Differences between revisions 2 and 4 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2008-12-30 13:07:46
Size: 2758
Editor: JoshJuneau
Revision 4 as of 2008-12-31 16:52:46
Size: 4886
Editor: pool-71-186-3-229
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We have passed the Christmas season and are about to ring in a new year. It has been an exciting year for Jython and I know that 2009 will be another great one. We have passed the Christmas season and are about to ring in a new year. It has been an exciting year for Jython and I know that 2009 will be another great one. We have a lot to remember for 2008 as Jython has made some important advances of the past 12 months. To highlight, here are just a few of the great moments for Jython in 2008:

- Sun Hires Two Key Python Developers - March 2008

- Jython 2.5 Alpha Released - July 2008

- Jython 2.5 Beta Released - October 2008

- Django Runs on Jython - Summer 2008

- Jim Baker and Leo Soto Presentation of Django on Jython at DjangoCon 2008

- PyDev and Netbeans 6.5 Provide Two Great IDEs for Jython Development

Those are just some of the highlights from the past year. I'm sure that in 2009 we will see a 2.5 release, along with some other Jython surprises...perhaps Turbo Gears on Jython and other great possibilities!

Onto other fronts, the Jython Podcast homepage is ready. I also have created the first podcast episode, although I would like to call it a beta since the quality has much to be desired. I had my podcasting studio set up and ready to go, but then my good microphone took a turn for the worst and I was left with a cheaper quality microphone for this first recording. You can pick up the podcast at www.jythonpodcast.com if you are interested in hearing episode #1. I hope to purchase a new microphone so that in January we have a top-notch quality broadcast.

As always, I'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Please email me at jythonpodcast@gmail.com and let me know if you've got any commentary to add.

Thanks, and have a happy new year!
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'''nbPython is now available as a plugin in Netbeans 6.5'''
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Some of the features which are currently supported are:
# Folding Code
# Semantic Code Highlighting
# Renaming / refactoring
# Code Completion
# Smart Indent /Outdent
# Debugger

'''Scripting Support for Glassfish V3 to include Jython on Django'''

[[http://wiki.glassfish.java.net/attach/V3FunctionalSpecs/Scripting-one-pager.html|Read More]]

'''Jim Baker and Tobias Ivarsson Speak at Devoxx'''

Jim Baker and Tobias Ivarsson gave a presentation entitled '''Jython in Action''' at this year's Devoxx. Stay tuned for more information when it comes available.

'''Python 3.0 was released on 12/3'''

[[http://www.python.org/download/releases/3.0/|Get It Now]]
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'''Java in the Cloud'''

''Author: Hari Gottipati''

No one is talking about the Web 2.0, AJAX, SaaS, or SOA these days. It doesn't mean that no one is using these technologies, it is just that these are not the buzzwords anymore. The latest buzzword is "Cloud Computing". Every one is talking about building apps in cloud or moving the apps to cloud. There are plenty of jobs on job boards looking for the people with the skills: "familiarity with cloud" or "expertise in cloud".

[[http://broadcast.oreilly.com/2008/12/java-in-the-cloud.html|Read Article]]
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[[http://www.jimcassidy.ca/2008/10/23/db4o-with-jython/|DB4O with Jython]] - Jim Cassidy [[http://blogs.sun.com/tor/entry/netbeans_screenshot_of_the_week6|Python Support in Netbeans]] - Tor Norbye
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[[http://www.jimcassidy.ca/2008/10/28/jython-formula-one-tutorial/|Jython Formula One Tutorial]] - Jim Cassidy [[http://compiler-error.blogspot.com/2008/12/setting-up-django-on-jython-with-sqlite.html|Setting Up Django with Sqlite]] - Matthew Harrison
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[[http://fwierzbicki.blogspot.com/2008/10/updated-jython-roadmap.html|Updated Jython Roadmap]] - Frank Wierzbicki [[http://crschmidt.net/blog/340/jython-tilecachefeatureserver-it-just-works/|Jython + TileCache/FeatureServer]] - Christopher Schmidt
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[[http://fwierzbicki.blogspot.com/2008/10/jython-25-beta0-released.html|Jython 2.5 Beta 0 Released]] - Frank Wierzbicki [[http://crschmidt.net/blog/344/using-jython-geotools/|Jython and GeoTools]] - Christopher Schmidt
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[[http://fwierzbicki.blogspot.com/2008/11/tor-norbye-finds-bug-in-jython-lib-with.html|Tor Norbye Finds Bug in Jython Lib in Netbeans]] - Frank Wierzbicki [[http://justinworrall.com/blog/?p=87|Jython Servlets Part 1]] - Justin Worall
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[[http://jonschull.blogspot.com/2008/11/idocument-blog-archive-python.html|Python Processing Proof-of-Concept]] - Jon Schull [[http://justinworrall.com/blog/?p=109|Jython Servlets Part 2]] - Justin Worall
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[[http://jonschull.blogspot.com/2008/11/drawing-machines-jythonprocessing-fun.html|Jython + Processing = Fun]] - Jon Schull

[[http://visionandexecution.org/?p=33|Techniques for Stubbing out Dependencies when Unit Testing Java Code]] - Clint Miller

[[http://inet6.blogspot.com/2008/11/jythonroid-jython-runs-successfully-on.html|Jython Runs Successfully in Android Emulator]] - Fred Lin

[[http://www.sauria.com/blog/2008/11/19/python-in-netbeans/|Python in Netbeans]] - Ted Leung

[[http://ccnw.blogspot.com/2008/11/how-to-install-and-use-jython-to-write.html|How to Install and Use Jython to Write an ImageJ Plugin]]

[[http://blog.nixdev.net/2008/11/19/how-run-byteflow-blog-engine-jython/|How to Run ByteFlow Engine on Jython]]

[[http://blogs.sonatype.com/people/book/2008/11/24/searching-with-the-sonatype-nexus-rest-api-python/|Searching with Sonatype Nexus REST API: Python]]
[[http://bretthoerner.com/blog/2008/nov/23/sudden-interest-java-platform/|Sudden Interest in Java]] - Brett Hoerner
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[[http://pydev.sourceforge.net/|PyDev 1.3.24]] [[http://pydev.sourceforge.net/|PyDev]]
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[[http://download.netbeans.org/netbeans/6.5/python/ea|nbPython EA Release]] [[http://www.netbeans.org|Netbeans 6.5]]

== Poll ==

Would you like to see Jython 3.0 sooner than later, or would you prefer to see 2.5 working perfectly.?

[[http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=OBT3PW6zaAHxagGxQdbITg_3d_3d|Click Here to take survey]]

Jython Monthly


December 2008 -- Issue #25

Happy Holidays to Everyone!

We have passed the Christmas season and are about to ring in a new year. It has been an exciting year for Jython and I know that 2009 will be another great one. We have a lot to remember for 2008 as Jython has made some important advances of the past 12 months. To highlight, here are just a few of the great moments for Jython in 2008:

- Sun Hires Two Key Python Developers - March 2008

- Jython 2.5 Alpha Released - July 2008

- Jython 2.5 Beta Released - October 2008

- Django Runs on Jython - Summer 2008

- Jim Baker and Leo Soto Presentation of Django on Jython at DjangoCon 2008

- PyDev and Netbeans 6.5 Provide Two Great IDEs for Jython Development

Those are just some of the highlights from the past year. I'm sure that in 2009 we will see a 2.5 release, along with some other Jython surprises...perhaps Turbo Gears on Jython and other great possibilities!

Onto other fronts, the Jython Podcast homepage is ready. I also have created the first podcast episode, although I would like to call it a beta since the quality has much to be desired. I had my podcasting studio set up and ready to go, but then my good microphone took a turn for the worst and I was left with a cheaper quality microphone for this first recording. You can pick up the podcast at www.jythonpodcast.com if you are interested in hearing episode #1. I hope to purchase a new microphone so that in January we have a top-notch quality broadcast.

As always, I'd love to hear your feedback and suggestions. Please email me at jythonpodcast@gmail.com and let me know if you've got any commentary to add.

Thanks, and have a happy new year!

My information is as follows:

Josh Juneau - http://www.jythonpodcast.com jythonpodcast@gmail.com


nbPython is now available as a plugin in Netbeans 6.5

Some of the features which are currently supported are: # Folding Code # Semantic Code Highlighting # Renaming / refactoring # Code Completion # Smart Indent /Outdent # Debugger

Scripting Support for Glassfish V3 to include Jython on Django

Read More

Jim Baker and Tobias Ivarsson Speak at Devoxx

Jim Baker and Tobias Ivarsson gave a presentation entitled Jython in Action at this year's Devoxx. Stay tuned for more information when it comes available.

Python 3.0 was released on 12/3

Get It Now


Java in the Cloud

Author: Hari Gottipati

No one is talking about the Web 2.0, AJAX, SaaS, or SOA these days. It doesn't mean that no one is using these technologies, it is just that these are not the buzzwords anymore. The latest buzzword is "Cloud Computing". Every one is talking about building apps in cloud or moving the apps to cloud. There are plenty of jobs on job boards looking for the people with the skills: "familiarity with cloud" or "expertise in cloud".

Read Article


Python Support in Netbeans - Tor Norbye

Setting Up Django with Sqlite - Matthew Harrison

Jython + TileCache/FeatureServer - Christopher Schmidt

Jython and GeoTools - Christopher Schmidt

Jython Servlets Part 1 - Justin Worall

Jython Servlets Part 2 - Justin Worall

Sudden Interest in Java - Brett Hoerner



Netbeans 6.5


Would you like to see Jython 3.0 sooner than later, or would you prefer to see 2.5 working perfectly.?

Click Here to take survey


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JythonMonthly/Newsletters/December2008 (last edited 2008-12-31 16:52:46 by pool-71-186-3-229)