Differences between revisions 1 and 7 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2022-12-14 01:15:53
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Editor: AtmanAn
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Editor: AtmanAn
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== Python for Non-Programmers ==
If you've never programmed before, the tutorials on this page are recommended for you; they don't assume that you have previous experience. If you have programming experience, also check out the [[BeginnersGuide/Programmers]] page.
== 编程新手必读 ==
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== Books ==
Each of these books can be purchased online but is also available as free textual, website, or video content.
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/* please keep this list alphabetized */ == 书籍 ==
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 * '''Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Practical Programming for Total Beginners''' by ''Al Sweigart'' is "written for office workers, students, administrators, and anyone who uses a computer to learn how to code small, practical programs to automate tasks on their computer." ||[[https://automatetheboringstuff.com/|website]] ||[[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1593275994/|print version]] || /* 字母顺序排列 */
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 * '''How To Think Like a Computer Scientist''' is a classic open-source book by ''Allen Downey'' with contributions from ''Jeffrey Elkner'' and ''Chris Meyers''. It was updated to Python 3 by ''Peter Wentworth.'' ||[[http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english3e/|website]] ||[[http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english3e/|print version]] ||  * '''《自动化机械工作 - 完全新手编程实践》''' 作者 ''Al Sweigart'' 本书“写给办公室白领、学生、网管和一切使用电脑学习如何编写短小使用的程序的人群,他们可以在自己的电脑上自动化工作任务” ||[[https://automatetheboringstuff.com/|网站]] ||[[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1593275994/|印刷版]] ||
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 * '''Making Games with Python & Pygame''' by ''Al Sweigart'' introduces the Pygame framework for novices and intermediate programmers to make graphical games. ||[[http://inventwithpython.com/pygame|website]] ||[[http://www.amazon.com/Making-Games-Python-Pygame-Sweigart/dp/1469901730?ie=UTF8&tag=playwithpyth-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0982106017|print version]] ||  * '''《像计算机科学家一样思考》''' 是一本经典开源书籍 作者是 ''Allen Downey'' ,贡献者 ''Jeffrey Elkner'' 和 ''Chris Meyers''. ''Peter Wentworth.''贡献了Python3的更新内容 ||[[http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english3e/|网站]] ||[[http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english3e/|印刷版本]] ||
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 * '''Python One-Liners''' by ''Christian Mayer'' teaches you how to read and write "one-liners": concise statements of useful functionality packed into a single line of code. ||[[https://pythononeliners.com/|website with free one-liner explainer videos]] ||[[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZY7XMX8|print version]] ||  * '''《用Python和Pygame制作游戏》''' 作者 ''Al Sweigart'' 给初中级程序员介绍Pygame游戏框架 ||[[http://inventwithpython.com/pygame|网站]] ||[[http://www.amazon.com/Making-Games-Python-Pygame-Sweigart/dp/1469901730?ie=UTF8&tag=playwithpyth-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0982106017|印刷版本]] ||
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 * '''Think Python''' by ''Allen B. Downey'' teaches you how to think like a computer scientist. ||[[http://greenteapress.com/thinkpython/html/index.html|website]] ||[[https://www.amazon.com/Think-Python-Like-Computer-Scientist/dp/1491939362/|print version]] ||  * '''《Python单行程序》''' 作者 ''Christian Mayer'' 教你如何阅读和编写单行程序: 有用的具体语句,一行代码实现 ||[[https://pythononeliners.com/|讲解视频网站]] ||[[https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZY7XMX8|印刷版本]] ||
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You can find many free Python books online. For example, check out [[https://blog.finxter.com/free-python-books/|this article with 101 free Python books]].  * '''《思考Python》''' 作者 ''Allen B. Downey'' 教你如何像一个计算机科学家一样思考 ||[[http://greenteapress.com/thinkpython/html/index.html|网站]] ||[[https://www.amazon.com/Think-Python-Like-Computer-Scientist/dp/1491939362/|印刷版本]] ||
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== Interactive Courses ==
These sites give you instant feedback on programming problems that you can solve in your browser.
你可以发现更多在线Python书籍。 比如,查看这里 [[https://blog.finxter.com/free-python-books/|101个免费Python书籍]].
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/* please keep this list alphabetized */ == 交互课程 ==
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 * [[https://python.land/python-tutorial|A beginner-friendly and free Python tutorial]] with interactive code examples, explaining the Python language in an easy-to-understand way. 以下网站可以让你在浏览器里编程,并及时得到反馈
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 * [[https://programiz.pro/learn/master-python|A beginner-friendly Python course]] that teaches to learn to code through bite-size lessons, quizzes and 100+ challenges. /* 按字母顺序排列 */
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 * [[http://www.checkio.org|CheckiO]] is a gamified website containing programming tasks that can be solved in Python 3.  * [[https://python.land/python-tutorial|新手友好的免费Python教程]] 包含交互式代码示例,用简单易懂的方式介绍Python语言。
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 * [[https://www.codedex.io|Codédex]] is a learn to code platform for K-12 and college students.  * [[https://programiz.pro/learn/master-python|新手友好Python课程]] 包括短课、小测验和100多个挑战。
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 * [[https://www.codecademy.com/search?query=python|Codecademy (]]Python)  * [[http://www.checkio.org|CheckiO]] 使用Python3通过游戏方式解决编程任务。
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 * [[https://codetheblocks.com|Code the blocks]] combines Python programming with a 3D environment where you "place blocks" and construct structures. It also comes with Python tutorials that teach you how to create progressively elaborate 3D structures.  * [[https://www.codedex.io|Codédex]] K-12及大学生学习编码的平台。
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 * [[https://codevisionz.com/learn-python-programming/|Codevisionz Python]] 10+ hrs of Python learning material - Learn common programming concepts through code examples, quizzes, and challenges  * [[https://www.codecademy.com/search?query=python|Codecademy ]](Python)
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 * [[http://cscircles.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/|Computer Science Circles]] has 30 lessons, 100 exercises, and a message system where you can ask for help. Teachers can use it with their students. It is also available in Dutch, French, German, and Lithuanian.  * [[https://codetheblocks.com|Code the blocks]] 使用3D环境放置代码块来搭建结构,教你如何循序渐进地与3D结构交互的Python教程。
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 * [[https://www.datacamp.com/courses/intro-to-python-for-data-science|DataCamp Python Tutorial]] Unlike most other Python tutorials, this 4 hour tutorial by [[https://www.datacamp.com/|DataCamp]] focuses on Python specifically for Data Science. It has 57 interactive exercises and 11 videos.  * [[https://codevisionz.com/learn-python-programming/|Codevisionz Python]] 10小时+Python学习资料 - 通过代码示例,小测验和挑战来学习通用的编程概念
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 * [[https://finxter.com|Finxter]] - How good are your Python skills? Test and Training with >300 hand-picked Python puzzles.  * [[http://cscircles.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/|Computer Science Circles]] 有30课,100个练习,你也可以通过消息系统寻求帮助。老师可以用它来教学生,支持荷兰语、法语、德语和立陶宛语。
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 * [[https://hackinscience.org|HackInScience]] - 50+ Python exercises on a free, adless, simple, and open-source platform.  * [[https://www.datacamp.com/courses/intro-to-python-for-data-science|DataCamp Python Tutorial]] 与多数教程不同,这是专门为数据科学设计的4小时教程,包括57个交互联系和11个视频。

 * [[https://finxter.com|Finxter]] - 你的Python技能水平如何?通过300个手工挑选的Python小测试来了解和训练你的技能吧。

 * [[https://hackinscience.org|HackInScience]] - 50多个Python练习,免费无广告、简单开源。
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 * [[https://www.learnpython.org/|LearnPython]] is an interactive Python tutorial that is suitable for absolute beginners.  * [[https://www.learnpython.org/|LearnPython]] 绝对新手必读交互式Python教程。
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== Resources for Younger Learners ==
(This section was previously called "K-12 Oriented", K-12 being a USA-centric term which refers to the primary and secondary educational stages; through level 3 on the UNESCO ISCED education levels list.)
== 低年级学生专用资源 ==
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/* please keep this list alphabetized */ /* 字母顺序 */
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 * [[http://gvr.sourceforge.net|Guido van Robot]] A teaching tool in which students write simple programs using a Python-like language to control a simulated robot. Field-tested at Yorktown High School, the project includes a lesson plan.  * [[http://gvr.sourceforge.net|Guido van Robot]] 一个教学工具,学生可以用类似Python的语言来控制一个模拟机器人。 约克镇高中(Yorktown High School)教学项目计划。
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 * [[http://jasonrbriggs.com/python-for-kids/index.html|Python for Kids]] by Jason R Briggs. Book with sample code and puzzles.  * [[http://jasonrbriggs.com/python-for-kids/index.html|Python for Kids]] 作者Jason R Briggs 本书自带实例代码和谜题。
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 * [[http://pythonturtle.org|PythonTurtle]] A learning environment for Python suitable for beginners and children, inspired by Logo. Geared mainly towards children, but known to be successful with adults as well.  * [[http://pythonturtle.org|PythonTurtle]] 适合初学者和孩子的Python学习环境,受Logo语言启发而设计。主要面向儿童,但成人也可以用它来入门。
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 * [[http://www.letslearnpython.com/learn/|Young Coders tutorial]] This is the full text of the tutorial taught annually at PyCon (North America), with examples and exercises throughout. This tutorial starts with basic skills and builds to working with complex logic and games. Appropriate for ages 10 and up, including adult beginners.  * [[http://www.letslearnpython.com/learn/|Young Coders tutorial]] 历年来PyCon北美的完整教程,贯穿实例与练习。以基本编程技能开始教程,随后介绍复杂逻辑和游戏。适用于10岁以上儿童及成人初学者。
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 * [[https://www.webucator.com/self-paced-training/index.cfm#!?courseId=PYT111|Webucator's self-paced Python 3 course]] free for homeschoolers and other students (use HOMESCHOOL as the coupon code when checking out). This course is appropriate for students 13 and up. '''From our experience, these students can learn at least as quickly as adults new to programming.''' == 教程网站 ==
/* 字母顺序 */
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== Tutorials and Websites ==
/* please keep this list alphabetized */
 * [[https://python.swaroopch.com/|A Byte of Python]]作者Swaroop C.H.给没有编程经验的人的介绍
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 * [[https://python.swaroopch.com/|A Byte of Python]], by Swaroop C.H., is also an introductory text for people with no previous programming experience.  * [[https://www.afternerd.com/|Afternerd]]作者Karim Elghamrawy,面向Python新手的Python教程博客
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 * [[https://www.afternerd.com/|Afternerd]], by Karim Elghamrawy, is a Python tutorials blog that is geared towards Python beginners.  * [[https://askpython.com/|Ask Python]] 纯新手Python教程
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 * [[https://askpython.com/|Ask Python]] Absolute Beginners Python Tutorial.  * [[http://anh.cs.luc.edu/handsonPythonTutorial/|Hands-on Python Tutorial]] 初学者的Python、图形和简单的客户端/服务器视频介绍
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 * [[http://anh.cs.luc.edu/handsonPythonTutorial/|Hands-on Python Tutorial]] Beginners' Python, graphics, and simple client/server introduction, with videos.

 * [[http://www.alan-g.me.uk/l2p2|Learning to Program]] An introduction to programming for those who have never programmed before, by Alan Gauld. It introduces several programming languages but has a strong emphasis on Python. (Python 2 and 3)
 * [[http://www.alan-g.me.uk/l2p2|Learning to Program]] 给从未编过程的人的编程介绍,作者Alan Gauld,它介绍了几种编程语言,但重点放在Python上(包括Python2和Python3)
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 * [[https://itsmycode.com|ItsMyCode]] A Python Blog and tutorials built for developers who love coding  * [[https://itsmycode.com|ItsMyCode]] 一个Python博客与教程,专为编程爱好者打造
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 * [[http://letsfindcourse.com/python|Letsfindcourse - Python]]: Best Python tutorials and courses recommended by experts.  * [[http://letsfindcourse.com/python|Letsfindcourse - Python]]: 专家推荐的最好的Python教程和课程
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 * [[https://www.coursesonline.co.uk/courses/python/|Online Python Courses]] Compare online Python courses from learning providers from across the UK  * [[https://www.coursesonline.co.uk/courses/python/|Online Python Courses]] 比较英国不同的在线Python课程
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 * [[https://overiq.com/python/3.4/intro-to-python/|Learn Python]] An Introductory yet in-depth tutorial for Python beginners.  * [[https://overiq.com/python/3.4/intro-to-python/|Learn Python]] 有深度的Python初学者教程
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 * The [[http://pythontips.com/|Python tips]] blog includes Python tips and tutorials for beginners and professional programmers.  * The [[http://pythontips.com/|Python tips]] 介绍Python小技巧和教程的博客,初学者与专业程序员都适用
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 * [[http://docs.python.org/py3k/tutorial/|Python Tutorial in Python's documentation set]]. It's not written with non-programmers in mind, but it will give you an idea of the language's flavor and style.  * [[http://docs.python.org/py3k/tutorial/|Python Tutorial in Python's documentation set]]. 面向非程序员,让你体会Python语言的风味
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 * [[http://www.python-course.eu/python3_course.php|The Python-Course.eu's extensive tutorial for complete beginners]], with lots of illustrations.  * [[http://www.python-course.eu/python3_course.php|面向纯新手的Python-Course.eu's 扩展教程]] 自带很多插图
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 * [[https://www.pythonspot.com|Pythonspot Tutorials]] Python tutorials.  * [[https://www.pythonspot.com|Pythonspot Tutorials]] Python教程
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 * [[http://thepythonguru.com/|The Python Guru]] A beginner-friendly guide for aspiring programmers.  * [[http://thepythonguru.com/|The Python Guru]] 新手友好的编程指导
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 * [[https://coderslegacy.com|CodersLegacy]] A website + blog geared towards both new and experienced programmers. Mainly focused on teaching Python.
 * [[https://thecodezine.com|The Codezine]] A python programming blog built for beginners.
 * [[https://coderslegacy.com|CodersLegacy]] 面向新手及有经验的程序员的网站和博客,主要聚焦在教授Python
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 * [[https://www.patternsgameprog.com/series/discover-python-and-patterns/|Discover Python & Patterns with game programming]] Discover Python by programming video games.  * [[https://www.patternsgameprog.com/series/discover-python-and-patterns/|发现Python游戏编程中的模式]]
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 * [[https://www.quizcure.com/topic/python/|QuizCure: A Python Learning Platform]] Contains a list of Commonly asked Python Questions and Answers with Examples.  * [[https://www.quizcure.com/topic/python/|QuizCure: A Python Learning Platform]] 包含常见的Python问答实例
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== Tutorial Aggregators / lists == == 教程聚合列表 ==
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 * [[https://gitconnected.com/learn/python|Gitconnected Python]] tutorials submitted and ranked by Python developers with the best rising to the top
 * [[https://coursesity.com/best-tutorials-learn/python|Coursesity - Python]] - Curated list of the best python courses and tutorials for beginners.
 * [[https://classpert.com/python-programming|Classpert - Python]] - A large collection of free and paid Python online courses, from a wide range of providers.
 * [[https://hackr.io/tutorials/learn-python|Hackr.io - Python]]: Programming community-recommended best Python tutorials and courses
 * [[https://gitconnected.com/learn/python|Gitconnected Python]] Python开发者投票选出的最佳教程列表
 * [[https://coursesity.com/best-tutorials-learn/python|Coursesity - Python]] - 面向初学者最佳Python教程与课程列表
 * [[https://classpert.com/python-programming|Classpert - Python]] - 一大波免费/付费在线Python课程
 * [[https://hackr.io/tutorials/learn-python|Hackr.io - Python]]: 编程社区推荐出的最佳Python教程和课程





  • 《自动化机械工作 - 完全新手编程实践》 作者 Al Sweigart 本书“写给办公室白领、学生、网管和一切使用电脑学习如何编写短小使用的程序的人群,他们可以在自己的电脑上自动化工作任务” ||网站 ||印刷版 ||

  • 《像计算机科学家一样思考》 是一本经典开源书籍 作者是 Allen Downey ,贡献者 Jeffrey ElknerChris Meyers. Peter Wentworth.贡献了Python3的更新内容 ||网站 ||印刷版本 ||

  • 《用Python和Pygame制作游戏》 作者 Al Sweigart 给初中级程序员介绍Pygame游戏框架 ||网站 ||印刷版本 ||

  • 《Python单行程序》 作者 Christian Mayer 教你如何阅读和编写单行程序: 有用的具体语句,一行代码实现 ||讲解视频网站 ||印刷版本 ||

  • 《思考Python》 作者 Allen B. Downey 教你如何像一个计算机科学家一样思考 ||网站 ||印刷版本 ||

你可以发现更多在线Python书籍。 比如,查看这里 101个免费Python书籍.



  • 新手友好的免费Python教程 包含交互式代码示例,用简单易懂的方式介绍Python语言。

  • 新手友好Python课程 包括短课、小测验和100多个挑战。

  • CheckiO 使用Python3通过游戏方式解决编程任务。

  • Codédex K-12及大学生学习编码的平台。

  • Codecademy(Python)

  • Code the blocks 使用3D环境放置代码块来搭建结构,教你如何循序渐进地与3D结构交互的Python教程。

  • Codevisionz Python 10小时+Python学习资料 - 通过代码示例,小测验和挑战来学习通用的编程概念

  • Computer Science Circles 有30课,100个练习,你也可以通过消息系统寻求帮助。老师可以用它来教学生,支持荷兰语、法语、德语和立陶宛语。

  • DataCamp Python Tutorial 与多数教程不同,这是专门为数据科学设计的4小时教程,包括57个交互联系和11个视频。

  • Finxter - 你的Python技能水平如何?通过300个手工挑选的Python小测试来了解和训练你的技能吧。

  • HackInScience - 50多个Python练习,免费无广告、简单开源。

  • How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition is an interactive reimagination of Elkner, Downey and Meyer's book with visualizations and audio explanations.

  • LearnPython 绝对新手必读交互式Python教程。



  • Guido van Robot 一个教学工具,学生可以用类似Python的语言来控制一个模拟机器人。 约克镇高中(Yorktown High School)教学项目计划。

  • Python for Kids 作者Jason R Briggs 本书自带实例代码和谜题。

  • PythonTurtle 适合初学者和孩子的Python学习环境,受Logo语言启发而设计。主要面向儿童,但成人也可以用它来入门。

  • Young Coders tutorial 历年来PyCon北美的完整教程,贯穿实例与练习。以基本编程技能开始教程,随后介绍复杂逻辑和游戏。适用于10岁以上儿童及成人初学者。



Tutorials for Scientific Audiences

These websites are written in support of science courses but are general enough that anyone can learn from them.

  • Beginning Python for Bioinformatics by Patrick O'Brien. An introduction to Python aimed at biologists that introduces the PyCrust shell and Python's basic data types.

  • Python for Number Theory is a series of Python notebooks (for Jupyter) for applications to number theory and cryptography. They assume no prior programming experience and are suitable for someone learning elementary number theory at the same time. They conclude with an introduction to primality testing and cryptography (Diffie-Hellman, RSA).

  • Python for biologists


  • Programiz App to Learn Python - A beginner-friendly app on Android and iOS to learn Python step by step with an in-built interpreter and quizzes.


Email Academies

  • Finxter Email Computer Science Academy: 20+ free Python and computer science courses delivered in email video lessons. Content: cheat sheets, Python basics, data structures, NumPy, data science, career advancement, coding productivity, and machine learning.


CategoryPythonInEducation CategoryPythonInEducation

BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammersChinese (last edited 2022-12-29 03:29:12 by AtmanAn)

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