Our fourth meeting will be held on the evening of Wednesday January 12th 2011, from 19:30 to around 22:30. Ofcourse with time for drinks afterwards. The event will be held in the ABC Treehouse in Amsterdam. If you are going to attend, please confirm by leaving your name here. We start at 19:30 pünktlich, so please be on time!
30 min - "Bugfixes and Beyond" - Jannis Leidel (Django core dev/Enn.io)
5 min - "Throw away Flatpages - meet Fiber" - Dennis Bunskoek (Leukeleu / Ride The Pony)
5 min - "Integrating XHTML validation with unit tests" - Erik Romijn
5 min - "Wizard-like admin and validation" - Joeri Bekker (Maykin Media)
- break
30 min - "Your presentation" - You?
5 min - Quick and easy django apache wsgi setup with buildout - ReinoutVanRees (Nelen & Schuurmans)
5 min - "Books I read and liked - recommendations" - Wim Feijen (Go2People)
5 min - "DjangoCon Europe 2011 update" - Remco Wendt (Maykin Media)
- Arne Jenssen
- Boaz Leskes
Jeroen Dekkers (StringIT)
Erik Romijn (RIPE NCC)
Stefan Cornelissen (Go2People)
Wim Feijen (Go2People)
- Stephan Preeker
Etienne Posthumus (Peerz)
- Spiros Papadopoulos
- Albert Visser
ReinoutVanRees (Nelen & Schuurmans)
- Alex de Landgraaf
Tom Kruijsen (West Consulting)
Klaas van Schelven (Legalsense)
Mara Dragan (West Consulting)
- Jaap Bouma
Jan Murre ([http://www.pareto.nl|Pareto])
- Zaheer Soebhan