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Revision 1 as of 2009-10-04 14:24:26
Size: 5448
Editor: GilJohnson
Revision 3 as of 2009-11-10 14:43:01
Size: 5277
Editor: GilJohnson
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 44: Line 44:
    bitArray = array.array('I') # 'I' = unsigned integer = 32 bits
    count = 0
    while (intSize):
        if(intSize & 1): # for each power of 2
            tempArray = array.array('I') # in intSize, add
            tempArray.append(fill) # that many integers
            for index in range(count): # to the array
        count += 1
        intSize >>= 1

    bitArray = array.array('I', fill) * intSize # 'I' = unsigned
                                                      # 32-bit integer
Line 57: Line 49:
# testBit() returns a nonzero result, 2**offset, if the bit at 'offset' is one.
def testBit(int_type, offset):
# testBit() returns a nonzero result, 2**offset, if the bit at 'bit_num' is set to 1.
def testBit(array_name, bit_num):
    record = bi
t_num >> 5
offset = bit_num & 31
Line 60: Line 54:
    return(int_type & mask)     return(array_name[record] & mask)
Line 62: Line 56:
# setBit() returns an integer with the bit at 'offset' set to 1.
def setBit(int_type, offset):
# setBit() returns an integer with the bit at 'bit_num' set to 1.
def setBit(array_name, bit_num):
    record = bi
t_num >> 5
offset = bit_num & 31
Line 65: Line 61:
    return(int_type | mask)     array_name[record] |= mask
Line 67: Line 64:
# clearBit() returns an integer with the bit at 'offset' cleared.
def clearBit(int_type, offset):
# clearBit() returns an integer with the bit at 'bit_num' cleared.
def clearBit(array_name, bit_num):
    record = bi
t_num >> 5
offset = bit_num & 31
Line 70: Line 69:
    return(int_type & mask)     array_name[record] &= mask
Line 72: Line 72:
# toggleBit() returns an integer with the bit at 'offset' inverted, 0 -> 1 and 1 -> 0.
def toggleBit(int_type, offset):
# toggleBit() returns an integer with the bit at 'bit_num' inverted, 0 -> 1 and 1 -> 0.
def toggleBit(array_name, bit_num):
    record = bi
t_num >> 5
offset = bit_num & 31
Line 75: Line 77:
    return(int_type ^ mask)

#* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    array_name[record] ^= mask
#* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Line 89: Line 90:
For a more "real world" example, the following code uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes (for an explanation, see Wikipedia) to find all of the primes less than 65536 (2 to the 16th power) and leaves them in a bit array. This is not the place to go into all the details of how the Sieve works, so it is left in an informal form. To run the Sieve, change the main body of the program (everything after the fuction definitions) to: For a more concrete example, the following code uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes (for an explanation, see Wikipedia) to find all of the primes less than 65536 (2 to the 16th power) and leaves them in a bit array. This is not the place to go into all the details of how the Sieve works, so it is left in an informal form. To run the Sieve, change the main body of the program (everything after the function definitions) to:
Line 93: Line 94:
Line 95: Line 95:
Line 97: Line 96:
Line 99: Line 97:
#* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Line 102: Line 100:
myArray[0] = clearBit(myArray[0], bit) clearBit(myArray, bit)
Line 104: Line 102:
myArray[0] = clearBit(myArray[0], bit) clearBit(myArray, bit)
Line 106: Line 104:
for index in range(256): # range is to *square root* of limit
    record = index >> 5
    bit = index & 31

    test = testBit(myArray[record], bit)
for index in range(256): # range is to "square root" of limit
    test = testBit(myArray, index)
Line 111: Line 108:
        zeroBit = index * index         zeroBit = index * index     # prime squared is lowest multiple left
Line 113: Line 111:
            record = zeroBit >> 5
            bit = zeroBit & 31
            myArray[record] = clearBit(myArray[record], bit)
            clearBit(myArray, zeroBit)
Line 119: Line 115:
    record = index >> 5
    bit = index & 31
test = testBit(myArray[record], bit)
    test = testBit(myArray, index)

Bit arrays, bitstrings, bit vectors, bit fields.

Whatever they are called, these useful objects are often the most compact way to store data. If you can depict your data as boolean values, and can correlate each value with a unique integer, a bit array is a natural choice.

Sets of positive integers are straightforward. The set containing 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31 (the prime numbers less than 32) can be represented in 4 bytes by:

   1 # bit 31                          bit 0
   2 #      |                              |
   3 #      10100000100010100010100010101100  =  0xA08A28AC

The entire set of signed bytes can be represented in 256 bits, where bit n corresponds to the number n - 128. The set of all integers can be mapped to the positive integers:

   1 for n in range(17):
   2     if (n & 1):                   # if n is odd, n
   3         i = -((n + 1) >> 1)       # represents a negative number
   4     else:
   5         i = (n >> 1)
   6     print(i, end = ' ')
   8 # result: 0 -1 1 -2 2 -3 3 -4 4 -5 5 -6 6 -7 7 -8 8

Increasingly sophisticated modules are available for generating and using bit arrays (see bit* in the Python package index) but it isn't hard to set up and use a simple bit array. The following demonstration calculates the number of 32-bit integers needed for all the data bits requested and builds an array initialized to all 0's or all 1's. The program reports the number of "excess" bits if the number requested was not an exact multiple of 32.

   1 # A bit array demo - written for Python 3.0
   2 import array
   3 def makeBitArray(bitSize, fill = 0):
   4     intSize = bitSize >> 5                   # number of 32 bit integers
   5     if (bitSize & 31):                      # if bitSize != (32 * n) add
   6         intSize += 1                        #    a record for stragglers
   7     if fill == 1:
   8         fill = 4294967295                                 # all bits set
   9     else:
  10         fill = 0                                      # all bits cleared
  12     bitArray = array.array('I', fill) * intSize       # 'I' = unsigned
  13                                                       #   32-bit integer
  14     return(bitArray)
  16 # testBit() returns a nonzero result, 2**offset, if the bit at 'bit_num' is set to 1.
  17 def testBit(array_name, bit_num):
  18     record = bit_num >> 5
  19     offset = bit_num & 31
  20     mask = 1 << offset
  21     return(array_name[record] & mask)
  23 # setBit() returns an integer with the bit at 'bit_num' set to 1.
  24 def setBit(array_name, bit_num):
  25     record = bit_num >> 5
  26     offset = bit_num & 31
  27     mask = 1 << offset
  28     array_name[record] |= mask
  29     return(array_name[record])
  31 # clearBit() returns an integer with the bit at 'bit_num' cleared.
  32 def clearBit(array_name, bit_num):
  33     record = bit_num >> 5
  34     offset = bit_num & 31
  35     mask = ~(1 << offset)
  36     array_name[record] &= mask
  37     return(array_name[record])
  39 # toggleBit() returns an integer with the bit at 'bit_num' inverted, 0 -> 1 and 1 -> 0.
  40 def toggleBit(array_name, bit_num):
  41     record = bit_num >> 5
  42     offset = bit_num & 31
  43     mask = 1 << offset
  44     array_name[record] ^= mask
  45     return(array_name[record])
  46 #* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  47 bits = 65536                     # change these numbers to 
  49 ini = 1                          # test the function
  51 myArray = makeBitArray(bits, ini)
  53 # array info: input bits; final length; excess bits; fill pattern
  54 print(bits, len(myArray), (len(myArray) * 32) - bits, bin(myArray[0]))

For a more concrete example, the following code uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes (for an explanation, see Wikipedia) to find all of the primes less than 65536 (2 to the 16th power) and leaves them in a bit array. This is not the place to go into all the details of how the Sieve works, so it is left in an informal form. To run the Sieve, change the main body of the program (everything after the function definitions) to:

   1 # Python 3.0
   2 bits = 65536                             # upper limit on primes
   3 ini = 1
   4 myArray = makeBitArray(bits, ini)
   5 #* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
   6 # 0 and 1 are not prime, and not included in the Sieve of Eratosthenes:
   7 bit = 0
   8 clearBit(myArray, bit)
   9 bit = 1
  10 clearBit(myArray, bit)
  12 for index in range(256):            # range is to "square root" of limit
  13     test = testBit(myArray, index)
  15     if test:
  16         zeroBit = index * index     # prime squared is lowest multiple left
  18         while zeroBit < 65536:
  19             clearBit(myArray, zeroBit)
  20             zeroBit += index
  22 for index in range(65536):
  23     test = testBit(myArray, index)
  24     if test:
  25         print(index)

You might want to redirect output to a file, especially if you increase the limits.

The above demo does not use either setBit() or toggleBit(), and storage of lists of integers only scratches the surface of what can be done with bits as data. There is a huge amount of work out there, dating back to the days when computers had memories and storage measured in bytes, on this topic.

See also:



BitArrays (last edited 2009-12-03 20:53:54 by GilJohnson)

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