Revision 11 as of 2005-07-07 10:46:10

Clear message

As it stands, Guido van Rossum has suggested that lambda forms will disappear in ["Python3.0"]. This started a number of threads on comp.lang.python suggesting alternate syntaxes for lambda in the hopes that one of them might be more amenable to GvR's tastes. This pages summarizes these suggestions.

The main hope of this page is to find a way to retain the functionality of existing Python lambdas - a way to create simple deferred expressions within another expression. For many uses (e.g. lazy argument evaluation, or simple callbacks) separating the deferred expression out into a named function can actually reduce clarity, as it overemphasises the deferred expression at the expense of the expression that the deferred expression is only one part of.

Goals for Alternate Form

Definitely Desirable Features

Arguably Desirable Features

Current Syntax

   1 lambda a, b, c:f(a) + o(b) - o(c)
   2 lambda x: x * x
   3 lambda : x
   4 lambda *a, **k:*a, **k)
   5 ((lambda x=x, a=a, k=k: x(*a, **k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

New Syntaxes

Args Before Expression

Nick Coghlan: def-to syntax #a 1

   1 (def (a, b, c) to f(a) + o(b) - o(c))
   2 (def (x) to x * x)
   3 (def () to x)
   4 (def (*a, **k) to*a, **k))
   5 ((def (x=x, a=a, k=k) to x(*a, **k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Nick Coghlan: def-arrow syntax #a 1

   1 (def (a, b, c) -> f(a) + o(b) - o(c))
   2 (def (x) -> x * x)
   3 (def () -> x)
   4 (def (*a, **k) ->*a, **k))
   5 ((def (x=x, a=a, k=k) -> x(*a, **k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Alex Martelli: def-as syntax #b 2

   1 (def (a, b, c) as f(a) + o(b) - o(c))
   2 (def (x) as x * x)
   3 (def () as x)
   4 (def (*a, **k) as*a, **k))
   5 ((def (x=x, a=a, k=k) as x(*a, **k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Dave Benjamin: fun syntax #g 7

   1 (fun(a, b, c): f(a) + o(b) - o(c))
   2 (fun(x): x * x)
   3 (fun(): x)
   4 (fun(*a, **k):*a, **k))
   5 ((fun(x=x, a=a, k=k): x(*a, **k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Roman Suzi: quote-colon syntax #i 9

   1 ` a, b, c:f(a) + o(b) - o(c)
   2 ` x: x * x
   3 ` : x
   4 ` *a, **k:*a, **k)
   5 ((` x=x, a=a, k=k: x(*a, **k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Ka-Ping Yee: arrow syntax

   1 a, b, c -> f(a) + o(b) - o(c)
   2 x -> x * x
   3 -> x
   4 *a, **k ->*a, **k)
   5 ((x=x, a=a, k=k) -> x(*a, **k) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)


   1 a, b, c to f(a) + o(b) - o(c)
   2 x to x * x
   3 to x
   4 *a, **k to*a, **k)
   5 ((x=x, a=a, k=k) to x(*a, **k) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Tom Anderson: anonymous def syntax, normal form #j 12

   1 def (a, b, c): return f(a) + o(b) - o(c)
   2 def (x): return x * x
   3 def (): return x
   4 def (*a, **k): return*a, **k)
   5 ((def (x=x, a=a, k=k): return x(*a, **k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Tom Anderson: anonymous def syntax, shorthand form #j 12

   1 def (a, b, c) = f(a) + o(b) - o(c)
   2 def (x) = x * x
   3 def () = x
   4 def (*a, **k) =*a, **k)
   5 ((def (x=x, a=a, k=k) = x(*a, **k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Expression Before Args

Nick Coghlan: for syntax #f 6

   1 (f(a) + o(b) - o(c) for (a, b, c))
   2 (x * x for (x))
   3 (x for ())
   4 (*a, **k) for (*a, **k))
   5 ((x(*a, **k) for (x=x, a=a, k=k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Robert Brewer: for (no-parens) syntax #c 3

   1 (f(a) + o(b) - o(c) for a, b, c)
   2 (x * x for x)
   3 (x for ())
   4 (*a, **k) for *a, **k)
   5 ((x(*a, **k) for (x=x, a=a, k=k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Nick Coghlan: def-from syntax #d 4

   1 (def f(a) + o(b) - o(c) from (a, b, c))
   2 (def x * x from (x))
   3 (def x from ())
   4 (def*a, **k) from (*a, **k))
   5 ((def x(*a, **k) from (x=x, a=a, k=k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Nick Coghlan: from syntax (posted to clp, no reference handy)

   1 (f(a) + o(b) - o(c) from (a, b, c))
   2 (x * x from (x))
   3 (x from ())
   4 (*a, **k) from (*a, **k))
   5 ((x(*a, **k) from (x=x, a=a, k=k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Michael Spencer: from-args syntax #e 5

   1 (f(a) + o(b) - o(c) from args(a, b, c))
   2 (x * x from args(x))
   3 (x from args())
   4 (*a, **k) from args(*a, **k))
   5 ((x(*a, **k) from args(x=x, a=a, k=k)) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Michael Spencer: for-args syntax #e 5

   1 (f(a) + o(b) - o(c) for args(a, b, c))
   2 (x * x for args(x))
   3 (x for args())
   4 (*a, **k) for args(*a, **k))
   5 ((x(*a, **k) for args()) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Bengt Richter: colon-function-application syntax #h 8

   1 (:f(a) + o(b) - o(c))(a, b, c)
   2 (:x*x)(X)
   3 (:x)()
   4 (*a, **k))(*a, **k)
   5 ((:x(*a, **k))(x=x, a=a, k=k) for x, a, k in funcs_and_args_list)

Real Closures

Real closures subsume the functionality of lambda plus allow for multi-line statements.

Curly braces for single-line and anonymous def for multi-line (from #h 10, boo #h 11, and this is also very similar to how Ruby does it):

   1 #single-line (similar to ruby syntax)
   2 {a,b,c | return f(a) + o(b) - o(c)}
   3 {x | return x*x}
   4 {return x}
   5 {*a, **k | return*a, **k)}
   7 #multi-line
   8 x = def (a,b,c):
   9     return f(a) + o(b) - o(c)

Perhaps anonymous def for single line, anonymous def for single-line?

foo.addCallback(def (result): result + 1)
foo.addCallback(def (result, myExtra, args):
                     print 'hi!'
                     result += 1
                     return result
                , extra, args=here)

Tom Anderson's syntax (which is subtly different - it still wants a return in single-line anonymous defs) could also be used for multi-line closures in this way.


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