To Fix

  • test_doctest - test_doctest4.txt has issues in String <=> PyString conversion; see email by LeoSoto to jython-dev
  • test_generators
    • parser probs where we don't reject bad syntax
    • ill-behaved generator doesn't finalize upon GC
    • closure setup in visitLambda and visitGeneratorExp does not interact properly with a yield point, resulting in bad bytecode
  • test_inspect
    • test_excluding_predicates - sys.exit, etc., are not really attributes of a module
    • test_wrapped_decorator - see below in the Parser section
  • test_struct - needs new 2.5 struct.Struct type and pack_into/unpack_from
  • test_unicode
    • test_codecs_errors - raises wrong error for decode to int of unicode string
    • test_codecs_idna - no idna encoding (which needs unicodedata)
  • test_univnewlines - test_doctest failures don't restore sys.stdin -- causes to skip (it normally passes)


  • test_cpickle
  • test_descr
  • test_socket - historically this is the case on SO_RCVBUF, SO_SNDBUF
  • test_scope
  • test_tuple - sometimes OutOfMemoryErrors during regrtest (when creating a set from a large list of small tuples). maybe not the tests fault, but the fact that the regrtest progressively uses more and more memory as it goes:


  • test_compiler - one line functions are not working compiler.parse (causing AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'suite')
  • test_inspect.test_wrapped_decorator, the line number needs to be set for the wrapped function at the def, not at the decorators stacked above. right now node.getLine() in CodeCompiler#visitFunctionDef must be reporting where the function def starts in the AST (which includes of course the decorators)

Under Development

Or perhaps more accurately, the following should be under development.

  • _rawffi (for ctypes, ported from PyPy)
  • bz2
  • multibytecodec (implies test_multibytecodec_support)
  • unicodedata