Min na no Python --- Python for Everyone

ISBN:479733665X, SOFTBANK Creative Inc. August 2006

A Japanese Python beginner's book for Japanese by Japanese.

Python Pocket Reference

ISBN:4900900966, O'Reilly & Associates August 1999

A Japanese translation of the Python Pocket Reference.

Learning Python

ISBN:487311022X, O'Reilly & Associates, 432 pages (September 2000)

A Japanese translation of Learning Python.

Programming Python, volume 1

ISBN:4900900559, O'Reilly & Associates, 491 pages (February 1998)

Volume 1 of the Japanese translation of Learning Python.

Programming Python, volume 2

ISBN:4900900672, O'Reilly & Associates, 536 pages (August 1998)

Volume 2 of the Japanese translation of Learning Python.

Python Essential Reference

ISBN:4894712210, 496 pages (August 2000)

Japanese translation of the Python Essential Reference.

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