Differences between revisions 16 and 93 (spanning 77 versions)
Revision 16 as of 2006-11-19 23:09:01
Size: 4331
Comment: Update link
Revision 93 as of 2016-11-06 18:20:35
Size: 10936
Editor: jayanam
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If you've never programmed before, the tutorials on this page are recommended for you; they don't assume that you have previous experience. If you have programming experience, also check out the [[BeginnersGuide/Programmers]] page.
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== Books ==
Each of these books can be purchased online and is also available as a completely free website. /* please keep this list alphabetized */
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If you've never programmed before, the tutorials on this page are
recommended for you; they don't assume that you have previous
 * '''Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Practical Programming for Total Beginners''' by ''Al Sweigart'' is "written for office workers, students, administrators, and anyone who uses a computer to learn how to code small, practical programs to automate tasks on their computer." ||Python 3 ||[[https://automatetheboringstuff.com/|website]] ||[[http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1593275994/|print version]] ||
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 * '''How To Think Like a Computer Scientist''' is a classic open-source book by ''Allen Downey'' with contributions from ''Jeffrey Elkner'' and ''Chris Meyers''. It was updated to Python 3 by ''Peter Wentworth.'' ||Python 2 ||[[http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english2e/|website]] ||[[http://amzn.to/Owtmjy|print version]] || ||Python 3 ||[[http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english3e/|website]] ||[[http://openbookproject.net/thinkcs/python/english3e/|print version]] ||
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If you have previous programming experience,
the list of programmer-oriented tutorials on the ["BeginnersGuide/Programmers"] page
may get you started more quickly, but the tutorials on this page
may still be helpful.
 * '''Making Games with Python & Pygame''' by ''Al Sweigart'' introduces the Pygame framework for novices and intermediate programmers to make graphical games. ||Python 3 ||[[http://inventwithpython.com/pygame|website]] ||[[http://www.amazon.com/Making-Games-Python-Pygame-Sweigart/dp/1469901730?ie=UTF8&tag=playwithpyth-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0982106017|print version]] ||
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== Interactive Courses ==
These sites give you instant feedback on programming problems that you can solve in your browser.
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/* please keep this list alphabetized */
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  * [http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/alan.gauld/ Learning to Program]
  An introduction to programming for those
  who have never programmed before, by Alan Gauld. It introduces
  several programming languages but has a strong emphasis on Python.
 * [[http://www.checkio.org|CheckiO]] is a gamified website containing programming tasks that can be solved in either Python 2 or 3.
 * [[http://cscircles.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/|Computer Science Circles]] has 30 lessons, 100 exercises, and a message system where you can ask for help. Teachers can use it with their students. It is also available in Dutch, French, German and Lithuanian. (Python 3)
 * [[https://www.datacamp.com/courses/intro-to-python-for-data-science|DataCamp Python Tutorial]] (Python 3) Unlike most other Python tutorials this 4 hour tutorial by [[https://www.datacamp.com/|DataCamp]] focuses on Python specifically for Data Science. It has 57 interactive exercises and 11 videos.
 * [[http://interactivepython.org/runestone/static/thinkcspy/index.html|How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition (Python 3.x)]] is an interactive reimagination of Elkner, Downey and Meyer's book with visualizations and audio explanations.
 * [[http://www.codecademy.com/tracks/python|Python on Codecademy]] (Python 2)
 * [[https://www.speltechnologies.com/bookdemo|Python story-based game]] (Python 2) Merscythe: Adventures with the Codue is a story-based game for learning Python. The tutorials provide feedback and hints.
Line 22: Line 25:
  * [http://www.byteofpython.info/ A Byte of Python], by Swaroop C.H., is also an introductory text
  for people with no previous programming experience.
== K-12 Oriented (for Children) ==
/* please keep this list alphabetized */
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 * [[http://www.thinkful.com/learn/python-programming-fundamentals/|Build a "Pypet"]] Learn programming fundamentals in Python while building a tamagotchi style "Pypet" by Tatiana Tylosky.
 * [[http://gvr.sourceforge.net|Guido van Robot]] A teaching tool in which students write simple programs using a Python-like language to control a simulated robot. Field-tested at Yorktown High School, the project includes a lesson plan.
 * [[http://pythonturtle.org|PythonTurtle]] A learning environment for Python suitable for beginners and children, inspired by Logo. Geared mainly towards children, but known to be successful with adults as well.
 * [[https://www.speltechnologies.com/bookdemo|Python story-based game]] (Python 2) Merscythe: Adventures with the Codue is a story-based game for learning Python. The tutorials provide feedback and hints.
Line 26: Line 33:
  * [http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~dyoo/python/idle_intro/index.html One Day of IDLE Toying] == Tutorials and Websites ==
/* please keep this list alphabetized */
Line 28: Line 36:
  A very gentle introduction to
  the IDLE development environment that comes with Python.
  This tutorial by Danny Yoo has been translated into nine different languages.
 * [[http://swaroopch.com/notes/python/|A Byte of Python]], by Swaroop C.H., is also an introductory text for people with no previous programming experience. (Python 2)
 * [[http://www.afterhoursprogramming.com/tutorial/Python/Overview/|After Hours Programming Python 3 Tutorial]] (Python 3)
 * [[http://askpython.com/|Ask Python]] Absolute Beginners Python Tutorial (Python 3)
 * [[http://hetland.org/writing/instant-hacking.html|Instant Hacking]] A minimal crash course by Magnus Lie Hetland that's an excellent starting point. (Python 2)
 * [[http://www.alan-g.me.uk|Learning to Program]] An introduction to programming for those who have never programmed before, by Alan Gauld. It introduces several programming languages but has a strong emphasis on Python. (Python 2 and 3)
 * The Wikibooks Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python by Josh Cogliati is available for both [[http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Non-Programmer's_Tutorial_for_Python_2.6|Python 2]] and [[http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Non-Programmer's_Tutorial_for_Python_3.0|Python 3]].
 * [[http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~dyoo/python/idle_intro/index.html|One Day of IDLE Toying]] A very gentle introduction to the IDLE development environment that comes with Python. This tutorial by Danny Yoo has been translated into nine different languages. (Python 2)
 * The [[http://pythontips.com/|Python tips]] blog includes Python tips and tutorials for beginners and professional programmers.
 * There is a Python Tutorial in Python's documentation set. It's not written with non-programmers in mind, but it will give you an idea of the language's flavor and style. It is available for both [[http://docs.python.org/tut/|Python 2]] and [[http://docs.python.org/py3k/tutorial/|Python 3]].
 * The Python-Course.eu website has an extensive tutorial for complete beginners, in both [[http://www.python-course.eu/course.php|Python 2]] and [[http://www.python-course.eu/python3_course.php|Python 3]], with lots of illustrations.
 * [[https://www.pythonspot.com|Pythonspot Tutorials]] Python tutorials.
 * [[http://thepythonguru.com/|The Python Guru]] A beginner friendly guide for aspiring programmers.
Line 32: Line 49:
  * [http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/ How to Think Like a Computer Scientist] == Tutorials for Scientific Audiences ==
/* please keep this list alphabetized */ These websites are written in support of science courses, but are general enough that anyone can learn from them.
Line 34: Line 52:
  Allen Downey's open source textbook has a
  Python version, written with Jeff Elkner. It's also available in book form.
 * [[http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2002/10/17/biopython.html|Beginning Python for Bioinformatics]] by Patrick O'Brien. An introduction to Python aimed at biologists that introduces the PyCrust shell and Python's basic data types.
 * [[http://www.pentangle.net/python/handbook/|Handbook of the Physics Computing Course]] Also available in various forms at the author's [[http://www.pentangle.net/python/|Python in Education]] page, this is a preliminary course handbook for 1st-year university students with no computing experience. This course material is still preliminary and assumes some high school-level maths. It does not cover object-oriented programming or graphical applications. (Python 2)
 * Pasteur Institute courses are aimed at biologists but are useful to anyone wanting to learn Python. [[http://www.pasteur.fr/formation/infobio/python/|Introduction to Programming using Python]] is for people completely new to programming.
 * [[http://programminghistorian.org|The Programming Historian]] is a tutorial-style introduction to programming for practicing historians. It assumes that you're starting out with no prior programming experience and only a basic understanding of computers. (Python 2)
Line 37: Line 57:
  * [http://www.hetland.org/python/instant-hacking.php Instant Hacking] == Videos ==
/* please keep this list alphabetized */
Line 39: Line 60:
  A minimal crash course by Magnus Lie Hetland
  that's an excellent starting point.
 * [[http://www.toonzcat.com/progart.html|Python 3 Beginner Video Tutorials]]
 * [[https://youtu.be/uCzFUKWtzgA?list=PLboXykqtm8dy_DNg1NZiS08Dnyj35PWXw|Python Programming Tutorials for Beginners]]: Installation, IDE, variables, functions, strings, lists, OOP
 * The [[http://young-programmers.blogspot.com/search/label/python|Young Programmers Podcast]] contains video lessons on Python, Pygame, Jython, Scratch, Alice, Java and Scala.
Line 42: Line 64:
  * Free Python video lectures are also available as a course titled ["Intro to programming with Python and Tkinter"], Unix users can view the video using mplayer once you have downloaded the files. Windows users will need to have a DivX player, available from http://www.divx.com/divx/windows/. (One user reports success viewing the videos on OS X 10.4 using the VLC player -- http://www.videolan.org/) == Tools ==
 * [[http://thonny.cs.ut.ee|Thonny, Python IDE for beginners]]
Line 44: Line 67:
  * [http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Non-Programmer%27s_Tutorial_for_Python/Contents A Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python] by Josh Cogliati. Also available from [http://www.andamooka.org/reader.pl?section=easytut Andamooka]. {{{#!wiki comment/dashed
Dead Links / Broken Sites
Line 46: Line 70:
  * [http://www.pentangle.net/python/handbook/ Handbook of the Physics Computing Course] If these sites come back to life, feel free to move them back up. Perhaps after 6 months it would be reasonable to delete them.
Line 48: Line 72:
  Also available in various forms at the
  author's [http://www.pentangle.net/python/ Python in Education] page, this is a
  preliminary course handbook for 1st-year university students with no
  computing experience. This course material is still preliminary and
  assumes some high school-level maths. It does
  not cover object-oriented programming or graphical applications.
 * [[http://learn-to-program.net/python|Learning Python (for the complete nOOb)]] by Derrick Wolters. A beginner's tutorial to learn how to program in Python. (Python 2) -- ''1/3/14: This is a dead link and a quick but very limited Google search turned up nothing. It is available on the wayback machine, however - [[https://web.archive.org/web/20110913183904/http:/www.learn-to-program.net/|Wayback Machine]]''
Line 55: Line 74:
  * [http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2002/10/17/biopython.html Beginning Python for Bioinformatics] by Patrick O'Brien. An
  introduction to Python aimed at biologists that introduces the PyCrust
  shell and Python's basic data types.
 * Free Python video lectures are also available as a course titled [[Intro to programming with Python and Tkinter]], Unix users can view the video using mplayer once you have downloaded the files. Windows users will need to have a DivX player, available from http://www.divx.com/divx/windows/. (One user reports success viewing the videos on OS X 10.4 using the VLC player -- http://www.videolan.org/) -- ''1/3/14: This is not a dead link but it is a dead option. These videos have been dropped from Blip.tv so the link gets you nothing.''
Line 59: Line 76:
  * Two courses from the Pasteur Institute are aimed at biologists but
  are useful to anyone wanting to learn Python. Both tutorials are
  quite extensive, covering data types, object-oriented programming,
  files, and even design patterns.

    * [http://www.pasteur.fr/formation/infobio/python/ Introduction to Programming using Python] is for people completely new to programming.

    * [http://www.pasteur.fr/recherche/unites/sis/formation/python/ Bioinformatics course in Python]
  focuses on preparing people with some programming background for using the
  [http://www.biopython.org Biopython] modules.

  * [http://docs.python.org/tut/ Python Tutorial]

  This tutorial is part of
  Python's documentation set and is updated with each new release. It's
  not written with non-programmers in mind, but skimming through it will
  give you an idea of the language's flavor and style.

== For Younger Students ==

    * [http://www.livewires.org.uk/python/ LiveWires]

    A set of Python lessons used during 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002
    children's summer camps in Britain by Richard Crook, Gareth McCaughan,
    Mark White, and Rhodri James. Aimed at children 12-15 years old.

    * [http://gvr.sourceforge.net Guido van Robot]

    A teaching tool in which students write simple programs using
    a Python-like language to control a simulated robot.
    Field-tested at Yorktown High School, the project includes a lesson plan.
 * [[http://www.pasteur.fr/recherche/unites/sis/formation/python/|Bioinformatics course in Python]] focuses on preparing people with some programming background for using the [[http://www.biopython.org|Biopython]] modules.
 * [[http://www.pythonforbiologists.com|Python for biologists]] (Python 3)
 * [[http://www.teachmepython.com|Teach Me Python]] A Python tutorial for fast learners. (Python 2)
 * [[http://www.khanacademy.org/#computer-science|Khan Academy computer science]] (Python 2, not actively maintained) -- ''20/4/14: This link now leads to the Khan Academy sign-on page. Python material seems to have been disappeared from Khan Academy.''
 * [[http://www.learnpython.org/|learnpython.org]] (Python 2) ''2/10/15: interactivity not working''
 * [[http://www.learnstreet.com/lessons/languages/python|LearnStreet: Free interactive Python courses and practice exercises]] (Python 2)
 * [[http://www.talk-it.biz/tutorial-categories/python/|Python tutorials on TalkIT]] (Python 3) ''7/10/15: it is almost all behind a paywall''
 * [[http://www.livewires.org.uk/python/|LiveWires]] A set of Python lessons used during 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002 children's summer camps in Britain by Richard Crook, Gareth McCaughan, Mark White, and Rhodri James. Aimed at children 12-15 years old. ''7/10/15: Site not up when clicked.''
 * [[http://python.lycee.free.fr/|Débuter avec Python au lycée]] A french tutorial intended to secondary school pupils.

Python for Non-Programmers

If you've never programmed before, the tutorials on this page are recommended for you; they don't assume that you have previous experience. If you have programming experience, also check out the BeginnersGuide/Programmers page.


Each of these books can be purchased online and is also available as a completely free website.

  • Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Practical Programming for Total Beginners by Al Sweigart is "written for office workers, students, administrators, and anyone who uses a computer to learn how to code small, practical programs to automate tasks on their computer." ||Python 3 ||website ||print version ||

  • How To Think Like a Computer Scientist is a classic open-source book by Allen Downey with contributions from Jeffrey Elkner and Chris Meyers. It was updated to Python 3 by Peter Wentworth. ||Python 2 ||website ||print version || ||Python 3 ||website ||print version ||

  • Making Games with Python & Pygame by Al Sweigart introduces the Pygame framework for novices and intermediate programmers to make graphical games. ||Python 3 ||website ||print version ||

Interactive Courses

These sites give you instant feedback on programming problems that you can solve in your browser.

  • CheckiO is a gamified website containing programming tasks that can be solved in either Python 2 or 3.

  • Computer Science Circles has 30 lessons, 100 exercises, and a message system where you can ask for help. Teachers can use it with their students. It is also available in Dutch, French, German and Lithuanian. (Python 3)

  • DataCamp Python Tutorial (Python 3) Unlike most other Python tutorials this 4 hour tutorial by DataCamp focuses on Python specifically for Data Science. It has 57 interactive exercises and 11 videos.

  • How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Interactive Edition (Python 3.x) is an interactive reimagination of Elkner, Downey and Meyer's book with visualizations and audio explanations.

  • Python on Codecademy (Python 2)

  • Python story-based game (Python 2) Merscythe: Adventures with the Codue is a story-based game for learning Python. The tutorials provide feedback and hints.

K-12 Oriented (for Children)

  • Build a "Pypet" Learn programming fundamentals in Python while building a tamagotchi style "Pypet" by Tatiana Tylosky.

  • Guido van Robot A teaching tool in which students write simple programs using a Python-like language to control a simulated robot. Field-tested at Yorktown High School, the project includes a lesson plan.

  • PythonTurtle A learning environment for Python suitable for beginners and children, inspired by Logo. Geared mainly towards children, but known to be successful with adults as well.

  • Python story-based game (Python 2) Merscythe: Adventures with the Codue is a story-based game for learning Python. The tutorials provide feedback and hints.

Tutorials and Websites

  • A Byte of Python, by Swaroop C.H., is also an introductory text for people with no previous programming experience. (Python 2)

  • After Hours Programming Python 3 Tutorial (Python 3)

  • Ask Python Absolute Beginners Python Tutorial (Python 3)

  • Instant Hacking A minimal crash course by Magnus Lie Hetland that's an excellent starting point. (Python 2)

  • Learning to Program An introduction to programming for those who have never programmed before, by Alan Gauld. It introduces several programming languages but has a strong emphasis on Python. (Python 2 and 3)

  • The Wikibooks Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python by Josh Cogliati is available for both Python 2 and Python 3.

  • One Day of IDLE Toying A very gentle introduction to the IDLE development environment that comes with Python. This tutorial by Danny Yoo has been translated into nine different languages. (Python 2)

  • The Python tips blog includes Python tips and tutorials for beginners and professional programmers.

  • There is a Python Tutorial in Python's documentation set. It's not written with non-programmers in mind, but it will give you an idea of the language's flavor and style. It is available for both Python 2 and Python 3.

  • The Python-Course.eu website has an extensive tutorial for complete beginners, in both Python 2 and Python 3, with lots of illustrations.

  • Pythonspot Tutorials Python tutorials.

  • The Python Guru A beginner friendly guide for aspiring programmers.

Tutorials for Scientific Audiences

These websites are written in support of science courses, but are general enough that anyone can learn from them.

  • Beginning Python for Bioinformatics by Patrick O'Brien. An introduction to Python aimed at biologists that introduces the PyCrust shell and Python's basic data types.

  • Handbook of the Physics Computing Course Also available in various forms at the author's Python in Education page, this is a preliminary course handbook for 1st-year university students with no computing experience. This course material is still preliminary and assumes some high school-level maths. It does not cover object-oriented programming or graphical applications. (Python 2)

  • Pasteur Institute courses are aimed at biologists but are useful to anyone wanting to learn Python. Introduction to Programming using Python is for people completely new to programming.

  • The Programming Historian is a tutorial-style introduction to programming for practicing historians. It assumes that you're starting out with no prior programming experience and only a basic understanding of computers. (Python 2)



BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers (last edited 2023-03-03 16:42:03 by AdamEmery)

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