Revision 36 as of 2011-01-29 04:26:07

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Python Geospatial Development

ISBN 13: 978-1-84951-154-4 Packt Publishing, 508 pages (December 2010)

Build a complete and sophisticated mapping application from scratch using Python tools for GIS development:

Publisher's page

Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook

ISBN 13: 978-1-84951-384-5 Packt Publishing, 260 pages (November 2010)

Over 100 great recipes for creating and animating graphics using Python:

Publisher's page

Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook

ISBN-13: 978-1-84951-360-9 Packt Publishing, 272 pages (November 2010)

Use Python's NLTK suite of libraries to maximize your Natural Language Processing capabilities:

Publisher's page

MySQL for Python

ISBN-13: 978-1-849510-18-9 Packt Publishing, 440 pages (September 2010)

Integrate the flexibility of Python and the power of MySQL to boost the productivity of your Python applications:

Publisher's page

Python 3 Object Oriented Programming

ISBN-13: 978-1-849511-26-1 Packt Publishing, 404 pages (July 2010) eBook available

The book teaches when and how OOP should be correctly applied. It emphasizes not only the simple syntax of OOP in Python, but also how to combine these objects into well-designed software.

Pro Python

ISBN-13: 978-1-4302-2757-1 Apress, 368 pages (June 2010)

This book is for intermediate to advanced Python programmers who are looking to understand how and why Python works the way it does and how they can take their code to the next level. eBook available

Python Testing: Beginner's Guide

ISBN-13: 978-1-847198-84-6 Packt Publishing, 256 pages (January 2010)

An easy and convenient approach to testing your powerful Python projects:

Publisher's page

Python Cookbook

O'Reilly (July 2002)

This book is a handy collection of snippets and examples on a wide variety of topics. It ranges from built-in data structures and text processing to GUI and Web programming. It is useful as a "how do I do that?" reference and also as a way to learn Python idioms and tricks.

Home page

There is a 2nd edition covering Python 2.3 & 2.4 with many new and updated recipes:

Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Python

An online book that demonstrates many different algorithms using examples in Python.

Remember, though, that the book is still a work in progress. So be prepared to find some code bits that are more C++ish than they are Pythonic.

Getting Started with Pyparsing

O'Reilly (October 2007)

A detailed introduction to Pyparsing, a pure-Python module for developing recursive descent parsers. This book is downloadable as a PDF, including topics such as:

Publisher's page O'Reilly Short Cut

Expert Python Programming

ISBN-13: 978-1-84719-494-7 Packt Publishing. 376 pages (September 2008)

Best practices for designing, coding, and distributing your Python software:

Publisher's page

Author's page about the book, with code and extra content

Foundations of Agile Python Development

ISBN13: 978-1-59059-981-5 Apress Inc, 416 pages (June 2008)

You’ve long been enamored with the Python language, and have mastered its many nuances. Yet something seems to be missing—a productivity boost that you know is possible but you’re not sure how to go about it. This was the sentiment of so many developers before discovering Agile programming paradigm, which embraces concepts such as automation, effective code management, and test–driven development.

Foundations of Agile Python Development is the first book to apply these sought–after principles to Python developers, introducing both the tools and techniques built and supported by the Python community. Authored by Jeff Younker, a well–known member of Python’s agile community who is perhaps best known for his creation of a popular Python testing framework, this book is sure to be a hit among readers who may have reached their limits of knowledge regarding the Python language, yet are seeking to improve their understanding of how sound processes can boost productivity to unparalleled heights.

Home Page (includes electronic version)

Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame

ISBN13: 978-1-59059-872-6 Apress Inc, 316 pages (October 2007)

Like music and movies, video games are rapidly becoming an integral part of our lives. Over the years, you’ve yearned for every new gaming console, mastered each blockbuster within weeks after its release, and have even won a local gaming competition or two. But lately you’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about a game idea of your own, or are exploring the possibility of making a career of this vibrant and growing industry. But where should you begin?

Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame is written with the budding game developer in mind, introducing games development through the Python programming language and the popular Pygame games development library. Authored by industry veteran and Python expert Will McGugan, who most recently worked on the MotorStorm game for Play Station 3, you’ll be privy to insights that will not only help you to exploit PyGame to its maximum potential, but also make you a more creative and knowledgeable games developer all round.

Home Page (includes electronic version)

Foundations of Python Network Programming

ISBN13: 978-1-59059-371-4 Apress Inc, 536 pages (August 2004)

To guide readers through the new scripting language, Python, this book discusses every aspect of client and server programming. And as Python begins to replace Perl as a favorite programming language, this book will benefit scripters and serious application developers who want a feature-rich, yet simple language, for deploying their products.

The text explains multitasking network servers using several models, including forking, threading, and non-blocking sockets. Furthermore, the extensive examples demonstrate important concepts and practices, and provide a cadre of fully-functioning stand alone programs. Readers may even use the provided examples as building blocks to create their own software.

Home Page (includes electronic version)

Design Patterns in Python

Design Patterns in Python is about learning design patterns through the medium of Python language.

If you are a tester interested in design of test automation frameworks or thinking about how a single test automation problem could be solved in different ways, this book would prove to be very useful.

If you are new to design patterns being a programmer or you want to explore OOP in Python further, this text provides the first building blocks.

This first version of the book would be published as a PDF version by Jan-2011 end with the initial set of patterns. Over the course of 2011, we would add more patterns and release next versions.

Design Patterns in Python - Home Page

Thinking in Python

ISBN: none yet
Mindview, Inc. (December 2001)

Bruce Eckel's python version of his "Thinking In..." series, and is freely downloadable (see below). He's got some cool python stuff not generally covered elsewhere, including the use of design patterns.

This is not an introductory Python book. This book assumes you've learned the basics of Python elsewhere. The current version of the book is 0.1.2. This is still a preliminary release, and Bruce needs feedback. The html has a built-in comments system.

Home page

Note: The above book has been abandoned (not updated since 2001), Bruce is now writing another book on advanced Python, the working title of which is "Python 3 Patterns & Idioms". Bruce is building upon the 'good bits' from "Thinking in Python" and welcomes community collaboration in developing the book!

More information available here

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