.DBus', 'org.freedesktop.Notifications', 'org.freedesktop.PowerManagement', ':1.8', ':1.9', 'org.kde.kaccess', 'org.kde.kded', 'org.kde.StatusNotifierItem-655-1', 'org.freedesktop.systemd1', 'org.ktorrent.ktorrent', 'org.kde.StatusNotifierItem-656-1', 'org.kde.konversation', 'org.pulseaudio.Server', 'org.kde.KScreen', 'org.kde.krunner', 'org.kde.konsole', ':1.40', 'org.a11y.Bus', ':1.41', ':1.42', ':1.20', ':1.43', 'org.kde.klauncher5', ':1.21', ':1.23', 'org.kde.dolphin-3012', 'org.freedesktop.PowerManagement.Inhibit', 'org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement', ':1.24', ':1.25', ':1.49', 'org.kde.kmix', 'org.kde.screensaver', 'org.kde.KWin', 'org.bluez.obex', ':1.29', 'ca.desrt.dconf', 'org.kde.kgpg', 'org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver', 'org.kde.plasmashell', 'org.kde.plasmanetworkmanagement', 'org.kde.StatusNotifierItem-666-1', 'org.kde.kglobalaccel', 'org.freedesktop.FileManager1', 'org.kde.kwalletd5', 'org.PulseAudio1', 'org.kde.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1', ':1.93', 'org.kde.kded5', 'org.kde.ActivityManager', 'org.kde.keyboard', 'org.kde.kate-3030', ':1.31', 'org.kde.kuiserver', ':1.32', ':1.55', ':1.33', ':1.11', 'org.kde.kwin.Screenshot', ':1.56', ':1.34', 'org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher', 'org.kde.JobViewServer', ':1.35', ':1.0', ':1.13', ':1.58', 'org.kde.StatusNotifierHost-616', ':1.14', ':1.59', ':1.15', ':1.38', ':1.16', 'org.kde.ksmserver', ':1.39', ':1.17', ':1.5', 'org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement.PolicyAgent', ':1.18', 'org.kde.klauncher', ':1.6', ':1.19']
The following example makes your system hibernate:

# Get the power management object
power = bus.get('org.gnome.PowerManager', '/org/gnome/PowerManager')

# Hibernate the system
if power.CanHibernate():

= dasbus =
For more information see [[https://dasbus.readthedocs.io/|dasbus's documentation]].

== Introspection of a remote object ==

Introspection returns an XML string containing information about interfaces, methods, properties and signals of the remote object.

from dasbus.connection import SessionMessageBus
bus = SessionMessageBus()

# Create an object that will be a proxy for a particular remote object.
remote_object = bus.get_proxy(
    "org.freedesktop.DBus", # The bus name
    "/org/freedesktop/DBus" # The object path

# Call the Introspect method of the remote object.

== Accessing a remote property ==

The following example prints the current hostname.

from dasbus.connection import SystemMessageBus
bus = SystemMessageBus()

proxy = bus.get_proxy(


== Calling a remote method ==

The following example sends a notification to the notification server.

from dasbus.connection import SessionMessageBus
bus = SessionMessageBus()

proxy = bus.get_proxy(

id = proxy.Notify(
    "", 0, "face-smile", "My notification",
    "Hello World!", [], {}, 0

print("The notification {} was sent.".format(id))

= dbus-next =
For more information see [[https://python-dbus-next.readthedocs.io/|dbus-next's documentation]].

== The client interface ==

To use a service on the bus, the library constructs a proxy object you can use to call methods, get and set properties, and listen to signals.

This example connects to a media player and controls it with the MPRIS DBus interface using python's asyncio backend.

{{{#!highlight python
from dbus_next.aio import MessageBus

import asyncio

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

async def main():
    bus = await MessageBus().connect()
    # the introspection xml would normally be included in your project, but
    # this is convenient for development
    introspection = await bus.introspect('org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.vlc', '/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2')

    obj = bus.get_proxy_object('org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.vlc', '/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2', introspection)
    player = obj.get_interface('org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player')
    properties = obj.get_interface('org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')

    # call methods on the interface (this causes the media player to play)
    await player.call_play()

    volume = await player.get_volume()
    print(f'current volume: {volume}, setting to 0.5')

    await player.set_volume(0.5)

    # listen to signals
    def on_properties_changed(interface_name, changed_properties, invalidated_properties):
        for changed, variant in changed_properties.items():
            print(f'property changed: {changed} - {variant.value}')


    await loop.create_future()


== The service interface ==

To define a service on the bus, use the ServiceInterface class and decorate class methods to specify DBus methods, properties, and signals with their type signatures.

{{{#!highlight python
from dbus_next.service import ServiceInterface, method, dbus_property, signal, Variant
from dbus_next.aio MessageBus

import asyncio

class ExampleInterface(ServiceInterface):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self._string_prop = 'kevin'

    def Echo(self, what: 's') -> 's':
        return what

    def GetVariantDict() -> 'a{sv}':
        return {
            'foo': Variant('s', 'bar'),
            'bat': Variant('x', -55),
            'a_list': Variant('as', ['hello', 'world'])

    def string_prop(self) -> 's':
        return self._string_prop

    def string_prop_setter(self, val: 's'):
        self._string_prop = val

    def signal_simple(self) -> 's':
        return 'hello'

async def main():
    bus = await MessageBus().connect()
    interface = ExampleInterface('test.interface')
    bus.export('/test/path', interface)
    # now that we are ready to handle requests, we can request name from D-Bus
    await bus.request_name('test.name')
    # wait indefinitely
    await asyncio.get_event_loop().create_future()


= python-sdbus =

See [[https://python-sdbus.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html|python-sdbus documentation for API reference and quickstart guides]].

Python-sdbus has a unified client and server classes where one class can be used both as a client proxy and as a server.

== Interface class definition ==

{{{#!highlight python

from sdbus import (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_method_async,
                   dbus_property_async, dbus_signal_async)

# This is file only contains interface definition for easy import
# in server and client files

class ExampleInterface(
    async def upper(self, string: str) -> str:
        return string.upper()

    def hello_world(self) -> str:
        return 'Hello, World!'

    def clock(self) -> int:
        raise NotImplementedError


== Server ==

{{{#!highlight python
from asyncio import new_event_loop, sleep
from random import randint
from time import time

from example_interface import ExampleInterface

from sdbus import request_default_bus_name_async

loop = new_event_loop()

export_object = ExampleInterface()

async def clock() -> None:
    This coroutine will sleep a random time and emit
    a signal with current clock
    while True:
        await sleep(randint(2, 7)) # Sleep a random time
        current_time = int(time()) # The interface we defined uses integers

async def startup() -> None:
    """Perform async startup actions"""
    # Acquire a known name on the bus
    # Clients will use that name to address this server
    await request_default_bus_name_async('org.example.test')
    # Export the object to D-Bus

task_clock = loop.create_task(clock())

== Client ==

{{{#!highlight python
from asyncio import new_event_loop

from example_interface import ExampleInterface

# Create a new proxied object
example_object = ExampleInterface.new_proxy('org.example.test', '/')

async def print_clock() -> None:
    # Use async for loop to print clock signals we receive
    async for x in example_object.clock:
        print('Got clock: ', x)

async def call_upper() -> None:
    s = 'test string'
    s_after = await example_object.upper(s)

    print('Initial string: ', s)
    print('After call: ', s_after)

async def get_hello_world() -> None:
    print('Remote property: ', await example_object.hello_world)

loop = new_event_loop()

# Always bind your tasks to a variable
task_upper = loop.create_task(call_upper())
task_clock = loop.create_task(print_clock())
task_hello_world = loop.create_task(get_hello_world())


The D-Bus library is a messaging library used by various desktop environments (GNOME, KDE, etc) for interprocess communication.

There are multiple Python bindings for DBus:

  • GDbus and QtDbus are wrappers over the C/C++ APIs of GLib and Qt

  • pydbus is a modern, pythonic API with the goal of being as invisible a layer between the exported API and its user as possible

  • dasbus is a Python3-only alternative to pydbus with additional features and better flexibility

  • dbus-python is a legacy API, built with a deprecated dbus-glib library, and involving a lot of type-guessing (despite "explicit is better than implicit" and "resist the temptation to guess").

  • txdbus is a native Python implementation of the D-Bus protocol for the Twisted networking framework.

  • dbus-next is a native Python library for D-Bus with support for multiple IO backends suitable for GUI develeopment and cross platform projects.

  • python-sdbus modern D-Bus library supporting both asyncio and blocking calls, unified client-server classes and type hints.

See also: DBusBindings on Freedesktop wiki.

The dbus-viewer and qdbusviewer programs let you browse through the services and interfaces available on your system.


For more information see pydbus's Readme.


from pydbus import SessionBus
bus = SessionBus()

# Create an object that will proxy for a particular remote object.
remote_object = bus.get(
    "org.freedesktop.DBus", # Bus name
    "/org/freedesktop/DBus" # Object path

# Introspection returns an XML document containing information
# about the methods supported by an interface.
print("Introspection data:\n")


Introspection data:

<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable">
    <method name="Introspect">
      <arg name="data" direction="out" type="s"/>
  <interface name="org.freedesktop.DBus">
    <method name="RequestName">
      <arg direction="in" type="s"/>
      <arg direction="in" type="u"/>
      <arg direction="out" type="u"/>

Calling an interface method

After executing the introspection example:



['org.freedesktop.DBus', 'org.freedesktop.Notifications', 'org.freedesktop.PowerManagement', ':1.8', ':1.9', 'org.kde.kaccess', 'org.kde.kded', 'org.kde.StatusNotifierItem-655-1', 'org.freedesktop.systemd1', 'org.ktorrent.ktorrent', 'org.kde.StatusNotifierItem-656-1', 'org.kde.konversation', 'org.pulseaudio.Server', 'org.kde.KScreen', 'org.kde.krunner', 'org.kde.konsole', ':1.40', 'org.a11y.Bus', ':1.41', ':1.42', ':1.20', ':1.43', 'org.kde.klauncher5', ':1.21', ':1.23', 'org.kde.dolphin-3012', 'org.freedesktop.PowerManagement.Inhibit', 'org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement', ':1.24', ':1.25', ':1.49', 'org.kde.kmix', 'org.kde.screensaver', 'org.kde.KWin', 'org.bluez.obex', ':1.29', 'ca.desrt.dconf', 'org.kde.kgpg', 'org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver', 'org.kde.plasmashell', 'org.kde.plasmanetworkmanagement', 'org.kde.StatusNotifierItem-666-1', 'org.kde.kglobalaccel', 'org.freedesktop.FileManager1', 'org.kde.kwalletd5', 'org.PulseAudio1', 'org.kde.polkit-kde-authentication-agent-1', ':1.93', 'org.kde.kded5', 'org.kde.ActivityManager', 'org.kde.keyboard', 'org.kde.kate-3030', ':1.31', 'org.kde.kuiserver', ':1.32', ':1.55', ':1.33', ':1.11', 'org.kde.kwin.Screenshot', ':1.56', ':1.34', 'org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher', 'org.kde.JobViewServer', ':1.35', ':1.0', ':1.13', ':1.58', 'org.kde.StatusNotifierHost-616', ':1.14', ':1.59', ':1.15', ':1.38', ':1.16', 'org.kde.ksmserver', ':1.39', ':1.17', ':1.5', 'org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement.PolicyAgent', ':1.18', 'org.kde.klauncher', ':1.6', ':1.19']

The following example makes your system hibernate:

# Get the power management object
power = bus.get('org.gnome.PowerManager', '/org/gnome/PowerManager')

# Hibernate the system
if power.CanHibernate():


For more information see dasbus's documentation.

Introspection of a remote object

Introspection returns an XML string containing information about interfaces, methods, properties and signals of the remote object.

from dasbus.connection import SessionMessageBus
bus = SessionMessageBus()

# Create an object that will be a proxy for a particular remote object.
remote_object = bus.get_proxy(
    "org.freedesktop.DBus",  # The bus name
    "/org/freedesktop/DBus"  # The object path

# Call the Introspect method of the remote object.

Accessing a remote property

The following example prints the current hostname.

from dasbus.connection import SystemMessageBus
bus = SystemMessageBus()

proxy = bus.get_proxy(


Calling a remote method

The following example sends a notification to the notification server.

from dasbus.connection import SessionMessageBus
bus = SessionMessageBus()

proxy = bus.get_proxy(

id = proxy.Notify(
    "", 0, "face-smile", "My notification",
    "Hello World!", [], {}, 0

print("The notification {} was sent.".format(id))


For more information see dbus-next's documentation.

The client interface

To use a service on the bus, the library constructs a proxy object you can use to call methods, get and set properties, and listen to signals.

This example connects to a media player and controls it with the MPRIS DBus interface using python's asyncio backend.

   1 from dbus_next.aio import MessageBus
   3 import asyncio
   5 loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
   8 async def main():
   9     bus = await MessageBus().connect()
  10     # the introspection xml would normally be included in your project, but
  11     # this is convenient for development
  12     introspection = await bus.introspect('org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.vlc', '/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2')
  14     obj = bus.get_proxy_object('org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.vlc', '/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2', introspection)
  15     player = obj.get_interface('org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player')
  16     properties = obj.get_interface('org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
  18     # call methods on the interface (this causes the media player to play)
  19     await player.call_play()
  21     volume = await player.get_volume()
  22     print(f'current volume: {volume}, setting to 0.5')
  24     await player.set_volume(0.5)
  26     # listen to signals
  27     def on_properties_changed(interface_name, changed_properties, invalidated_properties):
  28         for changed, variant in changed_properties.items():
  29             print(f'property changed: {changed} - {variant.value}')
  31     properties.on_properties_changed(on_properties_changed)
  33     await loop.create_future()
  35 loop.run_until_complete(main())

The service interface

To define a service on the bus, use the ServiceInterface class and decorate class methods to specify DBus methods, properties, and signals with their type signatures.

   1 from dbus_next.service import ServiceInterface, method, dbus_property, signal, Variant
   2 from dbus_next.aio MessageBus
   4 import asyncio
   6 class ExampleInterface(ServiceInterface):
   7     def __init__(self, name):
   8         super().__init__(name)
   9         self._string_prop = 'kevin'
  11     @method()
  12     def Echo(self, what: 's') -> 's':
  13         return what
  15     @method()
  16     def GetVariantDict() -> 'a{sv}':
  17         return {
  18             'foo': Variant('s', 'bar'),
  19             'bat': Variant('x', -55),
  20             'a_list': Variant('as', ['hello', 'world'])
  21         }
  23     @dbus_property()
  24     def string_prop(self) -> 's':
  25         return self._string_prop
  27     @string_prop.setter
  28     def string_prop_setter(self, val: 's'):
  29         self._string_prop = val
  31     @signal()
  32     def signal_simple(self) -> 's':
  33         return 'hello'
  35 async def main():
  36     bus = await MessageBus().connect()
  37     interface = ExampleInterface('test.interface')
  38     bus.export('/test/path', interface)
  39     # now that we are ready to handle requests, we can request name from D-Bus
  40     await bus.request_name('test.name')
  41     # wait indefinitely
  42     await asyncio.get_event_loop().create_future()
  44 asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(main())


See python-sdbus documentation for API reference and quickstart guides.

Python-sdbus has a unified client and server classes where one class can be used both as a client proxy and as a server.

Interface class definition

   1 from sdbus import (DbusInterfaceCommonAsync, dbus_method_async,
   2                    dbus_property_async, dbus_signal_async)
   4 # This is file only contains interface definition for easy import
   5 # in server and client files
   7 class ExampleInterface(
   8     DbusInterfaceCommonAsync,
   9     interface_name='org.example.interface'
  10 ):
  11     @dbus_method_async(
  12         input_signature='s',
  13         result_signature='s',
  14     )
  15     async def upper(self, string: str) -> str:
  16         return string.upper()
  18     @dbus_property_async(
  19         property_signature='s',
  20     )
  21     def hello_world(self) -> str:
  22         return 'Hello, World!'
  24     @dbus_signal_async(
  25         signal_signature='i'
  26     )
  27     def clock(self) -> int:
  28         raise NotImplementedError


   1 from asyncio import new_event_loop, sleep
   2 from random import randint
   3 from time import time
   5 from example_interface import ExampleInterface
   7 from sdbus import request_default_bus_name_async
   9 loop = new_event_loop()
  11 export_object = ExampleInterface()
  14 async def clock() -> None:
  15     """
  16     This coroutine will sleep a random time and emit
  17     a signal with current clock
  18     """
  19     while True:
  20         await sleep(randint(2, 7))  # Sleep a random time
  21         current_time = int(time())  # The interface we defined uses integers
  22         export_object.clock.emit(current_time)
  25 async def startup() -> None:
  26     """Perform async startup actions"""
  27     # Acquire a known name on the bus
  28     # Clients will use that name to address this server
  29     await request_default_bus_name_async('org.example.test')
  30     # Export the object to D-Bus
  31     export_object.export_to_dbus('/')
  34 loop.run_until_complete(startup())
  35 task_clock = loop.create_task(clock())
  36 loop.run_forever()


   1 from asyncio import new_event_loop
   3 from example_interface import ExampleInterface
   5 # Create a new proxied object
   6 example_object = ExampleInterface.new_proxy('org.example.test', '/')
   9 async def print_clock() -> None:
  10     # Use async for loop to print clock signals we receive
  11     async for x in example_object.clock:
  12         print('Got clock: ', x)
  15 async def call_upper() -> None:
  16     s = 'test string'
  17     s_after = await example_object.upper(s)
  19     print('Initial string: ', s)
  20     print('After call: ', s_after)
  23 async def get_hello_world() -> None:
  24     print('Remote property: ', await example_object.hello_world)
  26 loop = new_event_loop()
  28 # Always bind your tasks to a variable
  29 task_upper = loop.create_task(call_upper())
  30 task_clock = loop.create_task(print_clock())
  31 task_hello_world = loop.create_task(get_hello_world())
  33 loop.run_forever()

DbusExamples (last edited 2024-02-19 18:33:59 by Igo95862)

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