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To start the 2.2a1 installation, please proceed as follows:

This will bring up the GUI installer ([ Screen shots]).

On true headless systems, the installer will automatically switch to console mode. You can force console mode using the -console switch:

Generation of start scripts

On Windows, the installer creates a jython.bat and a jythonc.bat file. On all other platforms, it creates a jython and jythonc file, which are unix like shell scripts. If these scripts are not executable, please grant the permission on os system level.

Please let us know if you need different scripts on different platforms.


If one of the GUI steps should appear empty, or with no text visible: Please try to press Previous and then Next again.

The GUI which appears when pressing the Browse button in selecting the target directory might be a bit confusing. Some tips and tricks:

If all else fails, try using console mode.

A sample console session

This is a transcript from a Windows XP machine, using MKS Korn Shell in Emacs. It doesn't look much different when using cmd.exe:

$ java -jar jython_Release_2_2alpha1.jar -console
Welcome to Jython !
You are about to install Jython version Release_2_2alpha1.
(at any time, answer c to cancel the installation)
For the installation process, the following languages are available: English, German
Please select your language [e/g] >>> e
The following installation types are available:
  1. All (everything, including sources)
  2. Standard (core, library modules, demos and examples)
  3. Minimum (core)
Please select the installation type [1/2/3] >>> 1
Your operation system version is: Windows XP / 5.1
Please press Enter to proceed >>> 
Your java version is: Sun Microsystems Inc. / 1.5.0_06
Please press Enter to proceed >>> 
Do you want to read the license agreement now ? [y/n] >>> n
Do you accept the license agreement ? [y/n] >>> y
Please enter the target directory >>> c:/temp/jython2.2a1
Unable to find directory C:\Temp\jython2.2a1, create it ? [y/n] >>> y
Please confirm copying of files to directory C:\Temp\jython2.2a1 [y/n] >>> y
 10 %
 20 %
 30 %
 40 %
 50 %
 60 %
 70 %
 80 %
 90 %
Generating start scripts ...
 100 %
Do you want to show the contents of README ? [y/n] >>> n
Congratulations! You successfully installed Jython Release_2_2alpha1 to directory C:\Temp\jython2.2a1.

What will be different on the HEAD version

([ Screen shots])

A preview of the usage:

       java -jar jython_version.jar [-c | -s | -A] [-d dir] [-t type] [-i part(s)]
       [-e part(s)] [-j dir] [-v] [-h | -?]

no option at all will start the interactive GUI installer, except:
options respected in GUI mode are 'directory' and 'jre': the values provided
for these serve as defaults;
in non GUI mode the following options are available:
 -c,--console             console based installation (user interaction)
                          any other options will be ignored (except 'verbose')
 -s,--silent              silent installation (without user interaction)
 -A,--autotest            automatic stress tests for the installer
                          most of the other options are ignored
                          allowed additional options: 'verbose', 'jre'
 -d,--directory <dir>     target directory to install to
                          (required in silent mode,
                          used as default in GUI mode)
 -t,--type <type>         installation type
                          one of the following types is possible
                          (see also include/exclude parts):
                          - all: everything (including src)
                          - standard: core, mod, demo, doc
                          - minimum: core
                          - standalone: (not yet implemented)
 -i,--include <part(s)>   finer control over parts to install
                          more than one of the following is possible:
                          - mod: library modules
                          - demo: demos and examples
                          - doc: documentation
                          - src: java source code
 -e,--exclude <part(s)>   finer control over parts not to install
                          more than one of the following is possible:
                          - mod: library modules
                          - demo: demos and examples
                          - doc: documentation
                          - src: java source code
                          (excludes override includes)
 -j,--jre <dir>           home directory of the runtime jre or jdk
                          (executables are assumed in the /bin subdirectory)
                          select this if you want to run Jython with a
                          different java version than the installation
 -v,--verbose             print more output during the installation
                          (also valid in GUI and autotest mode)
 -h,--help                print this help (overrides any other options)
 -?                       print this help (overrides any other options)

example of a GUI installation:
        java -jar jython_version.jar

example of a console installation:
        java -jar jython_version.jar -c

example of a silent installation:
        java -jar jython_version.jar -s -d targetDirectory

examples of a silent installation with more options:
        java -jar jython_version.jar -s -d targetDirectory -t minimum -i src -j javaHome
        java -jar jython_version.jar -s -d targetDirectory -t standard -e demo doc
                 -i src -j javaHome -v

example of an autotest installation into temporary directories:
        java -jar jython_version.jar -A
        (make sure you do NOT touch mouse NOR keyboard after hitting enter/return!)