Differences between revisions 32 and 33
Revision 32 as of 2008-11-15 09:15:58
Size: 8599
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
Revision 33 as of 2009-03-02 00:30:08
Size: 1733
Editor: PhilipJenvey
Comment: update per Pylons 0.9.7 work
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Pylons (trunk, 0.9.7) on Jython 
Pylons on Jython
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**Status**: Pylons is mostly working on Jython with a few different requirements: **Status**: Jython is supported as of Pylons 0.9.7.
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 * The mako jython branch is required
 * The mako branch currently requires the explicit `inclusion of the antlr jar in your classpath <hhttp://www.nabble.com/_ast-td16622739.html>`_
 * Scripts created by setuptools (such as paster) currently aren't runnable for two reasons: 1) they aren't made executable (on POSIX) due to lack of os.chmod and 2) their shebang lines are invalid due to the fact that the Jython sys.executable is a shell script. This will require a patch to setuptools to fix POSIX (in a hacky way) and is going to require a lot more trouble on Windows. See `this thread <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2008-April/009357.html>`_
Pending Improvements
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Pylons on Jython requirements that were made or are pending (not a complete list)
bdist_war: Need the ability to create .war files from a Pylons project, similar to what django-jython provides. pjenvey is working on this
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Installing Pylons and its dependencies

  * distutils and setuptools **(distutils is now supported and setuptools-0.6c8 supports jython-trunk, See** `SetuptoolsOnJython`_ ** for more details)**

  * Ensure all dependencies' tests pass. Pylons on jython buildbot: http://pylonshq.com:8014/


**nose trunk is now fully supported on Jython**

Pylons projects require nose, but most packages (including Pylons) use nose as their own test runners.


  * optparse module **(added in r4018)**

  * a fix for the cell variable (variables used in closures) bug here: http://pylonshq.com/pasties/667 **(fixed in r4038)**

  * fix for new.instancemethod not allowing a PyType as its class argument **(fixed in r4051)**

  * fix for inspect.argspec not working (also needed for Pylons, among other things) **(fixed in r4053)**

  * imp.find_module returned entries in regard to bytecode files instead of .py files when they were available **(fixed in r4080)**

  * fix type names and class __module__ in doctests **(fixed in r4107, 4111)**

  * methods weren't always inheriting their inner functions' __name__ and __doc__ **(fixed in r4109)**

  * compiler package (and compiler requires the parser module which Jython lacks). nose only needs the compiler module to use compiler.consts.CO_GENERATOR; until there's a parser jython will provide a broken compiler module that doesn't import parser **(added in r4114)**

  * Patches to nose for Jython compatibility: http://code.google.com/p/python-nose/issues/detail?id=160

**All tests pass, minus one doctest (that fails due to expecting CPython dict ordering)**


**Paste is mostly working, with the exception of paste.cgiapp**

  * subprocess module: if it doesn't exist (Python 2.3) it uses a version copied over from CPython 2.4 (paste.util.subprocess24) **(added in r4150)**

  * paste.script.util.uuid requires the Python 2.3 int/long unification (PEP 237) phase B **(added in r4175)**

  * modulefinder module (imported in paste/__init__.py). Jython currently lacks it, and modulefinder relies on reading code objects via marshal.load **(modulefinder added in r4179)**

  * webbrowser module: paste.fixture imports it, Jython doesn't include it. It's pretty useless without the platform dependent CPython ic module on most environments. Without that, only console based browsers work and Jython's os.system can't redirect their stdin to actually make them usable **(Paste/WebTest trunk now only import webbrowser when it's needed)**

  * paste.util.quoting required a quirky fix to re.sub **(fixed in r4343)**

  * some tests rely on source code encodings (PEP 263) support

  * selectable files: cgiapp selects on files. we can emulate selectable files if the file is backed by a FileChannel, but cgiapp also selects on a subprocess's (with stdout=PIPE) stdout file, which is backed by a StreamIO. We'll probably never be able to fully support this module in Jython

**All tests pass**

**All tests pass**

  * PasteScript imports a number of CPython only modules (like pwd and fcntl) **(now conditionally)**
  * One failing test requires the Cheetah templating language (maybe we'll just skip it)
  * test_egg_finder doesn't seem to have its paths setup correctly **fixed, was a py.test to nosetest migration fixture problem**

**All the important tests are passing, the current failures are either due to testing > 2.3 behavior, and one due to cStringIO's repr not matching CPython's**

**All tests pass**

**All tests pass**

**mako has a branches/jython, when combined with the experimental _ast support in jython-trunk (see http://www.nabble.com/_ast-td16622739.html) 95% of tests pass**

  * There are still issues with some tests relying on source code encodings (PEP 263) support
  * There's an issue with Unicode handling in some cases, because Jython's _ast uses a _ast.Unicode type (unlike CPython). Its 's' value returns a string instead of unicode (unlike CPython)

**All tests pass**


  * Paste (for paste.fixture) **can be installed/imported now**
  * base64.b64encode: might die on an attempting to import b64encode in beaker.crypto.PBKDF2 (at least it does when the tests are run) **fixed, b64encode is 2.4 specific, 2.3 backwards compat was added**


  * routes **(can be installed/imported now that Paste doesn't blow up)**

  * simplejson **(can be installed now)**

  * webhelpers.textile requires the unicodedata module **now imported only when needed**

  * the literal object requires a fix for our str/unicode __add__/__radd__ problems **fixed in r4350**

  * some tests rely on source code encodings (PEP 263) support


  * gettext (which requires the locale module, which Jython lacks) **(both were added in r4077, 4084)**

  * required a couple fixes dealing with metaclasses **(fixes in r4336, r4339)**

  * some tests rely on source code encodings (PEP 263) support

  * attempts to import xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError

  * uses elementtree which isn't supported (not even the pure Python version works due to reliance on xml.parsers.expat). I've contacted Fredrik Lundh about an experimental version of elementtree for Jython that's in his sandbox (mentioned here http://42.blogs.warnock.me.uk/2004/09/elementtree_is_.html ) but I haven't heard back from him =[


**all simplejson tests were passing until a few revisions ago, when a test was added that utilizes the decimal module which we currently lack (though decimal is totally not required for simplejson)**

  * `SetuptoolsOnJython`_ (actually distutils) currently had trouble installing simplejson because it attempts to compile its optional C extensions (that help performance). It expected to catch a distutils.errors.CCompilerError **(fixed in r4157: A CCompilerError is now raised)**


  * requires function.func_defaults to be writable and it currently isn't on Jython **(fixed in 4177)**
  * Note: decorators aren't currently supported in Jython, however the decorator module doesn't actually use decorators (works on CPython 2.3)

Later down the road
Support more of the out of the box optional components, such as:
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  * The `Dialect Refactor II <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/672>`_ ticket will need to be implemented to properly support using SQLAlchemy via Jython's DBAPI jdbc driver, `zxJDBC <http://jython.org/Project/userguide.html#database-connectivity-in-jython>`_. Jason Kirtland has begun working on this.
  * Frank Wierzbicki has done some preliminary work on using SQLAlchemy with Jython, info `here <http://groups.google.com/group/sqlalchemy/browse_frm/thread/d60db24fe1683a41/09320033f406d78b?hl=en&lnk=gst>`_, and gave a talk on his preliminary work at PyCon 2008: "Database development with Jython, SQLAlchemy, and Hibernate"
 * Frank Wierzbicki, Ariane Paoao and others have made some progress making SQLAlchemy work with MySQL via zxJDBC, but no support in SQLAlchemy proper yet.

 * Jonathan Ellis made an Oracle backend for SQLAlchemy via zxJDBC: http://pylonshq.com/pasties/77c3184b14d6936d86d13e4e65df92d2 Some other zxJDBC dialects would likely follow this example

 * The `Dialect Refactor II <http://www.sqlalchemy.org/trac/ticket/672>`_ ticket will help properly support using SQLAlchemy via Jython's DBAPI jdbc driver, `zxJDBC <http://jython.org/Project/userguide.html#database-connectivity-in-jython>`_. Jason Kirtland has begun working on this.


Jinja2 `may work on Jython now <http://dev.pocoo.org/projects/jinja/ticket/320>`_. Its tests need to be converted to nosetests so the test suite can run on Jython to ensure this

Jim Baker and Ariane Paola have played around with Genshi on Jython. Its use of pyexpat is the biggest roadblock. Jython now includes a pyexpat, but it's not fully compatible with CPython's (and doesn't support all the features Genshi uses).
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  * Jim Baker started playing with Genshi on Jython. Genshi's Markdown class requires the same str/unicode __add__/__radd__ fix webhelpers needs. Ariane Paola made some progress porting TurboGears 2 components to Jython for Google's Summer of Code. Genshi and SQLAlchemy are the most important pieces that need porting
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  * Ariane Paola is slated to work on porting TurboGears 2 components for Jython for Google's Summer of Code

  * Georgy Berdyshev is slated to work on porting Zope components to Jython for Jython for Google's Summer of Code
Older details: `PylonsOnJythonOld`_

Pylons on Jython

Status: Jython is supported as of Pylons 0.9.7.

Pending Improvements

bdist_war: Need the ability to create .war files from a Pylons project, similar to what django-jython provides. pjenvey is working on this

Support more of the out of the box optional components, such as:


  • Frank Wierzbicki, Ariane Paoao and others have made some progress making SQLAlchemy work with MySQL via zxJDBC, but no support in SQLAlchemy proper yet.
  • Jonathan Ellis made an Oracle backend for SQLAlchemy via zxJDBC: http://pylonshq.com/pasties/77c3184b14d6936d86d13e4e65df92d2 Some other zxJDBC dialects would likely follow this example
  • The Dialect Refactor II ticket will help properly support using SQLAlchemy via Jython's DBAPI jdbc driver, zxJDBC. Jason Kirtland has begun working on this.


Jinja2 may work on Jython now. Its tests need to be converted to nosetests so the test suite can run on Jython to ensure this


Jim Baker and Ariane Paola have played around with Genshi on Jython. Its use of pyexpat is the biggest roadblock. Jython now includes a pyexpat, but it's not fully compatible with CPython's (and doesn't support all the features Genshi uses).

Turbogears 2

Ariane Paola made some progress porting TurboGears 2 components to Jython for Google's Summer of Code. Genshi and SQLAlchemy are the most important pieces that need porting

Older details: PylonsOnJythonOld

PylonsOnJython (last edited 2009-09-14 22:04:24 by PhilipJenvey)