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Create a new package in python called pypi


This PEP describes how the commands that are used to register and upload a package to PyPI can be extracted from distutils and put in a new independant package in Python called pypi, that would also describe the PyPI protocol.


distutils is responsible for too many things, and the register and upload commands are completely standalone. In other words they can be extracted from distutils and placed into a new package that would also describe the protocol used by the PyPI server.

Secondly, there are a lot interactions in those two commands. They are interacting at the prompt with the user when the .pypirc file is created, and they implement an authentication mecanism that push the user login and password values into the HTTP request. This is done by reading a clear text password in .pypirc and pushing it into the request. So users have to call a very precise sequence of command in order to upload or even upgrade their packages.

Let's improve all of this by:

The last point would let anyone implement this protocol for the client-side or the server-side, by using this package as a base.

improving password handling

improving the authentication process

improving metadata controls

provide a command line utility, independantly from

Let's drop the command line to register and upload a package. The pypi module can handle this as long as the package is pointed. A high-level script can be provided in the Scripts/ folder of Python, and a developer can use it to control, register or upload a package.

Here's a example

    $ cd my.package
    $ pypi check
    Checking metadata...
    Warning : The 'url' metadata is missing
    Warning: The long_description seem to be in reStructuredText, 
    but does not compile

    $ pypi register -r tarek
    Registering the package using "tarek" account in .pypirc
    Registered !

    $ pypi upload 
    What kind of release do you want to upload ?
    Available releases:
        sdist   Source release
        bdist   Binary release

    Type the desired released, separated by a space [sdist] : _

The pypi command could also let you browse PyPI, like the Yolk project does (see

Browsing capabilities using PyPI XML-RPC features : XXX

How ?

A first refactoring was made a few months ago to allow users to handle several PyPI logins and servers in .pypirc ( and the code responsible for .pypirc managment and for handling the registering and the upload were isolated.

The first action would be to create a new package called pypi and to copy the code from distutils, in order to make it work on its own.

The files to use are:

We can add deprecated flags into distutils, just to warn people to use the new module instead.

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