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Proposed Jython Users Guide TOC JUG = Jython User Guide DCN = Dave's class notes
- Introduction
- General Python Documentation
- 2 What is Python? 3 What is Jython? 4 Differences between Jython and CPython
Requirements & Where to download
- JVM Python
- Unix/linux MS Windows
- Command-line options Jython configuration files Checking configuration values Classpath and python path
- 14.4 Running Jython
- Invoking the Jython Interpreter
- o Making Jython Scripts Executable
- Invoking the Jython Interpreter
- If your new to python / jython programming
- basic coverage more info
- 5.1 Lines 5.2 Names and tokens 5.3 Blocks and indentation 5.4 Doc strings 5.5 Program structure 5.6 Operators 5.7 Code evaluation
- 6.1 Numeric types (add bool) 6.2 Tuples and lists 6.3 Strings 6.4 Dictionaries 6.5 Files
- 12.1 File input and output
- 7.1 Assignment
- 9.2 Global variables and the global statement
- 9.2.1 Doc strings for functions
- 11.1.1 Doc strings for functions
- 10.12 Doc strings
- 11.1.1 Doc strings for functions
- 9.1 Arguments
- 9.4 Iterators and generators 12.2 Unit tests 12.3 doctest 12.4 Installing Python packages
- + 12.4.1 Python packages + 12.4.2 Jython packages
- 10.1 A simple class 10.2 Creating instances 10.3 Defining methods 10.4 The constructor 10.5 Member variables 10.8 Class variables 10.6 Methods 10.7 Adding inheritance 10.9 Class methods 10.10 Interfaces 10.11 New-style classes
- 11.1 Modules 11.2 Packages 11.3 Debugging tools
- Introduction
- Using Java with Jython Advanced Python
- 19.3 Database access
- + 19.3.1 JDBC + 19.3.2 zxJDBC
o Using a DataSource (or ConnectionPooledDataSource) o Using a JNDI lookup
- Getting a Cursor
- + SQL Server + Oracle
Datatype mapping callbacks through DataHandler
- + life cycle + developer support + binding prepared statements + building results + callable statement support
- Getting a Cursor
- o Accessing Java from Jython o More Details o Importing o Creating Class Instances o Calling Java Methods and Functions o Overloaded Java Method Signatures o Naming Conflicts with Python Keywords
- (stuff on how to convert java into Jython like the last part of Jython Essencials)
JavaBean Properties (own section or part of previous one?)
- o Properties o Tuples o Event Properties o Methods, Properties and Event Properties
- o 15.1 Calling existing Java code
- + 15.2.1 A simple class, doc strings, etc + 15.2.2 Working with Jython arguments + 15.2.3 Sub-classing a Java class + 15.2.4 Emulating Jython Dictionaries, Sequences, Etc. + 15.2.5 Emulating Jython object attribute access
- A Short Example Calling Methods in Your Superclass Invoking Your Superclass's Constructor
- o Example o Java Classes Unloading o Java 1.1 o JReload Example Source Files
- 19.1 Event handling 19.2 XML
- + 19.2.1 jaxp + 19.2.2 Xerces + 19.2.3 dom4j
- I don't know what would go here.
- Introduction (is this needed here?) Jython specific stuff. not sure what all may go here. Jython Configuration (more detailed then above)
- Command-line options Jython configuration files Checking configuration values Classpath and python path
- Running Jython Running jythonc
- o Registry Properties o Finding the Registry File
- o 17.1 It's simple o 17.2 But, there are a few complexities o 17.3 Exposing transparent objects o 17.4 Exposing opaque objects o 17.5 Type conversion
- o 16.1 Calling Jython Code from Jython o 16.2 Calling Jython Code from Java o 16.3 Another example -- Jython-2.2a/Demo/javaclasses
- books
- jython essentials other books dive into python effbot
- o Other Useful Links
- Command-line options Jython configuration files Checking configuration values Classpath and python path
Index! If this is more of an online doc then maybe its not needed