#format wiki
#language en
== Vasudev Ram ==

Email: <<MailTo(vasudevram AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com)>>

Web site: [[http://www.dancingbison.com|Dancing Bison Enterprises]]

I'm an independent software developer, trainer and writer with many years of experience in various software areas. I operate under the banner of Dancing Bison Enterprises; my business web site is [[http://www.dancingbison.com|here]]. [[http://www.dancingbison.com/about.html|This page]] has more information about me.

=== Training ===

Read about my [[http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonTraining|Python training services here]] (see under the section titled "India"). Also see [[http://www.dancingbison.com/services.html|here]]) for my other consulting and training offerings.

=== Projects ===

I'm the developer of the following open source software projects:

 * xtopdf: a library and set of end-user tools for conversion of other formats to PDF.
 * PDFXMLRPC: a library and a client and server application for creation of PDF from text over the Internet, using XML-RPC and HTTP.
 * !PySiteCreator: a tool for creating web pages by writing them entirely in Python.

All of the above projects can be found [[http://www.dancingbison.com/products.html|here]] .

=== Skills and experience ===

 * Python, Ruby, Java, C, UNIX and Linux, relational databases, multiple open source technologies, libraries and tools are some of the areas I've worked on a good amount. Have worked with UNIX from before Linux was first created, and with open source software from before the term "open source" was coined at the first O'Reilly Open Source Summit. Apart from the technologies mentioned above, I also like to explore various new languages, tools and libraries that seem to be interesting or have potential, and I do that on an ongoing basis.

 * I also have technical leadership and software project management experience. Have led and managed small teams of developers on different projects.

=== Collaboration ===

I'm always interested in, and on the lookout for, opportunities for possible collaboration with technical and business people, for fun, learning and profit. So I welcome all genuine inquiries for possible software contract or consulting work, training work, or just plain networking with a view to any possible future collaboration. My !LinkedIn profile is [[http://www.linkedin.com/in/vasudevram|here]] - feel free to invite me as a connection, or contact me for more information or request a quote via [[http://www.dancingbison.com/contact.html|my contact page]].
