The next PUN will be held on FRIDAY 21 september 2012 (yes, FRIDAY instead of wednesday) at Nelen & Schuurmans in the center of Utrecht starting at 19:30. Please try to be on time, since we will start at exactly 19:30. If you plan on joining, put yourself on visitor list down below to give everybody an idea of how many people are coming and who. Note: you're free to come in any case, registering is just to get a rough idea on the amount of people.

Route description (pdf):

If you come by train, just walk through the "Hoog Catharijne" shopping mall on the centre side of Utrecht centraal station. In the "Zakkendragerssteeg" you'll find a red fence in the wall: go through there and the office is directly in front of you. See google maps . The "Zakkendragerssteeg" is between the KFC kentucy fried chicken on the one side and the King Arthur pub/restaurant on the other.

See also .



(Everyone is free to come, the list here is just to give us an idea of how many edible and drinkable stuff to arrange)


Unfortunately not :(

Talk Summaries

Maurits van Rees

PUN/nens_sept_2012 (last edited 2012-09-27 09:35:39 by ChrisWesseling)

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