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From: Jeff Emanuel <jemanuel <at> frii.com>[[BR]]
Subject: Re: Tranlating a simple Java editor into Jython[[BR]]
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lang.jython.user[[BR]]
Date: 2007-03-24 19:07:37 GMT[[BR]]

Anton Vredegoor wrote:[[BR]]

> Hello All,[[BR]]
> [[BR]]

> I'm an experienced Python programmer with only a very basic [[BR]]
> understanding of Java. I'm currently trying to translate this very[[BR]]
> simple Java editor into Jython.[[BR]]
> Any hints or complete or partial translations of [[BR]]
> the code are very welcome.[[BR]]
From: Jeff Emanuel <jemanuel <at> frii.com><<BR>>
Subject: Re: Tranlating a simple Java editor into Jython<<BR>>
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lang.jython.user<<BR>>
Date: 2007-03-24 19:07:37 GMT<<BR>>

Anton Vredegoor wrote:<<BR>>

> Hello All,<<BR>>
> <<BR>>

> I'm an experienced Python programmer with only a very basic <<BR>>
> understanding of Java. I'm currently trying to translate this very<<BR>>
> simple Java editor into Jython.<<BR>>
> Any hints or complete or partial translations of <<BR>>
> the code are very welcome.<<BR>>
Line 28: Line 28:
> [[BR]]
Here''s a quick translation. For the Java inner classes,[[BR]]
translate them to top level classes that take the outer instance[[BR]]
as a constructor argument. Java inner classes have an implicit[[BR]]
pointer to the enclosing class instance. You must make that[[BR]]
> <<BR>>
Here''s a quick translation. For the Java inner classes,<<BR>>
translate them to top level classes that take the outer instance<<BR>>
as a constructor argument. Java inner classes have an implicit<<BR>>
pointer to the enclosing class instance. You must make that<<BR>>

Swing Sampler



  1. Swing Sampler

From: Jeff Emanuel <jemanuel <at> frii.com>
Subject: Re: Tranlating a simple Java editor into Jython
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lang.jython.user
Date: 2007-03-24 19:07:37 GMT

Anton Vredegoor wrote:

> Hello All,
> I'm an experienced Python programmer with only a very basic
> understanding of Java. I'm currently trying to translate this very
> simple Java editor into Jython.
> Any hints or complete or partial translations of
> the code are very welcome.
> http://leepoint.net/notes-java/examples/components/editor/nutpad.html[[BR]] >
Heres a quick translation. For the Java inner classes,
translate them to top level classes that take the outer instance
as a constructor argument. Java inner classes have an implicit
pointer to the enclosing class instance. You must make that

   1 from java.awt import *
   2 from java.awt.event import *
   3 from javax.swing import *
   4 from java.io import *
   5 from java.lang import System,Integer
   7 #/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NutPad
   8 class NutPad(JFrame):
   9    #... Components
  10    _editArea=None
  11    _fileChooser = JFileChooser()
  13    #============================================================== constructor
  14    def __init__(self):
  16      #... Create actions for menu items, buttons, ...
  17      self._openAction = OpenAction(self)
  18      self._saveAction = SaveAction(self)
  19      self._exitAction = ExitAction(self)
  21      #... Create scrollable text area.
  22      self._editArea = JTextArea(15, 80)
  23      self._editArea.border=BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2,2,2,2)
  24      self._editArea.font=Font("monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 14)
  25      scrollingText = JScrollPane(self._editArea)
  27      #-- Create a content pane, set layout, add component.
  28      content = JPanel()
  29      content.setLayout(BorderLayout())
  30      content.add(scrollingText, BorderLayout.CENTER);
  32      #... Create menubar
  33      menuBar = JMenuBar()
  34      fileMenu = menuBar.add(JMenu("File"))
  35      fileMenu.setMnemonic('F')
  36      fileMenu.add(self._openAction)       # Note use of actions, not text.
  37      fileMenu.add(self._saveAction)
  38      fileMenu.addSeparator()
  39      fileMenu.add(self._exitAction)
  41      #... Set window content and menu.
  42      self.setContentPane(content)
  43      self.setJMenuBar(menuBar)
  45      #... Set other window characteristics.
  46      self.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE)
  47      self.setTitle("NutPad")
  48      self.pack()
  49      self.setLocationRelativeTo(None)
  50      self.visible=1
  52 #//////////////////////////////////////////////// inner class OpenAction
  53 class OpenAction(AbstractAction):
  54    #============================================= constructor
  55    def __init__(self,outer):  # outer instance.
  56      AbstractAction.__init__(self,"Open...")
  57      self.outer=outer
  58      self.putValue(AbstractAction.MNEMONIC_KEY, Integer(ord('O')))
  60    #========================================= actionPerformed
  61    def actionPerformed(self, e):
  62      retval = self.outer._fileChooser.showOpenDialog(self.outer)
  63      if retval==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION:
  64        f = self.outer._fileChooser.getSelectedFile()
  65        try:
  66          reader = FileReader(f)
  67          self.outer._editArea.read(reader, "")  # Use TextComponent read
  68        except IOException,ioex:
  69          System.out.println(e);
  70          System.exit(1);
  72 #////////////////////////////////////////////////// inner class SaveAction
  73 class SaveAction(AbstractAction):
  74    #============================================= constructor
  75    def __init__(self,outer):
  76      AbstractAction.__init__(self,"Save...")
  77      self.outer=outer
  78      self.putValue(AbstractAction.MNEMONIC_KEY, Integer(ord('S')))
  80    #========================================= actionPerformed
  81    def actionPerformed(self, e):
  82      retval = self.outer._fileChooser.showSaveDialog(self.outer)
  83      if retval == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION:
  84        f = self.outer._fileChooser.getSelectedFile()
  85        try:
  86          writer = FileWriter(f)
  87          self.outer._editArea.write(writer)  # TextComponent write
  88        except IOException,ioex:
  89          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(self.outer, ioex)
  90          System.exit(1)
  92 #/////////////////////////////////////////////////// inner class ExitAction
  93 class ExitAction(AbstractAction):
  95    #============================================= constructor
  96    def __init__(self,outer):
  97      AbstractAction.__init__(self,"Exit")
  98      self.outer=outer
  99      self.putValue(AbstractAction.MNEMONIC_KEY, Integer(ord('X')))
 101    #========================================= actionPerformed
 102    def actionPerformed(self, e):
 103      System.exit(0);
 105 #===================================================================== main
 106 if __name__=="__main__":
 107    NutPad()

JythonNutpad (last edited 2009-11-12 23:24:39 by KevinMook)