Python newbies often have some confusion about how to make one-element tuples. VenkataSubramanian provided a nice summary of Python's tuple syntax [1].
Zero Element Tuples
In Python, zero-element tuples look like:
In this form, unlike the other tuple forms, parentheses are the essential elements, not commas.
One Element Tuples
One-element tuples look like:
The essential element here is the trailing comma. As for any expression, parentheses are optional, so you may also write one-element tuples like
but it is the comma, not the parentheses, that define the tuple.
Multiple Element Tuples
In Python, multiple-element tuples look like:
The essential elements are the commas between each element of the tuple. Multiple-element tuples may be written with a trailing comma, e.g.
but the trailing comma is completely optional. Just like all other expressions in Python, multiple-element tuples may be enclosed in parentheses, e.g.
(1,2,3) or (1,2,3,)
but again, it is the commas, not the parentheses, that define the tuple.