Revision 12 as of 2006-07-06 12:29:03

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This page documents the development of the Python Cheese Shop:

The PyPI (packages index, Cheese Shop web interface) code resides in SVN at:

Requests for new Trove categories:

Patches and bug reports should be submitted to:

Discussion about the Cheese Shop should be had on the Catalog SIG mailing list:

XML-RPC Interface

The Cheese Shop has an XML-RPC interface. See CheeseShopXmlRpc for details.

TO-DO list

Something that's been requested, but needs much more thought and analysis to see whether it causes any problems: the ability to treat project names and versions as case-insensitive, while removing extraneous characters (as in pkg_resources.safe_name()) for purposes both of searching and determining name uniqueness when registering.

Development Environment Hints

These are notes so we can remember how to dump / restore the packages database:

Ask RichardJones if you need a database dump.

PageTemplates are obtained from:

We also need to install ez_setup and docutils.

Unable to edit the page? See the FrontPage for instructions.