Lists places/people we should send the CfP and an announcement of PyCon registration. As you investigate a place and figure out who to contact, please add a link (e.g. an obfuscated e-mail address, a link to a mailing list or a professor's contact page, etc.)
Once you've e-mailed or posted a CfP, please add "(cfp done)" next to the entry.
Local User Groups
Atlanta Plone (done by CJJ, cerca Sept 2)
PyATL - (cfp done) 15 Aug by DougHellmann
CHUGALUG (UGA Linux User Group) - (cfp done 15 Aug by DougHellmann)
Local CS Departments
Georgia State (done -- to Dr Pan, and to ACM publicity chair at
Georgia Tech (done -- to Mark Guzdial, to Dr Foley)
Emory U. (done -- to dept. chair)
Kennesaw State (done -- to kewaskie@)
Clark Atlanta U. -- primarily African-American (done -- to Peter Molnar, and to Dr. George)
Spelman College -- liberal arts college focusing on African-American women. (done -- to
Morehouse -- liberal arts, African-American men. (done -- to
University of Georgia (done -- to
Southern Polytechnic State University (done -- to advisor Elizabeth Haynie)
U. of West Georgia (done -- to (ACM chapter), (women in computing))
- Mercer (done -- to Andy Digh)
- Armstrong Atlantic (done -- to Ashraaf Saad)
Other Local Schools/Academic Departments
Any tech-oriented high schools? EE departments?
List of ACM student chapters (done, for all the Southeast states listed below)
Women in Technology
Women in Technology -- local group.
- Linuxchix
Debian Women (cfp done Aug 16 CatherineDevlin)
- gnome-women
- kde-women
Ubuntu-women (cfp done Aug 16 CatherineDevlin)
Devchix (cfp done Aug 16 CatherineDevlin)
Minorities in Technology
African-American Men in Technology -- not clear group is still operating.
African-American Women in Technology -- only a resume bank?
Georgia Computes! (probably covered by Mark Guzdial)
Nearby states
Please list user groups, CS departments, etc. that should be informed about the CfP and about PyCon.
PyMNtos (cfp done 13 Aug by JohnShimek)
North Carolina
South Carolina
Univ. of South Carolina Computer Science Dept. (cfp done 15 Aug by DougHellmann)