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BayPiggies Meetings

BayPiggies has moved holding meetings to the FOURTH Thursday (this may change) of each month. If you plan to attend, please add yourself to the attendee list for each applicable date.

Note also the change of location to Symantec (no longer at Google).





Attendee Lists

/!\ This page gets edited frequently. A number of us scan all the wiki updates looking for spam. It would make our job a bit easier if you were logged in when you edited the page. The update email address subject would contain enough information for us to conclude that the edit was okay without actually having to open the message. -- SkipMontanaro

=First time visitor here - wondering where is the actual sign-up sheet? Links all point back to here, but page doesn't have the attendee list...? Would love some clarity -andrew (andrewdkippen @ gmail [d0t] com)

Jul 23, 2009 Attendee Sign Ups (for info purposes and rides only - not required)

Please list your name here.

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