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There has been some recent debate about [ ConfigParser] on the Python mailing lists. For more, see these threads:

This page serves as a place to record alternatives, and discuss (in a semi-permanent way) the features such a library might have. A new configuration parsing library could go into the Python standard library, probably in addition to the current ConfigParser module (perhaps with that module being deprecated).

Broken Out Sections


Please list interesting implementations of config parsers here.

[ ConfigObj - A simple to use config file parser] Not really an alternative to ConfigParser, but a very easy to use config file parser. Dictionary like syntax with the ability to save modified config files. Preserves comments but not indentation.

M. Chermside's candidate

[ code] and [ test cases]. Currently allows files in either str or unicode, with sensible defaults. Allows dictionary or dotted-name access (though dotted-name can fail in some cases). Allows subsections of arbitrary length. For example,

    x.y = True 
    x.y.z = 47
    x.y.a = prime

Would allow x.y to be viewed as either a value ("True") or a section.

    x.y == "True"

but also

    x.y['a'] = 'prime'
    x.y['z'] = '47'

Note that keys and values are always strings or unicode -- no autoconversion to other types. Note that this focuses on storage and API -- reading and writing is left out at the moment, and might reasonably be in a separate module for each format supported.

.ini file parser

This is a module for parsing .ini files -- it needs to be subclassed to produce useful output. By subclassing the parser you can implement complex or simple config parsers, while allowing for context-sensitive error messages.

Available at:

Skip's Idea

In my use of INI files I've always been annoyed that I couldn't nest sections to an arbitrary depth. I also figured indentation would be a good way to go, though YAML always seemed too complex. I worked up a little [ config file parser] that reads and writes files like

empty section1:
level1 = new val
# this is a comment for section1.item1:
    item1 = item 1
          # this is another comment
        item2 = item 2
       item3 = item 3
very last = 7


This is a list of features that should be taken into account. Certainly not all these features are required; maybe some aren't even desired.


Discuss. Please sign your name.

What exactly is the goal? A new API to access configuration info? Or a specific file format itself? Or both? I don't have much problem with the current ConfigParser but ideally I would like use a 'simpler' API. This would allow attribute access (a.b.c) to values, provide default values, convert some types, and do some constraint checking (xyz is required) etc. It's very possible to get this functionality through a wrapper on top of ConfigParser. IMO that is the best approach, as long as there is a way to map the same API over a different underlying file format, such as XML. I think the 'dynamic nesting' point above is outside the scope of the config access API. -- Shalabh

Complexity killed the cat!

Look at what happened to urllib2 - the entry level for new users was greatly enhanced, but the added functionality was really little more than what you could already do more simply with urllib. With that in mind, I think the new ConfigParser should in it's simplest form act very closely like the original ConfigParser.

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