Revision 25 as of 2006-07-07 08:30:22

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This page documents the development of the Python Cheese Shop:

The PyPI (packages index, Cheese Shop web interface) code resides in SVN at:

Developers with access may use this URL:

Requests for new Trove categories:

Patches and bug reports should be submitted to:

Discussion about the Cheese Shop should be had on the Catalog SIG mailing list:

XML-RPC Interface

The Cheese Shop has an XML-RPC interface. See CheeseShopXmlRpc for details.

TO-DO list

Something that's been requested, but needs much more thought and analysis to see whether it causes any problems: the ability to treat project names and versions as case-insensitive, while removing extraneous characters (as in pkg_resources.safe_name()) for purposes both of searching and determining name uniqueness when registering.

Not Going TO-DO

Development Environment Hints

Before restoring database, "pypi" role must exists:

These are notes so we can remember how to dump / restore the packages database:

Ask RichardJones if you need a database dump.

PageTemplates are obtained from:

We also need to install ez_setup and docutils.

Then go ahead and edit pypi.ini and this line in pypi.cgi:

if your config.ini isn't in /tmp/pypi.ini. You can leave it as 'config.ini' if it's in the same directory as

If you wish to test functionality that requires login, then you will need to configure your apache to pass through basic auth. You do this by adding lines similar to the following to your apache2 conf file:

  RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization}  ^(.+)$

  RewriteRule ^/cgi-bin/pypi.cgi(.*) /Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables/pypi.cgi$1 [e=HTTP_CGI_AUTHORIZATION:%1,t=application/x-httpd-cgi,l]

If this doesn't work, then you can use these lines to debug:

  RewriteLog /var/log/httpd/rewrite.log

  RewriteLogLevel 9

Unable to edit the page? See the FrontPage for instructions.