Differences between revisions 35 and 39 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 35 as of 2007-03-10 02:41:05
Size: 879
Editor: adsl-69-152-229-87
Comment: <a href= http://video-editing-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html >video editing software</a> [url=http://video-editing-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html]video editing software[/url] <a href= http://software-test.rome-software-it.info/index.html >software test</a> [url=http://software-test.rome-software-it.info/index.html]software test[/url] <a href= http://c-software-test.rome-software-it.info/index.html >c software test</a> [url=http://c-software-test.rome-software-it.info/index.html]c software test[/url] <a href= http://dvd-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html >dvd software</a> [url=http://dvd-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html]dvd software[/url] <a href= http://free-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html >free software</a> [url=http://free-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html]free software[/url]
Revision 39 as of 2007-05-15 16:02:23
Size: 3161
Editor: smtp2
Comment: Expanded examples of ShowMeDo videos
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<a href= http://video-editing-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html >video editing software</a> [url=http://video-editing-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html]video editing software[/url]
<a href= http://software-test.rome-software-it.info/index.html >software test</a> [url=http://software-test.rome-software-it.info/index.html]software test[/url]
<a href= http://c-software-test.rome-software-it.info/index.html >c software test</a> [url=http://c-software-test.rome-software-it.info/index.html]c software test[/url]
<a href= http://dvd-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html >dvd software</a> [url=http://dvd-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html]dvd software[/url]
<a href= http://free-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html >free software</a> [url=http://free-software.rome-software-it.info/index.html]free software[/url]
== Python for Programmers ==

The tutorials on this page
are aimed at people who have previous experience
with other programming languages (C, Perl, Lisp, Visual Basic).

    * [http://docs.python.org/tut/ Python Tutorial]

    This tutorial is part of Python's documentation set and is updated with
    each new release.

    * [http://diveintopython.org/ Dive Into Python]

    A fine tutorial by Mark Pilgrim.

    * [http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/sim-explorer/explore-items/-/0735710910/0/101/1/none/purchase/ref%3Dpd%5Fsxp%5Fr0/002-0605932-8839237 Python Essential Reference] (book)

    If you want a highly compressed K&R-style 'just the facts' overview,
    David Beazley's "Python Essential Reference"
    covers practically all of the language in about a hundred pages.

    * [http://www.hetland.org/python/instant-python.php Instant Python]

    A minimal crash course by Magnus Lie Hetland.

    * [http://www.linuxjournal.com/lj-issues/issue73/3946.html Python Programming for Beginners]

    A short introduction to writing command-line applications in Python by
    Jacek Artymiak.

    * [http://www.rexx.com/~dkuhlman/python_101/python_101.html Python 101 - Beginning Python] and [http://www.rexx.com/~dkuhlman/python_201/python_201.html Python 201 - (Slightly) Advanced Python]

    Two self-training courses from Dave Kuhlman. Python 101
    introduces the basic data types, and 201 covers particular tasks such
    as parsing text and writing unit tests.

    * [http://www.wag.caltech.edu/home/rpm/python_course/ Python Short Course]

    A set of course slides by Richard P. Muller of Caltech
    that are aimed at scientific users. For example, the first example is
    a script to process output from a quantum chemistry simulation.

    * [http://starship.python.net/crew/hinsen/ Python for Science]

    Course material written by Konrad Hinsen for an introduction to Python
    aimed at biologists.

    * [http://www.swc.scipy.org/ Software Carpentry]: lectures aimed at scientists and engineers.

    * You can find a variety of Python tutorials on [http://www.codeteacher.com Code Teacher].

    * [http://showmedo.com/videos/python ShowMeDo.com/videos/Python]: Over 90 ShowMeDo Python programming videos (almost all are free and all are made by Python experts). Topics include:
        * [http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=pythonOzsvaldPyNewbieSeries Python Newbies on XP] (9 videos, pay-to-own)
        * [http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=pythonOzsvaldIntroToPyResourcesSeries A Guide to Python Resources on the Web] (2 videos)
        * [http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=pythonHollandIntroToPythonSeries_german Einführung in die Programmierung mit Python] (14 videos - German)
        * [http://showmedo.com/videos/series?name=PythonWxPythonBeginnersSeries Python GUI Programming with wxPython] (3 videos)

    * [attachment:Cpp2Python.pdf Cpp2Python.pdf]: transcription of a posting to comp.lang.python describing features comparable between C++ and Python (as well as a general exhortation to "quit talking and start doing")


Python for Programmers

The tutorials on this page are aimed at people who have previous experience with other programming languages (C, Perl, Lisp, Visual Basic).

BeginnersGuide/Programmers (last edited 2024-03-03 16:02:54 by MatsWichmann)

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