Schools using Python
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This is a listing of schools that are using Python in their curriculum.
I would like to confirm each of the schools below by linking to a specific web page with a course listing and/or the professor(s) teaching classes that involve the use of Python. Each listing should be expanded with a description of how Python is being used. -- KevinAltis
High Schools
- Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart - Houston, TX
Yorktown and Washington-Lee High Schools and the Arlington Career Center in Arlington Virginia (Jeff Elkner)
Gimnasio Fidel Cano, Bogotá, Colombia (Igor Támara)
Model Experimental Senior High School of University of Macedonia - Thessaloniki, Greece
(http://, ICT instructor at python2304@gmail.comZanneio Experimental Junior High School - Piraeus, Greece,, (Computer Science Instructor : Euripides Vrachnos)
Colleges and Universities
- Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Facultad Regional Córdoba
- Python is used in Algoritmos y Estructuras de Datos course at Departamento Ingeniería en Sistemas de Información (since 2015)
- University of New South Wales
- Computer science taught/teaches course(s) with Python (as of about 2001)
- RMIT University
- Computer science teaches course with Python
- University of Queensland
- Varendra University
- Python is used in Structured Programming Language Lab (CSE 124) and Object Oriented Programming Lab (CSE 134) courses at Computer Science and Engineering Department .
Using TkInter for Object Oriented Design and Design Patterns (CSE 213) course .
- Panda3D is being used by 12 semester students for gaming projects .
Bosnia and Herzegovina
- University of Banja Luka
- Python is used in Introduction to CS1 and Introduction to CS2 courses at Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Information about courses (in Cyrillic): Syllabus for Introduction to CS1 Syllabus for Introduction to CS2
- University of Toronto
The CS department has introduced Computer Science for the Sciences, an introductory course aimed at (mainly) life sciences students.
CSC207H is a third-semester course that teaches several weeks of Python.
- A few 2nd- and 3rd-year theory courses have students implement some algorithms in Python.
- University of Waterloo
One of the more prestigious engineering/comp-sci schools in Canada is using it officially in CS488 (Intro to 3D graphics), and I'm told there's lots of use among faculty, staff and students. I don't think they actually teach much Python, they're focused on teaching OpenGL/graphics programming, but they do wind up using it as the framework into which the students slot their code.
- Wilfrid Laurier University
- Cégep du Vieux-Montréal
- Used for Advanced Web Development course (420-B63-VM)
Note: Cégeps are collegiate level schools giving a 2 year pre-university program or a 3 year professionnal program such as Computing Technology
- Simon Fraser University
- Python is used in CMPT 120 (Intro to CS and Programming I). This course is designed for new Computing Science majors with little or no programming background. Other students throughout the University are also encouraged to take this course for breadth.
- Python is also used to introduce server-side web programming in CMPT 165 (Intro to the Internet and WWW).
- Several more specialized courses use Python as well. This includes web systems, computational linguistics, and others.
- Université Laval
The EECE department is giving an Introductory course on programming using Python (GLO-1900) to all first year students in the programs of Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering (and possibly to Software Engineering students in 2011).
- University of Alberta
- Python is used in CMPUT 174/175 (Intro to CS and Programming I/II). This course is designed for new Computing Science majors with little or no programming background. Other students throughout the University are also encouraged to take this course for breadth.
McMaster University
- Zhejiang University
- Python is selected as the programming language for project of Digital Asset Management course 2011.
Course Information: Digital Asset Management 2011
- University of Helsinki
- Programming in Python, voluntary intermediate level course.
- Université Bordeaux 1
Python is used as a first language for the Science & Technology licence
- Université Paris Sud (Paris XI) - IUT d'Orsay
- Python is used as computer science learning language for the "DUT Mesures Physiques" cursus
- Université Paris 13 - IUT Villetaneuse
Python is used as a first language for the Telecom & Networks DUT
- Institut Pasteur - Cours d'Informatique en Biologie
- Python is used a the main language for teaching programming.
Course description:
Online Python course:
- Lycée Louis Armand (Nogent sur Marne) - BTS Informatique de gestion option Administrateur de réseaux
- Python is used as a first programming language.
- Python is used to write network oriented applications.
- Université Paris-Dauphine - Master 2 MIAGE Informatique pour la Finance (IT for Finance)
- Python is used as a agile and productive language
- Baderia Global Institute of Engineering and Management, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh
- Python is used in B.Tech AIML, Data Science and IoT IInd Year as 1st programming language and in B.Tech CSE in III Year.
- Python is used in Machine Learning and Data Analysis as primary language.
- University of Calicut
- Python is used in BSc Mathematics cource.
Course Syllabus (Two modules):
High school classes (8th, 9th & 10th standards) in Kerala state
Class X book: (Chapter 4)
- IS Carlo Anti, Villafranca di Verona
- High school classes of the Liceo Scientifico opzione Scienze Applicate
- University of Évora
- Python is used in an Introduction to Programming course
- The book adopted for the course is the Downey book: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python
- The main objective for the course is to help students to understand the basics of programming, thus using Python as a tool to accomplish this goal.
- Republic Polytechnic
- Python is used as the main language for teaching introductory programming in a problem-based
- learning approach.
- Python is used as the main language for teaching introductory programming in a problem-based
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Polytechnical University of Catalonia.
- EPSE Manresa. Python is used as the main language for teaching introductory programming in a first
- Computer Science year.
- EPSE Manresa. Python is used as the main language for teaching introductory programming in a first
- IES Pirámide (Huesca).
Maths and Game Programming. Materials:
- Centro Público Integrado de Formación Profesional Los Enlaces. Zaragoza.
United Kingdom
- University of Oxford
- Department of Physics (need to confirm)
- University of Wolverhampton
Coventry University
University of Southampton, MSc in Web Science "Computational Thinking" module for non-computer scientists.
Bangor University
United States
- University of California, Irvine
- University of California, Santa Barbara
- University of California Santa Cruz Extension in Sunnyvale CA
- Chapman University, Orange
- Colorado School of Mines
- University of Northern Colorado
- Wesleyan University
- University of Florida
- Florida Community College at Jacksonville
- Georgia Tech
Lewis & Clark State College
- University of Iowa
- Wartburg College
- Zelle's school
- Luther College
- Morehead State University
- Hampshire College
- Wheaton College
- Python is one of the languages used in COMP 131: Computing for Poets
- Western Michigan University
- Kalamazoo College
- Wayne State University, Detroit (since 2010)
- Michigan State University, E. Lansing
- Minnesota State at Bemidji
- Mississippi College
- Southeast Missouri State
New York
- Binghamton University
CS110 Computer Programming and Applications: Introduction to programming for students without any programming experience. Python is used in this course using John Zelle's book. Course homepage:
ISE314 Computer Programming for Engineers: o Python (basic syntax and programming principle) o NumPy (matrix and linear algebra) o SymPy (symbolic operation) o SciPy (signal processing) o Pandas (data analysis and statistics) o MatPlotLib (data visualization) o SQLite3 (database programming) o PyQt (GUI programming).
- Stony Brook University
- Python is used for most of the programming assignments in CSE 307: Principles of Programming Language
- New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering
Python (2.7) is taught in CS1114 "Introduction to Procedural Problem Solving"/"Intro to Programming & Problem Solving", the introductory programming course for majors in CS, CompE, EE/CS, Urban Sustainability, and Physics & Mathematics (combined major).
North Carolina
- Brunswick Community College, Supply NC
- North Carolina State University
- The Physics department uses it for teaching Physics for Engineers and Scientists I and II (PY 205, PY 208, more info at
- VPython is used for labs and web-based assignments. Students simulate different scenarios by writing code to create them based on the formulas used in lecture.
- Capital University
- Python is used in the traditional CS1 course using John Zelle's book
- Python and C++ are used in CS2
- lab assignments in many courses may be written in Python or C++
- contact person: David Reed (dreed (at)
- Kent State
- Mt Hood Community College
- Bryn Mawr College
Franklin & Marshall College
Both CS1 and CS2 (Miller & Ranum's books)
- In some advanced courses as well
- Brigham Young University
- CS 100 (Not required for CS majors)
- Radford University
- Washington and Lee University
- CS1 and CS2 using Lambert’s CS1/CS2 book
- University of Washington, Tacoma
need to confirm
- North Carolina State University
- California State University, Chico
- Centre College
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- University of Arizona
- University of Wisconsin, Madison
University of Istanbul (
Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science by John Zelle. Also see John Zelle's Teaching with Python.
- Introduction to Media Computation: A Multimedia Cookbook in Python
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python by Allen Downey, Jeff Elkner and Chris Meyers
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs Through Data Structures by Kenneth Lambert
Python: Programming in Context and Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python by Brad Miller and David Ranum
Introduction to Computing Using Python: An Application Development Focus by Ljubomir Perkovic
Introduction to Computer Science Using Python: A Computational Problem-Solving Focus by Charles Dierbach
Also see PythonBooks
Other Materials
Introducing Python (Quicktime video, 14 minutes long, 68MB)