Python Software Foundation

2013 Google Summer of Code Proposal Template

NOTE: Things marked with an * are *REQUIRED*. Failure to provide the requested information may result in your application being rejected.

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you submit your proposal early and make changes as you refine it with your mentors. You can make changes in Melange up until the final deadline on May 3rd. No late proposals will be accepted by Google, even if there is a technical problem with the system, so submit early to avoid problems! You may indicate at the top that the current version is a draft or otherwise let us know if you don't want us to look at it yet.

Sub-organization information

Student Information

University Information

Project Proposal Information

Other Schedule Information

Notes for submitting a proposal

The information requested above is generally required for us to be able to contact you and evaluate your proposal. Please feel free to add information to this template and to format it in whatever way you think will be most effective in conveying your intentions. You may wish to check with your sub-organization to see if they have any additional requirements.

We strongly recommend that you join the respective IRC channels for the sub-organizations you are applying to, and any relevant development mailing lists to the projects you are interested in working on to learn more about the community. You may wish to get your prospective mentors to read your proposals in advance so they can help you refine them.

*PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT THE GSoC ADMINISTRATORS ABOUT YOUR PROPOSALS* Students should be contacting the mentors and the sub-organizations about projects and proposals. Mentors are often available on IRC, as well as the respective sub-organizations mailing lists. The mailing list for each sub-org is listed here: SummerOfCode/2013. As a reciprocal courtesy students are expected to also be regularly available on IRC and available via e-mail and reasonably responsive to information. Students helping other students with proposals, helping answer questions in IRC or the mailing lists, etc is highly encouraged.

If for any reason you have not been able to find a mentor who can help you with your proposal, or you have a question that you think will be relevant to more than just your sub-organization, you can direct your questions to the mailing list. You may sign up here:

SummerOfCode/ApplicationTemplate2013 (last edited 2013-04-21 22:25:24 by TerriOda)

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