Differences between revisions 9 and 112 (spanning 103 versions)
Revision 9 as of 2005-01-06 05:47:03
Size: 4595
Editor: user-12l2d8t
Comment: Just new about this package and it wasn't listed.
Revision 112 as of 2013-12-26 10:01:17
Size: 252
Editor: 115
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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See also:

 * AppsWithPythonScripting
 * PythonGames
 * PythonInMusic
 * PythonWikiEngines

=== Internet Applications ===

  * HarvestMan
  * PythonWikiEngines such as MoinMoin, used to power this wiki.
  * RoundUp - Issue tracking system
  * TwistedMatrix - event-driven networking framework. Supports TCP, UDP, SSL/TLS, multicast, Unix sockets, a large number of protocols (including HTTP, NNTP, SSH, IRC, FTP, and others) [http://www.twistedmatrix.com/]
  * TheCircle - a scalable decentralized Wiki:PeerToPeer [http://thecircle.org.au/ application].
  * BitTorrent - a scalable centralized Wiki:PeerToPeer [http://sourceforge.net/projects/bittorrent/ application].
  * Mnet - a scalable decentralized Wiki:PeerToPeer [http://sourceforge.net/projects/mnet/ application].
  * PSST II - Big Frustration for Big Brother - Encrypted Instant Messaging application [http://www.freenet.org.nz/python/psst/]
  * ["PyDS"] - Python Desktop Server
  * ["PyCS"] - Python Community Server
  * Spamish Inquisition - Retaliates against spammers by causing their machines to slow to a near-standstill (using RFC831 'incomplete response' messages). [http://www.freenet.org.nz/python/spamishinquisition/]
  * Netusage - A simple script to prevent surprise ISP Traffic Bills [http://www.freenet.org.nz/python/netusage/]
  * Jogger Publishing Assistant - scaled down Jabber client that simplifies publishing weblog entries in Jogger - "Jabber Powered Weblog" [http://jpa.berlios.de/]
  * Flumotion - Streaming server written on top of Twisted and GStreamer [http://www.fluendo.com/]

  Alan Kennedy has compiled a list of [http://xhaus.com/alan/python/proxies.html HTTP proxies] written in Python.

=== Console Applications ===

  * ["IPython"] - An enhanced Interactive Python shell

=== X-Window Manager ===

  * PyWM - a small, simple python-programmable X window manager that's packed with features yet very easy to learn and use. [http://www.freenet.org.nz/python/pywm/index.html]

=== System Administration Applications ===

  * radiusContext - RADIUS log analysis program (user accounting for ISPs) [http://www.tummy.com/Software/radiuscontext]

=== Audio/Video Applications ===

  * Freevo - Linux multimedia jukebox [http://www.freevo.org]
  * cplay - Curses-based Linux multimedia jukebox [http://www.tf.hut.fi/~flu/cplay/]
  * see also: PythonInMusic

=== Image Applications ===

  * imgSeek - Photo collection manager with content-based search [http://imgseek.sourceforge.net/]

  * [http://mayavi.sourceforge.net/ MayaVi] - Scientific visualization program based on VTK

  * [http://vpython.org/ VPython] - Navigable 3D animations are produced as side effects of computations, making a normally difficult task exceptionally easy

=== Python Scripted 3D CAD/CAM ===

  * FreeCAD is an Open Source CAx RAD based on Open Cascade, QT and Python. It features some key concepts like Macro recording, Workbenches, ability to run as a server and dynamically loadable Application extensions and its designed to be platform independent... [http://free-cad.sourceforge.net/]
  * Fandango is planned to be a full featured CAD program. It has a C++ core extensible by scripts. Currently the memory core for entity management is ready, scripting works wonderfully thanks to the ease of embedding and extending of Python. A KDE+XML user interface is now in place, controlling the keyboard and mouse. [http://www.soffernet.com/jaime/fandango/]
  * PythonCAD is a CAD package written, surprisingly enough, in Python. The PythonCAD project aims to produce a scriptable, open-source, easy to use CAD package for Linux, the various flavors of BSD Unix, commercial Unix, and other platforms to which someone who is interested ports the program. Work began on PythonCAD in July, 2002, and the first public release was on December 21, 2002. In addition it has been ported to winXP [http://www.pythoncad.org/]

=== Personal Information Managers ===

  * Narval - Personnal Assistants, see [http://www.logilab.org/narval/]
  * Task Coach - Your friendly task manager, see [http://taskcoach.niessink.com/]
=== Hard to classify ===

  * SCons - software construction tool (build tool, or make tool), see http://www.scons.org/
  * SimPy - a discrete event, object-oriented, simulation package, [http://simpy.sourceforge.net/]
  * ruleCore - A reactive event-driven rule engine for event pattern detection [http://www.rulecore.com]
  * BitPim - Cell phone data manipulator. Can sync phonebook, calendar, wallpaper, ring tone, etc. [http://www.bitpim.org/]
I am Caridad from La Possession. I am [[http://Search.Usa.gov/search?query=learning|learning]] to play the Piano. Other hobbies are Programming.<<BR>>
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I am Caridad from La Possession. I am learning to play the Piano. Other hobbies are Programming.

Here is my homepage ... Tour operators in Hyderabad

Applications (last edited 2018-05-20 18:24:23 by MatsWichmann)

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