Revision 19 as of 2004-12-13 03:55:46

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This page was created as a place for people to ask questions. It is intended that the question be the WikiName of the page containing the answer. As answers are provided, this will develop naturaly into a FAQ Answers page.

See also ["Wanted..."]

["How to I use gzip module with pickle?"]

["How do I publish Python modules?"]

["When I import Tkinter, Python exits. Why?"]

["How can "normal" users report bugs in Python or the documentation?"]

["How can I convert a hex representation to an integer?"]

["Does anyone know why msOffice products (using win32com return) u'dana\u2019s best' rather than u'dana's best'?"]

This is an actual question. I have have a prototype for a python related website. Right now I am just running it off old PC ( Where could I host this site & and do you think this site would be helpful to the advancement of Python programming knowledge? Thanks. Father Jack

I'm a total Python newbie. How do I get Python started on a Palm handheld ( ) ? Or should I focus on learning Python on a desktop PC first ? -- DavidCary


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