Contents TableOfContents


To start the installation, please proceed as follows:

This will bring up the GUI installer ([ A bit older Screen shots, reflecting 2.2]).

On true headless systems, the installer will automatically switch to console mode. You can force console mode using the --console switch:

For command line aficionados, there is also a silent mode, which requires at least the target directory:

Generation of start scripts

On Windows, the installer creates a jython.bat and a jythonc.bat file. On all other platforms, it creates a jython and jythonc file, which are unix like shell scripts. If you have installed a shell on Windows (like cygwin, for example), the installer in addition will create unix like shell scripts.

These scripts have been tested on a wide range of platforms. Please let us know if you need different scripts on a specific platform.


If one of the GUI steps should appear empty, or with no text visible: Please try to press Previous and then Next again.

The GUI which appears when pressing the Browse button in selecting the target directory might be a bit confusing. Some tips and tricks:

If all else fails, try using silent or console mode.

A list of all the options

$ java -jar jython_installer-2.2.jar --help
       java -jar jython_installer-2.2.jar [-c | -s | -A] [-d dir] [-t type] [-i
       part(s)] [-e part(s)] [-j dir] [-v] [-h | -?]

No option at all will start the interactive GUI installer, except:
Options respected in GUI mode are 'directory' and 'jre', which serve as
default values in the wizard.
In non-GUI mode the following options are available:
 -c,--console             console based installation (user interaction)
                          any other options will be ignored (except 'verbose')
 -s,--silent              silent installation (without user interaction)
 -A,--autotest            automatic stress tests for the installer
                          most of the other options are ignored
                          allowed additional options: 'verbose', 'jre'
 -d,--directory <dir>     target directory to install to
                          (required in silent mode,
                          used as default in GUI mode)
 -t,--type <type>         installation type
                          one of the following types is possible
                          (see also include/exclude parts):
                          - all: everything (including src)
                          - standard: core, mod, demo, doc,
                          standard is the default
                          - minimum: core
                          - standalone: install a single, executable .jar,
                          containing all the modules
 -i,--include <part(s)>   finer control over parts to install
                          more than one of the following is possible:
                          - mod: library modules
                          - demo: demos and examples
                          - doc: documentation
                          - src: java source code
 -e,--exclude <part(s)>   finer control over parts not to install
                          more than one of the following is possible:
                          - mod: library modules
                          - demo: demos and examples
                          - doc: documentation
                          - src: java source code
                          (excludes override includes)
 -j,--jre <dir>           home directory of the runtime jre or jdk
                          (executables are assumed in the /bin subdirectory)
                          select this if you want to run Jython with a
                          different java version than the installation
 -v,--verbose             print more output during the installation
                          (also valid in GUI and autotest mode)
 -h,--help                print this help (overrides any other options)
 -?                       print this help (overrides any other options)

example of a GUI installation:
        java -jar jython_installer-2.2.jar

example of a console installation:
        java -jar jython_installer-2.2.jar -c

example of a silent installation:
        java -jar jython_installer-2.2.jar -s -d targetDirectory

examples of a silent installation with more options:
        java -jar jython_installer-2.2.jar -s -d targetDirectory -t minimum -i src -j javaHome
        java -jar jython_installer-2.2.jar -s -d targetDirectory -t standard -e demo doc
                 -i src -j javaHome -v

example of an autotest installation into temporary directories:
        java -jar jython_installer-2.2.jar -A
        (make sure you do NOT touch mouse NOR keyboard after hitting enter/return!)

example of an autotest installation, using a different jre for the start scripts:
        java -jar jython_installer-2.2.jar -A -j javaHome -v
        (make sure you do NOT touch mouse NOR keyboard after hitting enter/return!)